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scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Saturday, 12 June 2004
Israeli planes violate Lebanese air space
Beirut, Lebanon, Jun. 12 (UPI) -- Israeli planes violated Lebanese air space and a warship entered Lebanon's territorial water off the border port of Naqoura Saturday, Lebanese officials said.

The raid was in response to rockets fired by suspected Palestinian gunmen from south Lebanon towards Israel.

read here how israel reacts constandly at platheaded palestines who use libanon as a springboard for there terror against the state of israel.

Posted by ah_52 at 12:12 AM
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Friday, 11 June 2004
S. Korea to Deploy 3,600 Troops to Iraq
Associated Press
Originally published June 11, 2004, 6:44 AM EDT
SEOUL, South Korea -- South Korea plans to deploy 3,600 troops to an area around Irbil in northern Iraq by late August, a Defense Ministry official said Friday, as pressure mounted on the government to reconsider the long-delayed dispatch.

baltimorsun tells you about it

Posted by ah_52 at 1:06 AM
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Israel to offer settler families ?250,000 to move
Israeli settlers are to be offered ?250,000 a family to quit Gaza and the West Bank voluntarily.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon could begin offering the compensation next month, a government official said today.

A committee has already begun working out the criteria for the pay out - including the size of the property and the home and the number of years the family has lived in the enclave.
atleast israel takes care of his own people in destress
the artical

Posted by ah_52 at 1:01 AM
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Thursday, 10 June 2004
Revealed: the gas chamber horror of North Korea's gulag
In the remote north-eastern corner of North Korea, close to the border of Russia and China, is Haengyong. Hidden away in the mountains, this remote town is home to Camp 22 - North Korea's largest concentration camp, where thousands of men, women and children accused of political crimes are held.
Read the shocking story here.

Posted by ah_52 at 7:20 PM
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Jewish settlers to be urged to leave Gaza in August
Jerusalem -- Israel will encourage Jewish settlers in Gaza to leave their homes in exchange for compensation this summer -- months before a cabinet vote to approve the emptying of the settlements, according to a government document obtained by The Associated Press.
The government timetable, presented Wednesday to the committee overseeing the pullout, calls for completion of the process by Sept. 30, 2005, three months ahead of the original target date.
Settlers who refuse to leave by Sept. 1, 2005, will be forced out of their homes by the middle of the month, according to the document.
read more about it here

Posted by ah_52 at 1:03 AM
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Wednesday, 9 June 2004
Arafat protests Israeli-Jordan patrols on West Bank
RAMALLAH, West Bank: A Palestinian official said Yasser Arafat protested to Amman on Wednesday about the reported participation of Jordanian officers in Israeli army patrols on the West Bank, but Jordan denied receiving any protest. "Arafat received information, two weeks ago, that high-ranking Jordanian officers visited (Israeli) positions on the west bank of the Jordan River with Israeli army officers," the Palestinian official said, on condition of anonymity.

Read the full artical here and ask youreself why arafat protests thios action?
Whats the intrest of this protest?

Posted by ah_52 at 7:19 PM
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Banned Iraqi missile engines found in Jordan
UNITED NATIONS - Engines for long-range missiles have turned up in Jordan from unguarded sites in Iraq that were once monitored for materials that could produce banned weapons, U.N. inspectors said on Wednesday. In a closed-door U.N. Security Council meeting, Demetrius Perricos, the acting director of the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspections Commission, warned that too many pieces of equipment were leaving Iraq, some as scrap.

UNMOVIC, using photographs and serial numbers, previously reported discovering SA-2 engines among scrap in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam. They were used in Iraq's Al Samoud 2 banned missile programme.

Khaleej times tells it!

Posted by ah_52 at 7:13 PM
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How democratic is the Middle East?
If you dont know what the "*$%*&" freedom is doing in the middeleast,then go here and klick on one of the countrys to see for youreself...

Posted by ah_52 at 7:01 AM
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Allawi: The Americans will hand over Saddam Hussein after authority transfer
The new Iraqi prime minister Eyad Allawi said that the US will hand over all Iraqis detained by it, including the toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to the provisional Iraqi government after handing over the authority on June 30th.

The New Iraqi minister of justice Malik Dohan al-Hassan, for his part, stressed he will call for bringing back the death penalty ( suspended by the Americans in April of 2003) after the transfer of authority to the new government, noting that this might be applicable on Saddam Hussein.

on this artical you can read about it and About Raghad Saddam Hussein "Daughter of saddam who denies she is defending her father

Posted by ah_52 at 6:35 AM
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israel national radio for you

One of the greatest
radio shows ever...the talk-show host Rabbi Tovia. A true
inspiration for who is fed-up with the bias you hear on the
left-political correct media.
dont skip the intro!!!

If it was not for hinda telling me this..i would not know about this cool site. thanks hinda

Posted by ah_52 at 11:10 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 9 June 2004 6:54 PM
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