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scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Thursday, 24 June 2004
Israeli forces search Nablus homes
AP - Israeli soldiers blew open doors with grenades, rifled through closets and rounded up residents in search of fugitives and bomb labs in Nablus's old city - the largest army operation in the militant stronghold in more than a year.

Soldiers sealed the old city with cement blocks and barbed wire to lock in militants, and imposed a strict curfew. The military said "Operation Full Court Press" would last several days.

read here why they did it

Posted by ah_52 at 10:46 PM
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Wednesday, 23 June 2004
where are the weapons
whre are the weapons of mass destruction?

go to google search
type in "weapons of mass destruction"

do not press search....but press,,,,>?i feel lucky!! the one next to the search button
whats wong with google?? wuhaaahahahaha

thank you hinda

Posted by ah_52 at 5:39 AM
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Saddam's Prison Letter
The captive Iraqi tells his family to `say hello to everyone'--and his lawyer claims that the former dictator's human rights are being violated in jail

read all about it and see saddams letter

Posted by ah_52 at 4:49 AM
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Beheading of Taliban <....afghany forces anwsers beheading
Namatullah Tokhi, commander of the Afghan government's 27th militia division in Zabul province, said Tuesday soldiers there beheaded four Taliban fighters a day earlier after guerrillas cut off the heads of an Afghan interpreter for U.S.-led forces and an Afghan government soldier.

Summary executions of prisoners were a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions and human rights law, said John Sifton, Human Rights Watch representative for Afghanistan.

where has john sifton with his comment when nick berg got beheaded?
Read here more about the crappy statement in abc

Posted by ah_52 at 4:39 AM
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Beheading of Taliban <....afghany forces anwsers beheading
Namatullah Tokhi, commander of the Afghan government's 27th militia division in Zabul province, said Tuesday soldiers there beheaded four Taliban fighters a day earlier after guerrillas cut off the heads of an Afghan interpreter for U.S.-led forces and an Afghan government soldier.

Summary executions of prisoners were a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions and human rights law, said John Sifton, Human Rights Watch representative for Afghanistan.

where has john sifton with his comment when nick berg got beheaded?
Read here more about the crappy statement in abc

Posted by ah_52 at 4:38 AM
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Tuesday, 22 June 2004
Al Qaeda militants say they were helped by Saudi forces

Al-Muqrin claimed responsibility for Johnson's killing.

After a 72-hour deadline passed without the release of all al Qaeda prisoners and the departure of all Westerners from the kingdom, photographs of Johnson's head and body were posted on the Web site.

Hours later on Friday, Saudi security forces killed cell leader Abdel Aziz al-Muqrin and three others and captured 12 other suspected members of the cel

more about it here

Posted by ah_52 at 9:25 AM
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A Reply To Shabir Ally's Attack On Dr. Robert Morey
Some terrorists show up at my lectures and protest outside the building or they run inside to disrupt my lecture. Lately they have been giving out a booklet entitled:
A Reply To Dr. Robert Morey's Moon-God Myth
& Other Deceptive Attacks On Islam"
by Shabir Ally

read here about dr robert morey

also here you can find more about the books he published

I f thats not all, read here more about the anwsering of muslims to dr robert morey

Posted by ah_52 at 9:03 AM
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Sunday, 20 June 2004
S. Korea: No Change in Troop Plan
SEOUL, South Korea -- South Korea (search) said Monday it will go ahead with its plan to send troops to Iraq despite the abduction of a South Korean man and the televised broadcast of his desperate pleas to stay alive.
read here about the desperate terrorists who are lozing ground as more troops wil go into iraq.

Posted by ah_52 at 10:15 PM
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Sunday, 13 June 2004
saddam hussain shipped wmd before and after the war.
world tribune tells it
UN experts find evidence of WMD
by herals sun
UN weapons experts have found 20 engines used in Iraq's banned Al Samoud 2 missiles in a Jordanian scrap yard, along with other equipment that could be used to produce weapons of mass destruction.

the san mateo daily journal

source amazing retecool

Posted by ah_52 at 5:05 AM
Updated: Sunday, 13 June 2004 5:19 AM
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Saturday, 12 June 2004
Hamas says attacks against Israel will continue even after Gaza withdrawl
Just what i thouth. Not really old news. Hamas is exposing himself now in the way they are trying to hide for along time.

Zahar said Hamas opposes any security role.

"We are against any sort of commitment to any security steps on any side," Zahar told reporters in Gaza City. "We are still in the resistance ... to free our land from the occupation."

read here about the opposing of the securitiplan of gaza by hamas

My comment on that is:dumbass arabs!!!! you are lozing it soon

Posted by ah_52 at 2:37 AM
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