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scooby,s hot weblog Evryone has the right to my opinion!
Thursday, 15 July 2004
15 killed in raid on infamous Baghdad street

BAGHDAD - Iraqi security forces killed 15 terror suspects and arrested nine in a raid on Haifa street in central Baghdad, Defence Minister Hazem al-Shaalan told reporters on Thursday.

Posted by ah_52 at 7:58 AM
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Israelis devise concealed bomb detector
Tel Aviv, Israel, Jul. 15 (UPI) -- A private Israeli firm is developing a system that sees through clothing to detect bombs and firearms, Middle East Newsline reported Thursday.

The system, developed by Elbit Systems's subsidiary El-Op Electro-Optics, would allow the operator to detect concealed weapons and explosives under the clothing of an operative from what executives termed a safe distance.

Posted by ah_52 at 7:47 AM
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Wednesday, 14 July 2004
Two terror attacks foiled in central region, Jerusalem
Israel's security forces managed last night to thwart two terror attacks in Israel, details released for publication this (Thursday) morning revealed. A large-scale bombing was thwarted in the Sharon region and another terror attack in Jerusalem. A gag order was issued on further details. In spite of the success, police are maintaining a high level of alert.


Posted by ah_52 at 9:39 PM
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slow connection?
Youre adsl needs an upgrade to get faster and you call them.
And you give them 24 houres to do so. if there is no response you can always put the deed at the word

Posted by ah_52 at 8:54 PM
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UN Chief Backs Envoy's Criticism of Arafat

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has expressed his support for the U.N.'s leading Middle East envoy, Terje Roed-Larsen, who has been banned from entering Palestinian territory after he criticized Yasser Arafat in his monthly report to the Security Council.

read more about how arafat gets cornered

Posted by ah_52 at 8:38 PM
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South Israeli water 'radioactive'
Israeli scientists say they have found high levels of radioactivity in water in the south of the country.
The Ben Gurion University research says that underground water levels were found to be 10 times above normal.

bbc worldnews

Posted by ah_52 at 7:14 AM
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UGANDA-SUDAN: LRA kills over 100 villagers in southern Sudan

KAMPALA, 8 Jul 2004 (IRIN) - More than 100 people were recently killed in southern Sudan by Ugandan rebels belonging to the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in raids on villages around the towns of Torit and Juba, a relief worker in the area said.

"I have been in southern Sudan, and the reports we got indicate that the LRA attacked people in the villages and in the fields. They [the LRA] killed many of them," the relief worker told IRIN. Saying the dead numbered more than 100, he added: "The villages are situated between Torit and Juba, [and] are remote and inaccessible, because some are either in areas controlled by the SPLM/A [Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army] or the government forces."

irin news

Posted by ah_52 at 2:24 AM
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Hate against jews in paris
The spring 2004 fashions have arrived in the chic boutiques of Paris, and along with 50s-style full skirts and prim lace collars, anti-Semitism is back in fashion. In France this season, Jew-hating is all the rage -- literally.

anti semitism is near youre place

Posted by ah_52 at 1:43 AM
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Israeli contingency plan for Arafat's death includes preventing his burial in Jerusalem
read here about it.

If Yasser Arafat dies, Israel must make sure he is not buried in Jerusalem and prepare for swift, harsh action if militant groups try to take control in the Palestinian territories, according to a new contingency plan.

Posted by ah_52 at 1:38 AM
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Iran leader says US and Israel are behind Iraq kidnaps
Mood:  don't ask
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's supreme leader, said today he believed that the US and Israel, rather than Muslims, were behind the kidnapping and killing of foreign nationals in Iraq.

ayyatolla,s motive for saying this was "We cannot believe that the people who kidnap Philippine nationals, for instance, or beheaded US nationals are Muslims."

Read the whole artikal here.

Posted by ah_52 at 1:33 AM
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