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Native American Heritage

aanii , nniichkiwenh.
( Hello , my friend. )

This is me...Vicki, my pictue from my tribal card.
I am Native American. I belong to the Sault (soo) Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.

This is our Tribal flag.

I get my Native American Heritage from my Great Great Great Great Grandfather, Chief Anse, he married Chief Petoskey's sister
( Chief Petoskey married Chief Anse's sister).
My Great Great Great Grandmother Kiko,
 Chief Anse's daughter, married David Corp.  
They had my Great Great Grandfather, Ambrose Corp, he is on the durant role. He married Elvira Blanchard, her father was Isaac Blanchard. They had my Great Grandmother, Susan Corp. She married John D. Erskine. They had 7 children. One of which was my Grandfather John C. Erskine( aka-Topsy), he married Violet Ringler they had 6 children one of which was my father Clayton J. Erskine
(aka-Jack or Junior).
 I can still remember way back when I first knew I was Native American, it wasn't talked about.
I've always thought it was COOL to be Native American.
 I am proud to be Native American.

"David Corp" my GGG Grandfather, who married GGG
Grandmother"Kiko" GGGG Grandfather Chief Anse's, daughter. Father of Ambrose Corp.

This is my GGG Grandfather, Isaac Blanchard.
Father of Elvira Blanchard Corp.

This is my GG Grandfather, Ambrose Corp, son of...
...David & Kiko Corp, husband of Elvira Blanchard Corp./ Native American

This is my GG Grandmother, Elvira Blanchard Corp,
daughter of Isaac Blanchard & wife of Ambrose Corp.


This is a picture of my G Grand-
mother, Susan Corp Erskine. Wife of J.D. Erskine, daughter of Ambrose & Elvira Corp. Native American

My G Grandfather, J.D. Erskine. Husband of Susan..
Corp Erskine, son-in-law of Ambrose & Elvira Corp.

Our Tribe's Logo


"Chief Petoskey"
If my calculations are right, he is my GGGG Uncle.

"Chief Pe-to-se-ga", later becoming Chief Petoskey. His father "Chief Nee-i-too-shing" (meaning: The Early Dawn) named him: "Pe-to-se-ga" (meaning: The Rising Sun). He was born in the year "1787" at a camp near Little Creek near where the city of Manistee sets now. He was born the "Patron Saint" of the village.
The town of Petoskey was named after him.
I believe he had two sons.

Chief Petoskey is in the center & I would guess...
...the other two could possibly be his two sons.

The Story Of The Dream Catcher

For many years, Native Americans have made dream catchers for their children to trap their nightmares. Good dreams pass through the hole in the center of the dream catcher to the dreamer.

Grandmother Spider weaves the web of life in the primal darkness then brings it into fulfillment in the light of day. Native Americans believe that the spider web is a symbol of the sun: the sun itself being the hole in the center of the web with the radiating lines representing the rays of sunlight, and the spiral lines depicting the warmth of the sun. And warmth is life. The dream catcher is a spider web, woven for the benefit of a particular person and carrying all the promise of the coming light of each day.

The glittery appearance signifies the dew drops which come from the heavens, and so bring spiritual blessings. Fringe symbolizes life-giving rain, and the fringe which hangs from the dream catcher represents the spiritual rain in the realm of the dream world. The flowers and leaves caught in the web symbolize the beauty and fulfillment of life. The feather comes from the bird who flies high near the realm of the spirits, so brings one closer to that power.





Learn more about the Ojibway people, books galore.

The History of The Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians.

The "1910" Durant Census Roll

Our flag is based upon our Medicine Wheel, and is one of the symbols upon which we base our lives. Here you will find an explanation on what the medicine wheel means to us.

Anishnabe Culture

Chippewa Indians

This is a really great site:

First Ojibewe Language & Culture Site

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Gii gilgido dash ayaan da onji mino gid
Psalm 19:14
If anyone knows that I've written this wrong
please contact me at the address below &
correct me. Thank you.

If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them & if you have any information for me, contact me at:


Native Americans

National Museum of American Indians

Native Studies Directory


Winter's World

Earliest American: NativeAmericans

Little Traverse History Museum Center

azhegiiwen wayiiba
(thank you)
(come back soon)
