site after a long Michigan Winter, everyone
is ready. Spring usually starts around the beginning of May to about the second week of June. The air smells fresh
& clean. Flowers are popping up through the remaining snow. The Smelt fishing begins, then the Suckers & the Steelhead
Trout fishing are all in the spring.
The Snowdrops, Crocuses & Tulips are in bloom
as well as the Pussy Willows, the Wild Arbutis & the Wild Lady Slippers.
Then comes the coveted Morel Mushroom picking, everyone
is so secretive about where they pick; I don't blame them... we are too. They definetly are delicious.
Then we always have a crop of Wild Asparagus to pick,
but you have to play the... beat your neighbor game to get any of that too.
The Mackinac Island boats will begin running again.
The Hummingbirds are back, the Orioles
come home, oh & I almost forgot those sweet little guys who sing me to sleep everynight. The Frogs, my husband &
I always try to see who will hear them first. I love to listen to them, sometimes they can be so
loud it's deafening.
Then our beloved Blackflies & Mosquitoes come,
I believe Michigan has everyone of them.
But that's okay, I wouldn't trade for hurricanes,
tornadoes & floods. I'll stick it out with our Mosquitoes & Snow in Michigan.
My father-in-law always said when the Poplar Tree leaves
were as big as a mouse's ear the Speckled Trout (BrookTrout) were ready to be caught.
Everyone is getting their gardens ready for planting
vegetables & flowers.
If your lucky you will see a momma duck with her
babies, or a momma deer with a fawn or two. You could even see baby skunks, raccoons, woodchucks, bear just about any wild
life baby.
Spring in Michigan...Is Beautiful.
If anyone has anything to add to this or correct me on,
just let me know at: