LDV Addresses

Wanna contact Lij, Dom or Viggo?


LDV Addresses | Lij Island | Dom's Shrine | Biography | Filmography | News and Gossip | Mailbag | Planet Viggo | Other Links | Contact Us

Here are Lij, Dom and Viggo's official contact addresses! If you decide to write to them - please mail either me or Arwen and tell us what becomes of it! We're dying to know!

(If you would like to receive something back from Lij - please include a SAE)

Elijah Wood
760 North la cienga Boulevard
Suite 20
Los Angeles CA 90069

Dominic Monaghan
c/o Dallas Smith
Peters Fraser & Dunlop
Drury House
34-43 Russell Street
London WC2B 5HA

(Please only send postcards to Viggo - photos are no longer available)

Viggo Mortensen
c/o The Rawlins Company
3933 Patrick Henry Place
Agoura Hills, CA 91301

Oh, and to all you Orli fans out there, who happen to have found your way here - here's your reward! Write to Orli here:

Orlando Bloom
c/o Artist's Management Group
9465 Wilshire Blvd.
Ste. 212
Beverly Hills, CA 90212-2604
