News and Gossip

So what's goin on?


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On this page (really tired of typing that now) we'll have gossip and news, (what a surprise) and we'll endeavour to bring you the latest whereabouts of the hunks themselves!
Unfortunately, we don't have lots to write, so we'll rely on the visitors to mail in their knowledge of the threesome. Er, you know what I mean by threesome, right? Right?

LDV Addresses is up!
Posted 31/12/01

Yeah folks, it what you've all been waiting for! NOw you can actually tell Lij, Dom and Viggo how much you love them (and maybe ask Mr Mortensen some qs which will fill in his bio??? :P) anyways - take a peek now!
Oh, and I think that Orli fans may be pleasantly surprised too.....

Posted by Galadriel

Caption Contest Opened!
Posted 29/12/01

Yes, we've started a caption contest! Head to biography and you'll see a picture with Dom, Lij and Billy in an odd sort of...er...position, and if you think of a funny caption you can go to the Contact Us page and email us telling us of your wondrous talent! The winner gets..um, recognition, and an optional huggle and eventually the past winners will be given a page in which their glory shall be recorded. When we start getting winners anyway! So go ahead and caption!

Posted by Arwen

LDVfantasy Site is up and functioning!
Posted 27/12/01

The new Lij Dom and Viggo site is up, as if I needed another site! At least this one has a joint partnership, and I have someone to discuss things with. Anyhow, you can distinguish who's who cause Galadriel's writing is red and mine's purple, but we put our name's after the text anyway. And one more thing- if anyone asks me if I know Orli (or worse Am Orli, and yes it has happened) I will go spare. If I knew Orli I'd have had a restraining order put on me by now! ;)

Posted by Arwen

What's the buzz?

Normally I post the juicy stories here, or the possibly true rumours. I have very little to post and I can't even think one up! :P So if you've heard anything interesting, post in the guestbook or better yet, mail me/Galadriel by going to the contact page. Good hunting!

If you have any gossip, head to the contact us page and be sure to let us know! ~A~