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 2010, too busy to get anything done...

  Date: April 22, 2010
  Mood: good enough to actually smile

  Now playing:  Coyote (Memento Mori - Buck-Tick)

   Just finished watching: How to Train your Dragon IMAX 3D (THE BEST dreamworks movie so far!)

  Current Obsession: Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Assassin's Creed II

  Looking forward to: Iron Man 2


God..I really need to upload a new image of myself here. After yet another hairstyle change that really isn't a luxury.

2010..what a year so far >_<


I've always disliked people who were complaining about being too busy and now here I am doing the same. I honestly believed that being busy is something people bring onto themselves, but having experienced this eye-opening phenomemon myself I can say that sometimes it's not in your hands and that no matter how hard you try to keep things in check, sometimes it's simply out of your control.

Fact is that I'm getting my diploma in accounting. It's going to take 16 months to get it done but it's something to look forward to.

Needless to say however, this study is going to take a big bite out of my free time. Time I would otherwise have to work on this site and draw new sketches. I'm afraid the 2010 gallery is going to be even more pathetic than the 2009 gallery :(

As a side note: my provider has the totally annoying habit of resetting all page counters the moment the site's domain is renewed. Since my name isn't Rain Man I have no idea how many hits each page had and I can't get them back the way they were. So I decided to delete all page counters this site has. And trust me, it has a lot >_<

How utterly wonderful, because I so need such a stupid task >: 


Remember my previous blog?

Of course you don't..stop lying to me!
but I wrote about new gimmicks I bought and coveted. The PS3 slimline was one of them remember? Well, no more. That lovely shiny black machine has become part of the happy Wendy family and I love it!

...or should I say I love the Assassin's Creed games? ;)
Can we say 'obsession!!"?

So I drew Ezio...(check him out in the 2010 gallery! soon as I get that gallery updated that is XD)


Next item on my checklist is the gorgeous iMac 27".

Care to make any donations? I'll mail you my Paypal address :D

Things I've learned this month:

Chivalry is hard to find nowadays... :(




Ezio Auditore da Firenze
Assassin's Creed II
He can climb my roof top anyday..