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Saving Private Ryan

Four Stars Four Stars Four Stars Four Stars
  • Saving Private Ryan is probably the best movie I have ever seen. I enjoy all of the hype surrounding movies, but I had not been engulfed by the SPR propaganda until last week. Although my expectations and excitement for the movie could have persuaded my opinion, who cares. Through the first scene which depicts the landing at Normandy, I had to watch the movie either through the spaces between my fingers or at the extremes of the screen. I am not a fair stomached fan; I enjoy Starship Troopers and don't mind the occasional gore flick, but what Steven Spielberg depicted on the big screen was reality not fiction. After the opening scene, the gore receded but doesn't disappear. As the movie progressed, I became attached to other characters besides that of Captain John Miller (Tom Hanks) and Private James Ryan (Matt Damon - who plays a very limited role). The characters I found especially intriguing were Private Reiben (Edward Burns) and Private Jackson (Barry Pepper). The casting of Ted Danson as Captain Harmill was a shock to me. I had to ask my friends, "That's Ted Danson, right?" The bottom line with this movie is that it was the hardest thing for me to watch because of its reality but it was the best movie I have ever seen. I came out of Titanic saying that I would never watch it again, but how it was the best movie ever; well move over Titanic, SPR is the new number 1. (Although I would rather watch Titanic 100 times before I had to watch SPR again.) Go out and see this movie. One final thought, I am seventeen years old and I am not sure that anyone younger than 17 should see this movie. I believe that it should have received an NC - 17 rating because of the violent scenes, but that might have also turned away many adults. As to whether or not World War II veterans should see this movie, it is up to them, just be forewarned that they will be reminded of their experiences, the good and the bad.

  • -review by Justin Morehouse

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