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Campaign Update
Al Gore's Environmental Leadership

Dear Friends:

Our next election will determine whether our nation has environmental policies that protect American families and safeguard the global environment-whether we preserve our remaining natural areas, improve air and water quality, address the threat of global climate change, and fight for environmental justice.

Throughout his career, Al Gore's environmental leadership has been consistent, courageous, effective, and visionary. In Congress, he supported the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments that have done so much to reduce acid rain, air toxics, and protect the ozone layer, supported and pushed for wilderness area expansion, played a leading role in creating the "Superfund" cleanup law. He also authored the groundbreaking book on the environment, Earth in the Balance, which has helped to raise environmental awareness in the US.

As Vice-President, Al Gore has led administration efforts to dramatically expand protection of our natural resources, including the beautiful Red Rock Canyons of Utah, the California desert, the Everglades, the Headwaters forest, and the majestic Baca Ranch in New Mexico. Al Gore has also supported efforts to ban drilling in the fragile Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, while working to stop a proposed goldmine from severely threatening the world's first national park - Yellowstone.

The Vice President also worked to toughen our clean air laws - bringing forward standards that will help eliminate the smog and soot that causes so many of our children and the elderly to suffer severe lung ailments. Al Gore also worked to accelerate Superfund cleanups, push a brownfields initiative to clean up polluted, abandoned and dangerous places in our cities, and significantly expand community right-to-know rules. Since 1994, Al Gore has also led the charge repeatedly to fight back Republican efforts to roll back critical environmental protections and enact anti-environmental special interest legislation.

Al Gore has been a tough fighter for global environmental protections as well. Al Gore led the delegation at the 1997 Kyoto Global Warming Conference. At the conference, Gore helped to stimulate the talks and produce an agreement among the more than 160 nations participating to help provide targets for limiting the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere.

In his Presidential campaign, Al Gore has said that the environment "is at the very heart of my campaign." He has proposed a bold series of initiatives to make American cities, suburbs, and rural areas cleaner and more liveable. With Al Gore as our next President, America can reach for true environmental progress and protection for generations to come, while still maintaining our strong economy and other important priorities.

Al Gore is the leading environmental statesman of our generation. We ask for your help making sure he is our next President.


Robert Kennedy, Jr.      Katie McGinty      Pat Bryant

Federico Pena      Ted Danson

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