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screen captures courtesy of   This text is excerpted from an audience member's recounting of the filming of Donny and Marie the day Terry was interviewed.

 The last guest was actress Terry Farrell from the new Ted Danson series "Becker" and previously on "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". She admitted to being a big Donny & Marie fan when she was younger and wanted a picture taken with D&M after her segment was over. The interview with Terry was the funniest interview I've ever seen Donny & Marie do.screen captures courtesy of

Donny was acting like a total space cadet. I don't know if it was because he was tired or it was his birthday or both. In the closing segment, Donny's wife, Debbie, brought out their ten-month old son, Joshua, for Donny to hold. Joshua is such a cute baby but looks more like Debbie with the blond hair and all. When Marie asked Donny to hold him, Joshua didn't want to go back to his dad when he asked for him back.


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