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Of course they're sexy. But not all sexy aliens are created equal, and the time has come to take the measure of far-out Star Trek beauties Seven of Nine, known pre-Borgification as Jeri Ryan, and Jadzia Dax, known in our world as the lovely Terry Farrell. They're both sexy -- but who's sexier? Your vote could decide.

(Webmaster does not have these pictures, which TV Guide has apparently removed from their servers... sorry.)

Jeri Ryan Terry Farrell
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Terry Farrell more photos
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Two out of three
ain't bad, but Seven of Nine is better. Jeri Ryan is the answer to our machine dreams and the hottest thing to happen to Star Trek: Voyager in eons. Plus, she does more for a catsuit than anyone since queen of slink Julie Newmar!
  In space,
no one can hear you scream: We love you, Dax! Which is probably just as well -- the singles scene is complicated enough without double-dating, alien symbiote-style. Still, statuesque beauty Terry Farrell gives the phrase "6-feet-tall and worth the climb" new resonance!
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Trek's out of this world women

Photo credits: Fergus Greer for TV Guide

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