I don't suppose anyone wants their dark fantasy exposed but thanks to Tim Berners-Lee it's easy to do just that. It's like someone else has gathered all the footnotes for your thesis and you can skip where'er you wish.
So having dispensed dark fantasy, it is time to start tailing spies and secret agents. As much products of the War as supersoldiers and suchlike, they can still cause a commotion.
Really, who can refuse the lure of espionage, especially when it is so inextricably linked to our world history.
Unless you have a standing army, world domination requires scheming and a knowledge of that world; a private artillery; a supply of goons with some global outlook and another language under their belt.
Of course there has to be a secret weapon every now and again, and a fight with the saboteur. Terrorists now face the might of the US army but there was certainly a time when their clandestine activities were countered by shadowy figures from our side.
Posted by berko_wills
at 3:34 PM NZT