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Return of the Knave
Drink It Black
Saturday, 11 October 2003
Cracked cup, chipped saucer (or verse vicer)
Time out from memories; they can work against the here and now if they dominate. Not that I'd get all cultish and privelege the art of 'being there' over daydreaming and reminiscing either. I fail to see the intrinsic value of focusing utterly on what may be a featureless landscape of the familiar.

We seem to be able to snap out of our reverie if the situation warrants it, in any case.

Speaking of overlong sentences: a commentary on Prong

Parental guidance before you venture to the band list on Death (no, this isn't a memory trick; you wouldn't want to commit this list to memory).

It's a bit rigid, pardon the pun. And black metal seems to be a Nordic thing chiefly; a harking back to pagan roots.

You might wonder why the sudden fascination with different types of metal. It's true; I found heavy metal in the main to be ponderous and showy; clamouring over what was little more than whimsy. The fast jaunty pop stuff with the political or social edge was what got me going and I 'graduated onto the harder stuff'. But never HM - I would listen to The Swans or Flipper in preference to David Coverdale's Whitesnake.

I like a bit of blistering speed in my music at times, which is why Paranoid by Black Sabbath and Ace of Spades by Motorhead are such faves. But that doesn't explain Flipper or The Swans or the Butthole Surfers, who can all be slower than wading through molasses.

Posted by berko_wills at 4:33 AM NZT
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Monday, 6 October 2003
Knight CAPS
reCAPS even.
Notice in previous posts when I'm wacking on about Acka-Dacka how the proceedings get weighed down. That's because the second sentence of the paragraph runs on to thirty eight words, many of them long words to start with.

I can't find a reference to a fogging index for some reason but suffice to say that this sentence would set one off big time. And if you're battling to digest a bite of information at the time you're reading it then there is next to no chance that you'll commit it to memory.

So break the whole thing into smaller phrases and clauses; reduce it all to dotpoints.

And as much as that might be distasteful to academics - I've seen quite a bit of anti-Powerpoint rhetoric recently - ready made lists are the easiest to recall this way. There is no necessary connection between the points so they are more capable of providing the 'spikes' in any memory exercise you engage in.

In the D.R.I. example there are problems unique to discographies: we have the obligatory live album and the referential Thrash Zone, a kind of generic marker that we see across the board in such titles as Real Folk Blues and Punk's Not Dead. They can't be left out obviously but they're not as hard to manage as 'Wonderful World of..', '...Sings the Classics', 'Very Best Of..' and can be weaved clumsily into the mnemonic. You're not after a winning narrative; as long as it serves as a useful memory aid.

It goes without saying that there is nothing about the 'Dirty Rotten' narrative that implies that I don't bathe regularly or that you as the reader are less than kind to small furry creatures. It's worth remarking though because the use of first person - even where that is contradictory from poem to poem or song to song, story to story - is often assumed to mean that it is the author whose feelings or thoughts are being represented. Seeing something bunged together like this makes that clear.

Attempting this exercise doesn't require a knowledge of skate culture or thrash and the person doing the imagining need never have gotten into a discussion with people who wear, play or listen to metal.

I know the exercise I based my example on tells you to choose a familiar environment but I'd imagine mental role-playing like this would be a boost. I've really designed it on the fly to help remember the sequence. The protagonist moves through the hastily constructed landscape in a set order and there has to be something about the props and examples used that ties them as much as possible to the required article and not some rough approximation. For instance, I lit on the booze bottle as I thought thumping someone for littering wasn't sufficiently 'passive' enough; the booze bottle tucked into the coat to meet the bully's fist brings the right mix into play. And it enables a more active 'Dealing With The Situation' to follow.

It isn't failproof as I've found myself thinking of zebra crossings at 'Crossover' point but that gets picked up by having thrash and metal on opposite sides of the street thus reinforcing the musical sense of a crossover. The '4 Of A Kind' could probably do with some image of the numeral 4 for reinforcement. The 'D for Definition' reference is to remind of the word by being silly - it would normally be 'T for Thrash Zone', the example definition - and by repetition. It also segues into 'D.R.I. Live'. The smartass references to the punctuation marks is nothing more than a reminder that that is how their name is spelt (possibly so they don't end up being called 'dry') and the end of the narrative with the four of a kind left trailing in [your] wake signals also that this is the end of the mnemonic. We finish on 'Full Speed Ahead'. Note that no attempt has been made to recall the year of release. I think that would be almost impossible to incorporate.

Posted by berko_wills at 11:34 PM NZT
Updated: Tuesday, 7 October 2003 12:01 AM NZT
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Saturday, 4 October 2003
DRInk, DRI Inc
There is nothing specifically linking the items in a band's back catalogue to help in remembering their names and the order in which they were released. At least not in the visualisation exercise I'm thinking of.

This one was probably designed for remembering shopping lists and it consisted of visualising a favourite room and strategically placing the things around the room. You then had to enter the room where you would see the bunch of lettuce on top of the computer, the two medium tomatoes on the mantle, a block of Bega cheese in the closed-off fireplace and so on. You are encouraged to exaggerate the characteristics of each object or cluster you encounter to make it more memorable.

This might be a tad tedious when conjuring tacos ingredients but the problems in recalling a discography are different again:

ABBA had too many compilations and Arrival and Voulos Vous lost among them. This was de rigeur for the most successful artists though, which is why you really have to think about whether you want High Tides and Green Grass if you've got Rolled Gold. The upside is that there are those obscure Creedence tracks that were NOT anthologised that I can look forward to hearing one day on community radio, or when I stumble on an a treasure at some record mart.

The AC/DC page I went to helpfully listed all their releases in alphabetical order. I'm enamoured enough of Angus to look this up in the first place but the thought of Brian Johnson is enough to make me look elsewhere after a first attempt to get a chronological listing of original recordings.

I get to D.R.I. website and find a good page with all their releases listed in the order I want them in, with accompanying album covers and track listing that makes the page far longer than any webpage design instructor would allow (but that's alright).

So I should be satisfied right?! Well the problem is I hadn't counted on the abstract nature of many album titles.
(I'm not using HTML to list them as that'll fuck up my font like it did last time)
Thrash metal exponents D.R.I. (a pain typing those punctuation marks!)have released in order:
Dirty Rotten (1982)
Violent Pacification EP (1984)
Dealing With It (1985)
Crossover (1987)
4 Of A Kind (1988)
Thrash Zone (1989)
Definition (1992)
D.R.I. Live (1994)
Full Speed Ahead (1995)

It's not insurmountable. If I was using this method I'd imagine myself as being Dirty Rotten, I am responsible for Violent Pacification as my booze bottle is strategically placed to break when an approaching thug attempts to punch me in the gut. I insist on Dealing With It by wrapping a filthy bandage around the cut and hurriedly making a Crossover when I hear the approaching sirens.
On the other side I encounter 4 Of A Kind, the members of a metal band in identical clobber who are keen to hear to hear my story. I point back across the road and they nod and murmur "Thrash Zone" and that makes me feel better. I thumb into my sticky little black book and with my chewed pencil stub scrawl this Definition; when I open up the book to D for Definition I see an entry for D.R.I. Live (and I remember how much lead those dots have used) and remember the gig tonight. "Full Speed Ahead" I cry, leaving the bewildered bad boys trailing in my wake.

Posted by berko_wills at 5:49 PM NZT
Updated: Saturday, 4 October 2003 5:58 PM NZT
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David Lee Roth needed 21 stitches to his head while practising a 15th century samurai martial arts workout and hit himself with a staff.

I'm still laughing. Not even Spinal Tap could match that.

In other news..

Advertisements to soak up the lifestyle of New Hampshire could get interesting.

Posted by berko_wills at 3:40 AM NZT
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Wednesday, 1 October 2003
Spill in your lap
Sorry, this memory thing is slowing down my posting rate as I've been looking for certain lists that the Web has not yet furnished (which in no wise suggests I have lost faith in its power as a first rate tool)

According to Full as a Goog a good blogger posts an average of 14 times every month so I'm doin' alright I reckon.

Posted by berko_wills at 4:04 PM NZT
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Saturday, 27 September 2003
Drink to forget
I've lost count of all the memory books and pamphlets I've read, I couldn't for the life of me regurgitate chapter headings or index words of any of them and if you asked me to draw one of their illustrations from memory, I'd be stuck. I'm no Jim Morrison so I'll not to be able to tell you what page a paragraph is on.

So it's all been a waste of time?

Well my memory for sensible things might never have been outstanding so I'll settle on a brain that performs well enough at pub quiz nights - even with added alcohol - and gives me such an endless supply of tangents for my writing. Other than that, there's not much I can do.

Still want to hear some memory tips?

Okay let me see how well I can recall the different techniques for retrieving information from our memory banks:
Use a phrase in place of the list to remember. 'Every good boy deserves fruit' works though because the notes themselves correspond to the first letter of each word in the phrase/clause/sentence.
This doesn't work for a great gulp of information like:

Radioactive substances occur in nature, and in all of them nuclear changes take place that result in three kinds of radiation: Alpha rays can be stopped by a sheet of paper, beta rays can just about get through aluminium foil, but gamma rays travel across space with so much energy that they can penetrate even lead.

There you'd be better off just finding some little ditty combined with wordplay to remember the relative strengths of the three rays; something similar to 'the mites go up and the tites go down' for remembering which are stalactites and stalacmites.

So this method works best for listed items?

Well they always drag out the formal lists that are required to be learnt by rote, such as the periodic table but you should be able to use it for remembering anything.
Suppose you had some reason for remembering the track listing of Stranglers IV Rattus Norvegicus you'd be in trouble
  • Sometimes
  • Goodbye Toulouse
  • London Lady
  • Princess of the Streets
  • Hanging Around

  • Peaches
  • (Get A)Grip (On Yourself)
  • Ugly
  • Down In The Sewer

  • Even given that you are familiar with the vintage punk album, there are two songs beginning with the letter 'g' and what if your Strangled chronology conjures up "Go Buddy Go" instead? Or "Dagenham Dave" or "Don't Bring Harry" for the d instead of "Down In The Sewer"?

    Posted by berko_wills at 1:03 PM NZT
    Updated: Sunday, 28 September 2003 11:26 AM NZT
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    Thursday, 25 September 2003
    Swell chap (aka swells and swill)
    I'm still giddy from Ella's comments [theatrical stage kiss with Stravinksy looking suspiciously on]

    What would the stipulations be when contemplating youthful life over eons. Not to be bored? Not to upset the equilibrium established by a cycle of life and death? Not to crowd out our descendants in the marketplace of ideas and every other habitable space?

    As far as the self goes, I would imagine that you would still fare better if you look after the health of all facets of body, mind and spirit. Yoga and meditation and some more aerobic workout as well. (this is purely conjectural you understand)

    But, as much as Eastern religion contemplates existence without memory of what has gone before, I would like to know who I am in some sense, and that includes childhood and possible past lives.

    To that end, I've flagged memory as an essential to any proposed longevity. Spending a sesquencentenary reciting lists in order to remember where I left my hat doesn't hold much appeal. So (in the next daily instalment) memory exercises without a net.

    Posted by berko_wills at 4:54 AM NZT
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    Tuesday, 23 September 2003
    Pun gent
    And if my link to Persian blog (to your left there) made you reconsider Iran as a nation of fundamentalists then wait till you meet the self-styled punk bitches!

    Can you imagine how brave they are in their fuck-you'dness in a land where women's subservience is doctrinaire while the subcultures they do identify with emanate from a land that perpetually threatens their home (and if you think the language is blue, you should read the arabic ;-))

    Hey and thanks for posting replies. It's more fun that way.

    I'll be back after this thunderstorm to ruminate on eternity yet again.

    Posted by berko_wills at 1:19 AM NZT
    Updated: Tuesday, 23 September 2003 3:37 PM NZT
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    Saturday, 20 September 2003
    Okay I didn't want to dwell on this but tell me this is not uncanny: Slim Dusty dies one week after Johnny Cash. I mean... And I know all you hardbitten rationalists are going to say "Hey he was 76; it's just coincidence"
    but really, if you were a big country music fan in the outback right now you'd be reeling at this double whammy.

    What does it mean?

    I know I believe in magic despite having my last clear magickal experience twenty years ago. An Angry Penguins concert at the Shaftesbury was where I met Ally and moved into my first full-fledged sharehouse. That whole episode made me feel that calling it all 'coincidence' was really pushing it; especially remembering the state I was in and the circumstances that led up to it.

    It's mainly my belief system that qualifies me as a '100% Neo-Pagan' (thanks for the quiz, Ella)rather than conclusive results with a pendulum in Kalbarri, an old takeaway container filled with inky water at Sam's, or the odd horoscope that seems to pin exactly what I'm going through at the time. But I'd like to know what's going on right now.

    Posted by berko_wills at 11:07 PM NZT
    Updated: Sunday, 21 September 2003 3:31 AM NZT
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    Wednesday, 17 September 2003
    Black hole
    I'm not yet at the age where I scan the obituaries looking for my name - or the names of those people that my failing memory still recalls - so I'm not given to marking the passing of each new celeb who drops off their pedestal. But this does seem something of a watershed year for death (and ties in with my immortality post).

    You know, when television was in its relative infancy we would have been treated to a Katharine Hepburn special, a Bob Hope special, a Death Wish festival.. hell, we probably would have got one or two old episodes of Beverley Hillbillies to commemorate the passing of Buddy Ebsen. Now that we're into more rigid formatting (can't miss any of the twenty billion home repair/auction shows or bachelor/survivor/stupido programs that fill scheduling these days)those days are gone and it's left to the evening news to give us a brief rundown of a life richly lived.

    It's interesting that Bob Hope and Leni Riefenstahl both pegged it at 100+ in the same year as they represent two of the greatest propogandists for their respective sides. To me, Leni was the greater artist.
    I'll probably talk more about 100 year olds at a future time.

    And what inspired all this morbid musing? Why the passing of The Man In Black o'course. (I've long had his website bookmarked but its being hit by some seriously heavy traffic at the moment). Now we'll all have to wear black; this is the death that really hit me. Johnny Cash represents a bridge for me and my parents' generation and, I suspect, for generations on either side. He was universally respected in a way that Charley Pride or the Butthole Surfers could never be.
    It is further tribute to Cash that there was a LOT of articles about him before he died. It was kind of spooky opening up the IT liftout and seeing 'pages Johnny Cash has bookmarked'. It was published around the time he died.

    Posted by berko_wills at 3:50 PM NZT
    Updated: Wednesday, 17 September 2003 3:55 PM NZT
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