And so we come to drama. Nearing the end of our long haul of seeing in what ways genres blur and cross each other to differing purpose, we move again from the specific (secret agent) to the general.
It is here we note, yet again, that drama appears in genres, rather than as a cohort. At least this is the case with the specific gun-weilding hatwearing kinds; in other more nebulous types like action and adventure, there is more of a play off.
For the superhero(ine), the drama is highlighted in the efforts to keep their dangerous escapades a secret from loved ones (and enemies!)and of reconciling their powers with the preoccupations they have as private individuals.
The wild west stars and the crimebusters, the soldier/sailor/pilot/marine and the clowns, the romantics, the fantasist and the spacemen&women all have their dramas. Here, a ghoulish trawl through the daily strips.
Posted by berko_wills
at 5:11 PM NZT
Updated: Monday, 12 June 2006 4:19 PM NZT