Welcome to

Buffalo Creek
Trading Post
1201 N. Pierce, # 6
Little Rock, Arkansas 72207
Phone: (501-663-7595) 
You are listening to the John Dumbar theme from the movie "Dances with Wolves"

Buffalo Creek is filled with possibles bags by October Country, world famous Panther Primitive Lodges, blackpowder supplies by Ox-Yoke, Kachina Dolls, Leather Bags, Chokers, Belt Bags, Dream Catchers, Dance Supplies, Rattles, Camping Supplies, Native American Craft Supplies, Knives, Tomahawks and much, much more.  If you don't see it, we can get it for you.  This on-line catalog doesn't have all our products listed, so if you need something that you don't see, just write, give us a call or send us some e-mail.

(We are still building (and adding to) our site, so
please be patient with us and keep coming back
if you can't find what you are looking for right now.)

Print out a copy of the Order Form to place an order

Navigate my site

Botanicals Camping Stuff Craft Items HOME Knives
ORDER FORM Possible Bags Powder Horns Tomahawks

Native American Educational Section

Listed below are a number of links that I hope you will find the time to visit.  I have no "Indian" blood that I can claim, but I have been accused by some of my close friends of "walking the red road".  What I do have is a great respect for the spirit of The People, and it is only through education can we ever atone for the wrongs that have been done, and it is through education and knowledge that we can make right those wrongs.  This is my effort in that direction, and I hope that it is received in the spirit in which it is intended. 

Native American Educational Links Native American Music Resources on the Web Native American
Foods and Herbs

Great Chiefs
and Leaders
Important Documents relating to Native Americans Portraits of
the Past

The Trail of Tears
in Arkansas
"Trail of Tears"
The Cherokee Nation

The Great Sioux Nation Lakota Nation Homepage


Great Links to check out:

Bill's World
ObieOne's World
Native Circle
Free Trapper's Page
Mountain Men and the Fur Trade

Bald Eagle E-mail for Buffalo Creek


SWAWARD.jpg (20816 bytes)                 Outstanding N.A. Site.jpg (29115 bytes)

                           Awarded August 16, 1999            Awarded September 7, 1999

Beautiful Site Award.jpg (36756 bytes)

Awarded September 21, 1999
Thanks Gary.  It is most appreciated
under the circumstances


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Wind-Dream Web Ring
site is owned by
Buffalo Creek
Trading Post

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