Buffalo Creek
Portaits of the Past
Music is "The Last Buffalo"

Chief Joseph

Chief Joseph
Photographed by Edward Curtis
Wovoka (seated), the Paiute holy man who inspired the Ghost Dance. Wovoka

Kicking Bear

Kicking Bear, A Miniconjou Lakota who brought news of the Ghost Dance to the Standing Rock reservation.
Chief Joseph visits Alice Fletcher at the Lapwai reservation Chief Joseph and Alice Fletcher

Ghost Dance Shirt

A Lakota Ghost Dance shirt, believed to protect its wearer from bullets.
Autographed photo of Sitting Bull, 1884 Sitting Bull

Three Lakota boys on their arrival at the Carlisle Indian School
The same three Lakota boys being the process of deculturization at the Carlisle Indian School
Custer and Indian scouts in the Black Hills, 1874 George Armstrong Custer and his Indian scouts pose during the Black Hills expedition of 1874
Sitting Bull, holy man and chief of the Lakota People Sitting Bull

Gall, a Lakota war chief

Gall, a Lakota war chief who combined forces with Crazy Horse to crush Custer at the Little Bighorn

White Man Runs Him, Crow

White Man Runs Him, one of the Crow scouts Custer relied on in the campaign that ended at the Little Bighorn.
Looking Glass, the war chief who helped Chief Joseph direct the epic Nez Perce retreat of 1877 Looking Glass
Plains Indians meeting with Mary Todd Lincoln Kiowa and Cheyenne leaders post at the White House with Mary Todd Lincoln during 1863 meetings with President Abraham Lincoln.
Red Cloud, a chief of the Olglala Lakota and leader of the most successful Indian campaign against United States troops Chief Red Cloud

Navajo survivors of the Long Walk

Navajo survivors of the 1864 "Long Walk" that followed Kit Carson's destructive campaign against their villages.
Black Kettle and other Cheyenne Chiefs conclude peace talks at Fort Weld, Colorado, in September 1864, two months before the Sand Creek Massacre. Peace talks at Fort Weld, Colorado, 1864

Peace pipe at Fort Laramie

Man Afraid of His Horse, an Oglala chief, smokes a ceremonial pipe at the Fort Laramie treaty negotiations in 1868.
Cheyenne survivors of the Washita attack held under guard at Camp Supply, Indian Territory Survivors of the Washita attack

many horses

Many Horses, Teton Lakota, photographed in 1872

scabby bull Scabby Bull, Arapaho
two whistlesTwo Whistles, Crow

Lakota womenLakota women wearing porcupine qulll and dentalium shell decoration

Shoshone encampment, 1870

shoshone encampment

Plenty coups Plenty Coups, Crow, Photographeed in 1880
sia buffalo headdressSia Buffalo Mask


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