Native American Educational Links
Table of Content

This page is dedicated to educate people
on the Native American Culture


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First American Forefathers - for those interested in Native American Leaders of days gone by and of the present

bison.gif (312 bytes) Gateway for Native American Internet Resources - Everything from food and art to spirituality and individual tribal pages.

bison.gif (312 bytes) Indian Moons, Days and other Calendar Stuff

bison.gif (312 bytes) Powerful Symbols - Part of the Powersource Native American Art and Education Center, this site offers wonderful insight into the legends of Native Americans.

bison.gif (312 bytes) This Week in American Indian History - recounts major events that "happened to or affected Native Americans" at some pont during the last 500 years.  At any given time, you can browse through events for a two-month period, with the events divided up by week.  Within each week, individual entries are then (generally) arranged chronologically.

bison.gif (312 bytes) Native American-Spanish Conquest of Native America - Before the Pilgrims landed, Native American lifestyle was disrupted by Spanish conquest.  Our "Island of Florida," all of North America to 16th Century Conquistadors, hosted a cultural clash shortly after Columbus sailed.  This Internet Site brings fresh understanding to one tragic episode of that history which dramatically effected the world forever.

bison.gif (312 bytes) Bureau of Indian Affairs

bison.gif (312 bytes) Information Sources - "The more you know The more you will trust and the less you will fear" Medewiwin Prayer (Ojibway).  For more information on American Indian and Alaska Native programs and issues, see the following websites and their links:   American Friends Service.

bison.gif (312 bytes) House and Senate Committee with Jurisdiction Over Legislaton That Affects Indian Country, 2 February, 1999.  House Recources Committee and Senate Committee on Indian Affairs have jurisdiction on legislation important to Native Americans.

bison.gif (312 bytes) Task Force on Indian Health - The resolsution called on the task force to identify key health problems that could be effectively targeted to improve the health of Indian children

bison.gif (312 bytes) National Museum of the American Indian

bison.gif (312 bytes) Doug's Native American File - This is an excellent source of information that was devised by the author to help his elementary school students with their Native American projects.  A wealth of information on a variety of subjects.


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Native American Educational Links Native American Music Resources on the Web Native American
Foods and Herbs

Great Chiefs
and Leaders
Important Documents relating to Native Americans Portraits of
the Past

The Trail of Tears
in Arkansas
"Trail of Tears"
The Cherokee Nation

The Great Sioux Nation Lakota Nation Homepage


Bald Eagle E-mail for Buffalo Creek