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Desk Top Publishing
 Ad Copy Creation
Guerilla Marketing Guru Jay Conrad Levinson told a room full of us Green Industry professionals in 1990 that the Intel 486 processor was the Colt .45 of the then Modern Guerilla Marketer. He was referring to the technical capability of anybody with a personal computer to create ads, fliers, brochures and other desk top publishing. However, having the technical ability and knowing how to write Compelling Copy that works, are two different things. With enough money you can buy a race car, but could you personally drive it to a win in the Daytona 500?
Don't you have more important (read more profitable) things to invest your time on in your business? Proper layout, and compelling copy, make the difference between ads that cost you money, and marketing campaigns that
 Make You Money!



Whether for a Brochure, or for a Web Site, I can Digitally Edit and Touch-Up your photos and make them work for you.

Post Card Invitation  & Registration Form in One!

A Post Card Invitation that Doubled as a Registration Form done for the Italian American Community Center Bridal Show.

 Paul W. Hartnägel
a.k.a.  Stache 

Phone (603) 732-6026

All Content, Text, and Photos Copyright 2001-2012
by Call Paul Promotions, Site By Stache and/or Others.