Cat Claw

Angry kittenWelcome to

This page is dedicated to the most beautiful cartoon-character I have had the pleasure to "know", Superhero Cat Claw and her alias, student Carol Connors.

This web is easy to navigate, just use the navigation buttons in the frame at the left. If you experience any problems regarding browsing or displaying images of this web, mail me at with a brief description of the problem.

Many of the images in this web links to a larger version, so if you see something you like (and if you are a male or a lesbian, you will), try to click the image and see what happens (use your browsers "back"-button to return to the referring page). Click the images above and below!

The scans on these pages are mostly made by me, and some artwork is made by Mr. Kerac himself and kindly released for use on these pages. All images are protected by copyright, and my use of the images on these pages should be understood as an encouragement to buy cartoons from Strip Art Features.

If you use any images from this page on your own web page, please include a link back to me at

Okay. On with the show. Enjoy, and sign my guestbook!

Feminists at work