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Oh The Things My Girlfriend Does

And no, this is not a page with any relation to sex

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That's right! As you may or may not know, my gal pal Angela Marie McIntyre is currently on safari in California, and already she's seen tons of celebrities and famous peoples. Here are the ones she can remember the names of!

Her first celeb, seen while falling during a rollerblading session. Willis allegedly did not notice

Drew Barrymore
Yup. Granddaughter of John Barrymore... seen at the Bravo Spirit Awards

Selma Hayek
Ange saw Selma at the Spirit Awards. Too bad she didnt take pictures of the two of them making out.

Bill Murray
Scary picture, but a talented guy, seen at the bravo Spirit Awards

Dane Cook
Funny guy. Ange likes his biceps (not pictured). Seen at a comedy club

Sophia Copolla
Seen at Bravo Spirit Awards. Nice director... needs some work acting though

My wonderful girlfriend peeks out from behind a box of McNuggets

Johnny Depp
Oh yeah. That's right. J.D. Mr Donny Brasco himself. She saw him at the Bravo Spirit Awards


Cameron Diaz
Spotted at the Bravo Spirit Awards

Kevin Bacon
Bravo Spirit Awards. Now we can play 7 degrees of Angela.

Tom Cruise
Saw him at the Spirit Awards... not really sure what he was doing there... oh well

Bob Saget
The greatest comedian of his generation... well... okay, not even close. Seen at a comedy club

Godfrey, the 7 Up Guy
Replacement of Orlando Jones. She even got a picture with him! Found alongside Bob Saget and Mr Cook

Ange not only sees famous people in California, she's actually a pretty interesting person herself... sortof. Coming soon will be more information about this very intriguing young woman