The Original Cobra Jones Website

Check out this week's installment of my new animated series!

Animated CJ


Home | Cobra Jones: Who the hell is he? | Wanna talk? | Photography Section | Beasts From The Fiery Pitts of Hell! | Creative Genius From My Brain | Hilarity In All Its Glory | Animated CJ | Oh The Things My Girlfriend Does | Who Would Win? | I Wonder... | The Cobra Jones Free Pass List | Sean Lowe... Friend or Foe | This is Stupid. What's Worthwhile?

Welcome to argueably the best website with this internet address!

And just remember, when everything is coming your way, youre in the wrong lane.

My Brand Spankin Month Older Webpage!

4/1/2004- The final day of the website known as  Cobra Jones:I'd Kill For a Nobel Peace Prize. It will now live on, unedited in it's glory for many years to come as the website that paved the way for the COBRA JONES WEBSITE. A John the Baptist for the Messiah of websites... without the sacreligious connotations
3/26/2004- To make up for the lack of updates, Im posting the next episode a bit early for the animations page. You might notice something a bt different in this episode. Check it out and see! OBTW, the Cobra Jones Website is not only over 200 hits; It's on the verge of movin on up! That's right, Im almost out of room here, and I might be upgrading to a better site builder. That would mean no but rather an easier ! Awesome huh? Spread around the site to encourage me to take the next step and dish out the 9 bucks a month. Also tell me what I should keep and what needs to go. Id like to clean this thing up a bit.
3/22/2004- Well, in a reasonably small amount of time, I made another animation. Hope you like it. Of course... since there's a link at the top of the page, my guess is most of you wont even get this far and read this. Either way, hope you like it.
3/22/2004- Sorry it's been so long. Spring Break was much busier than I anticipated. This weekend will be a bigger update. But for now I updated the Who Would Win Section and the Free Pass Section. Nothing really huge. If I have more time later today I may post an animation. Enjoy.
3/8/2004- Those of you with a good eye will notice that the "Ummmm... There's Nothing Here" section is now not void of everything. It s now known as the "Creative Genius From My Brain" section. It has a couple of the things I decided to upload that Ive written earlier this year although none are even close to being complete. Most are just in the a few words or chapters or an idea stage. I hope to get a little feedback. Enjoy you selfish jerks.

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