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Squall Leonhart
Squall Leonhart

Cloud Strife
Cloud Strife

Locke Cole
Locke Cole

Laguna Loire
Laguna Loire







Hi and welcome! This page is dedicated to the hero of Final Fantasy VI. While he is not quite as cool as the hero in Final Fantasy VIII, he is still worth a look.

Actually, he isn't a hero. In fact, there is no main hero in the game. There is a central female, though. However, out of all the guy characters, Locke Cole is the closest you can get for a main character, as he is mandatory in lots of scenes, whereas the others aren't as much.

Why do I like this guy, you ask? Well, for one thing, out of all the other guys, he's the cutest. ^_^ Or maybe it's because of the headband he wears. I think those are cool. :D Oh, he's not serious like Cloud and Squall (I like those kind of people :), but he is rather adventurous. You can't help but like his personality. He cares about others, he's a master 'thief' (he looks like one anyway), he's smart, and when he makes a promise, he -keeps- it. Awww, isn't that nice? ^_^

Oh, and I also like the idea that he doesn't take any guff, either. Apparently, he doesn't like being called a thief, for reasons unknown. At least, it has never been mentioned in the game yet. I am currently on the Floating Continent. Any guy would rue the day he mentioned the 'T' in front of him, as what happened to the poor merchant in South Figaro!

MERCHANT: You're that thief, Locke, aren't you?

LOCKE: Hey! Call me treasure hunter, or I'll rip your lungs out!

As you can see, he prefers to be called a Treasure Hunter, which is an um, 'nicer' term, according to him ^_^

OLD MAN: Took you long enough! How goes the robbing and plundering trade?

LOCKE: I PREFER the term treasure hunting!

OLD MAN: Ha! Semantic nonsense!

LOCKE: There's a HUGE difference!

He may get mad, but he will never hit a girl if she called him that, however, which is another reason why you should like him. ^_^

One odd thing I have to point out, though, is that his hair changes colour! Um, no, I don't mean in the game itself. ^_^ In the game, his hair is gray. Some people like to colour it brown in fan art, though, and in the PSX version, his hair is blond(!) in the CGI. WTF?! What's with all the hair changing? I like it when it's gray. Not only is that the original colour, but it looks the best for the guy. Weird, huh? ^_^

Unfortunately for him, he does have a depressing past though, like the other heroes before him. Below is an explanatiom, and if you think that is spoiling, then DON'T READ IT!!

Years ago, he had a girlfriend named Rachael, and they looked for treasure together, or something. One day, he took her to a cave. Being the daring person, he went across a bridge that was on the verge of breaking. She ran over and pushed him off the bridge, but she ended up falling down the cliff.

She woke up later in bed at her house, but oh no! She couldn't remember anything! The next thing you know, her parents kicked him out of the house, blaming him for her memory loss(!). He left the town so that she can improve, and came back years later, only to find out she was killed by invading soldiers. In fact, when she was close to dying, she finally had gotten her memory back, and his name was the last word she said...

He then asked a crazy old coot to keep her body preserved in a glass coffin or something, so that maybe he could find a way to bring her back. Sure, it's impossible, but this is a fantasy game. Therefore it -can- be possible.

I don't know about you, but isn't that story so sad?????? :`( *sniff!* He felt guilty, blaming himself for her death. Now he goes around helping girls in need, not wanting to repeat the event that happened years ago.

He helps Celes escape for exactly that reason, and it appears he has other motives too :) Nothing actually happened yet, but there are several scenes which shows he has somewhat of an affection towards her. In case you're wondering, I think that's a good thing, since he should try to take his mind of the dead girl 'cause you know, she might even wake up. Here's some examples:

When the gang needs to go to the Magitek Factory, Celes says she's going since she has been there before. He wasted no time in joining the party, the reason being he wanted to go see what it looked like, and the fact there could be treasures to find. Maybe there's another motive, perhaps? :)

When Terra flew off at the encounter with the Esper, everyone was knocked out. Later, Locke wakes up in bed. The only other person in the room then was Celes! Does she care for him the most? ^_^

Later, Celes has to act as a decoy in the opera. He enters the dressing room and sees her in her costume. What was his reaction? He blushed! Hehehehe! That was cute. ^_^

LOCKE: Aye yai yai!!?

During the opera, something terrible happens, and the two leading guys were knocked out. The Impresario comes in and freaks out, wondering who will win the girl (Celes). Pretending to be in the play, Locke jumps up and announces he will save her!

LOCKE: Neither Draco nor Ralse will save CELES! I, LOCKE, the world's premier adventurer, will save her!

Unfortunately, according to the Impresario, he had awful acting! ^_^

Later on, Setzer, the gambling maniac, agrees to help the gang, but only if Celes marries him. The only person who reacted to that was Locke. In fact, he was outraged. ^_^ Nobody else said a single word! Maybe they didn't care, or didn't want to butt in? Who knows.

LOCKE: Listen to yourself! can't become his wife! You just can't!

Of course, there's also the fact she says his name a lot. Maybe it's because he was the first person she met, or maybe it's something else, hmm? ^_^

Check out this scene below:

KEFKA: So that's it! Magicite... Cid, you miserable blockhead! Now... General CELES!! The game's over. Bring me those Magitek shards!

LOCKE: Celes! You...deceived me?!

CELES: Of course not! Have a little faith!

KEFKA: G'hee, hee, hee! She has tricked you all! Celes, that's so...YOU!

CELES: LOCKE...Please believe me...

LOCKE: I.........

KEFKA: NOW!! Exterminate all of them!

(Soldiers fire on the crowd, but Celes dodges fire.)

CELES: Locke...Let me protect you for once... Maybe now...Now you'll believe me...

KEFKA: Celes! W...what are you doing? Stop it!!!

(CELES casts a spell, and she, Kefka and the soldiers vanish.)

LOCKE: Celes...

Notice how she never mentioned anyone else's name? Notice how shaken he was? *sniff*

However, it didn't get better later on, as she wouldn't talk to him because he doubted her, or something. Poor guy. :`(

Then I guess she felt bad, because she tried to talk to him later, but he ignored her. Poor girl. :`(

Anyway, I hope something comes out of it :)