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Squall Leonhart
Squall Leonhart

Cloud Strife
Cloud Strife

Locke Cole
Locke Cole

Laguna Loire
Laguna Loire






Note: I have not played the following games below, either because 1) it(they) is(are) not out yet, or 2) I do not have the system(s) in order to play it(them). Therefore, everything in this page is my own initial impression after viewing lots of pictures, video clips, ads, etc. Of course, my opinions may change after I actually get to play the games in question.



After seeing lots of pictures of this guy, I can safely conclude that he is a geek, unless the game proves me wrong (have to get a PS2 first). The hero of FFX, Tidus (pronounced Tee-dus), as far as I know, is the much admired(?) member of a Blitzball team. I'm not exactly sure how the game is played, but basically you use a ball to score points in water. Sound complicated? It probably is.

The first thing you'll notice about him is his clothes. Needless to say, they certainly are unique, although very, very odd. According to Tetsuya Nomura (Character designer for VII, VIII and X), he was given those clothes to show he stood out from the others, much in the same way Belle was the one person that wore blue clothes in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. He also considers Tidus, along with Red XIII, his best designed character. While I can agree with Red XIII, I simply can't for Tide boy, as I like to call him.

The next thing you're probably going to notice is his sword, which looks like something made out of water, although I doubt it actually -is- made out of water. It does look pretty darn cool, although I'm more of a sucker for Squall's gunblades, particularly the Revolver and the Lionheart.

There are some people that think he's cute, but I beg to differ. I think he doesn't look cute at all. Some people even go as far as to say he looks like a blond version of Squall! I consider that a big insult to my favourite guy! Call me blind if you wish, but I see absolutely no resemblance between the two. Also, Tidus looks like a happy-go-lucky, grinning geek, while Squall looks like a brooding, serious, bad-ass guy with a cool scar. Did I tell you I'm not too fond of happy-all-the-time, grinning, heroes? That's not normal. Call me weird, but I'd rather have heroes that have problems to overcome. Cloud had an identity crisis that made you feel sorry for the guy. Squall had even major issues that made you feel even more sorry for the guy. To me, that's more realistic than happy heroes that can-do-no-wrong.


The majority of the images present came from IGN, although they originally came from Squaresoft's Japanese One image came from GameSpot.

The geek in all his glory, Tidus. Check out the rather odd clothes.
1024x768 wallpaper of Tidus. As if things couldn't get any geekier.
Ack! It got geekier! Here's a 1024x768 wallpaper of Tidus' Blitzball team members. Gads, aren't there any good looking guys in this game?!
This scary picture is firm proof (unless the game convinces me otherwise) that the hero of FFX is a total geek.
The only saving grace for his geekiness is this rather beautiful 1024x768 wallpaper of Tidus and Yuna (the leading lady). However, they don't deserve to be in a background this nice. If Squall and Rinoa were in it, however...



Have I ever told you I wanted a tail like all (well, most anyway) of the other animals on this planet? Well, after seeing someone with a tail, I don't think I'd want one anymore.

It seems most FF heroes has something that distinguishes them and makes them stand out. Cloud has spiky hair. Squall has a scar. The hero of FFIX has a tail. Yes, that's right, a tail. Can you say, 'weird'? As I have never played the game, I have no idea why he has a tail. Was his father a monkey and his mother a human, or the other way around? Is he a mutant like the X-Men? Was he in kind of science experiment? Does the game even bother to tell you? Does anyone even care where the tail came from? Japanese people are used to odd things, right? Are we just supposed to accept that some people may be born with a tail?

According to what I heard, Zidane, the tailed hero, is a happy-go-lucky (there goes those words again), thief pervert that eventually helps save the world from some evil bad guy. Yes, I said pervert. While we have met ladie's men such as Edgar from FFVI and Irvine from FFVIII, this guy is worse. At least Edgar and Irvine never touched a girl's butt. Yes, that's right. Zidane touched a girl's butt. Okaaaay?

The fact that he's a thief is bound to draw some comparisons between the thief in FFVI. However, that's where the similarities end. Whereas Locke is a rather cute (in fanart he is, anyway) guy with that crazy bandana of his, Zidane is an um, non-cute guy. Okay, so I could have given a better reason, but then again, this webpage is about cute guys, not how they act.

One day, I was looking for FF fanart when I came across this picture taken from a FMV scene in the game in which he looked like a frog. No, Locke didn't look like a frog, you dolt! Anyway, that picture firmly convinced me that he's just plain not cute, no matter how much you look at it.


What? You actually want me to put up some pictures of him looking like a frog just to scare you further? I think not...