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Squall Leonhart
Squall Leonhart

Cloud Strife
Cloud Strife

Locke Cole
Locke Cole

Laguna Loire
Laguna Loire






"...Am I...alone?"

Squall Leonhart
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Height: 177 cm (5'8")
Blood type: AB
Birthdate: August 23rd
Weapon: Gunblade
Uh, yeah, you're probably wondering why I would make a webpage dedicated to a person that the vast majority of people hated. Well, either I'm just different than everyone else, or they are all stupid people, or maybe it's both. In reality, out of all the games I played, he was the most complex character EVAR. Actually, I never seen any person in TV shows, or novels, etc that was this complex. Whoooo!! Sure, some people didn't think so, but then, I bet they didn't read half the text in the game anyway.

If you think he's only in this game, think again!! He makes an appearance in Chocobo Racing, a cutesy racing game in the veins of Mario Kart. However, he is a secret character, and can be unlocked if you beat Story Mode two times, AND beat him during the race in the FFVIII course. However, as with most of the other characters, he is a cute little super-deformed version of himself instead of the even cuter realistic version we all know from FFVIII.

His special attack is called the Gunblade (what else?), which builds up even slower than Bahamut's Mega Flare. Once activated, it follows you around and you get a turbo boost until you reach first place. Anyone you pass will get sliced by the gunblade for a level 3 damage hit.