These pictures above and below are "Shadow" visiting the relatives. He certainly is
the baby in the family!
Baby Shadow |

Yoda( Jedi x Dacey) now resides in Victoria BC.
Yoda |

Yoda with a new place to nap! |

Scooter with his new big brother |

Above and below are pictures of "SCOOTER" (freedom from Jedi and Dacey's first litter)
Scooter and Yoda reside in Victoria |

This pup below and the two to the right are of Leo( Dacey & Jedi litter). He now resides in Alaska and is
having a great time with his new family there.
Run Leo Run! |

Its been a hard day at work for Bell |

Below is Rudy( Dacey x Beaner) and his new parents in Victoria.
Rudiger and mom and dad |

Otto and one of his new parents in Vancouver |

"OTTO"(Beaner and Dacey) resides in Vancouver BC with his new family.
Otto in his new bed |

Fiona's & Her New Parents |
Fiona has been sold to a companion home on a spay/non breeding contract.