In your planning for a dachshund puppy remember that average gestation of pups is 63 days
from the time of breeding and then pups do not leave for their new homes until they are at least nine weeks old. If you are
looking for a puppy to bring into your home in June then you need to make contact with a breeder in February as most
show breeders prefer to only breed for the next show prospect and depending on whether their are folks waiting for a new pup.
Chocolate and tan male and female pups for sale!
I do have puppies presently available. If you are interested in a pup please
email for a questionaire. I am in the lower mainland from
time to time for shows etc. and can bring pups down with me.
ADMINDAC planned litters for 2014 will be considered depending on reservations and deposits on those potential
pups now! "All litters at Admindac are: 1).carefully
planned for future show prospects and 2). after various reservations and deposits on companion pups are
made, depending on the size and sexes and colors in each of the potential litters, Show pick pups will be held back first
and the remainder of the litter available to the waiting companion homes.
If you are simply emailing every breeder to see who has an available puppy for the cheapest price, please omit
my name from your mailing list. I am not a puppy store selling an animal commodity for a bargain price. Puppies
are to be planned for and carefully selected and sought out just as when adding any new member to your family. The starting point is the puppy questionaire and please
feel free to email me for that document."
I breed first and foremost to strenghthen
and maintain the wonderful dachshund breed. I am always looking for the next show pups to put in the ring with me and my daughters.
When choosing a pup I only keep
back what I beleive is an improvement on the parents. If those pups turn out, eventually they are added to my breeding program.
The pups that are not kept back here for my breeding program are
available by reservation to Show and Companion Homes. All companion puppies are sold on a non breeding contract and require
proof of spay or neutering at the appropriate age. Puppies will not be available to their new homes until they are about ten
to twelve weeks old. All companion puppy homes must have a fenced yard and are subject to a home check.
I sometimes will place a show pup on
a co-ownership or sell outright to other reputable show kennels that show their dachshunds and are also working to better
the breed.
I do not breed to simply sell puppies
rather am always looking for an excellent dachshund that can storm the ring and offer much to the breed. All prospective
adoptions are thoroughly screened.
All puppies will be CKC registered, tatooed,
and vet checked with age appropriate shots and worming. I will
try to keep the puppy pics updated regularly as I continually evaluate to see which ones may be show quality.
Companion pups will be available to new homes as they are eliminated from the show picks. All of my pups are carefully
handled and played with by my family. If you are interested in a pup check out my "Contact Page" and email me for a puppy
Puppy Buyers:
If you are inquiring about a pet puppy from one of these litters, please understand that I breed first and foremost
to produce the next generation of show puppies. Show homes (including mine) have first priority in most cases. Also, because
"EVERYBODY" tends to want a red, smooth female, just be aware that they are often the preferred request. You
might want to consider a boy as I beleive they make excellent pets when neutered. ....just
some helpful hints in your search for your dachshund companion.
I occasionally have older dogs available
for adpotion. Please email me for further info.
