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David Gregory

Design fields

A design field is the field of energy, activity and influence that surrounds a design. It is analogous to the magnetic field around a magnet, or the gravitational field around a planet. Within the substance of energy every design has its own field, the design field. Whenever we encounter a design, we are enveloped in it's design field in both the psychological realm and also in our physical environment. Energy contains all designs and the field of all designs is enveloping us at all times, but one design is dominant at any moment. When we are at our job, the employee design is dominant, so we are primarily under the influence of that design's field. When we understand design fields, we understand the one basis for the dynamics in our life, in the material, psychological, and spiritual realm and we can use this understanding to create the life that we want.

Design fields are a metaphoric model of designs.  

The creation of metaphorical models is a common practice in sciences such as subatomic physics, in which we cannot see the objects that we are studying, but we can detect their actions and we can create concepts and illustrations to explain our ideas regarding the objects. In a metaphor, we explore the dynamics of something. This is a valid approach, because knowing what something does is more important than knowing what it is.

Design elements retain a record of our interactions. 

This is the key to understanding how designs interact with our personal life. The process occurs in this manner:

bulletEnergy or spirit is that which we experience as life.  It is the life substance of our material body and the force that is the basis of all material objects including those that we do not recognize as living. It also exists in its own nonmaterial realm throughout the universe. Energy is a tangible substance that possesses properties which can be studied, just as a physical substance such as copper can be studied by a chemist.
bulletOur true self is an individual center within energy. Our true self is composed of energy, just as a brick is composed of clay.
bulletWhen there is an interaction between two people all designs are present because energy contains all designs, but we focus primarily upon a design within one person and the reciprocal design within the other person. This could be an interaction between the teacher design and the student design.
bulletDuring this interaction, we generate thoughts, images, energies, and physical actions. These substances leave a record that is retained in the design elements, thus the elements of a design include:
bulletSensory data
bulletExternal  Individual sensory impressions - whatever we see, hear, touch, taste, or smell.
bulletInternal The items in our recollection. This includes our perceptions and the objects and impressions that correspond to our other physical senses.
bulletEnergies The energies that we are exuding. Generally these energies are our emotions or feelings. Our energies have a particular tone or texture, as in the energies of anger or fear or affection or repulsion or excitement.
bulletActions Our physical actions and also the physical consequences of those actions such as the goods that we produce, and the relationships that we create. Design fields are not merely psychological phenomena, they include our physical world 

Design fields can be related to other phenomena.

Examples of fields that act as a repository of energy and information are:

bulletThe collective subconscious We relate to the collective subconscious in two ways:
bulletDesigns provide the points upon which we build our own lives.  
bullet Our thoughts, images, energies, and actions are registered in our individual design elements. When we encounter a design these existing elements influence our perception of it. When people generate new notions regarding a design such as Government, those elements are registered in the collective subconscious. When society experiences those elements, the collective subconscious changes, causing a corresponding alteration in that design's expression.
bulletGroup consciousness can be seen in phenomena such as group morale, mob mentality, the united response of an audience at any public event such as a concert, a political rally, or a sport event, and the prevailing mood of a home or neighborhood or workplace. This design contains the energy, thoughts, imagery, and actions of the group.
bullet The collective potential contains the aspects of life that are repressed by a society. Victorian society pushed sexuality into its collective potential, to hide its thoughts, images, energies, and actions of sexual expression.

Our human interactions are interactions between designs.

Every situation, and every person, contains all designs. We can say this because designs are aspects of energy, and energy is the basis of everything in existence. We do not perceive this wholeness, instead we perceive particular designs such as the home design. This fragmented view occurs because we are using the mind as an instrument for studying our own substance, of energy. The purpose of the mind is to perceive design aspects of energy so that they can be examined individually. When we encounter another person, that person contains all designs in his or her essence, but we primarily focus on, and respond to only one design at a time although all other designs are interacting in the background. We could view this one individual design as a man, or an employee, or a clerk, or a father, or a spouse. If someone is enacting the child design, regardless of whether that person is our biological offspring, we tend to respond with our parent design, depending upon the needs of our two centers:

bulletThe true self Through your higher awareness you recognize your true essence and the true essence of the other person. You see them as perfect just the way they are and this influences the way you respond to their designs.
bulletThe false self The ego pursues a course of action that would satisfy our needs at that moment based on existing designs. Unless this interaction is mutually beneficial, the unsatisfied portion of the exchange remains in the design element as a form of energy such as resentment, guilt, anger or frustration for one or both parties. If this residual energy is not dissipated it will have a negative effect.

Design fields simplify our psychological processing.

The design field is a reference to be used when we are in a design situation, because all situations are based upon designs. As the mind attempts to formulate a response, it asks itself, "How have I responded previously in similar situations?" and it finds the answer in the design's record, in the residue that has been left by previous thoughts, images, energies, and actions. If someone insults us we do not have to wholly improvise our response. The mind refers to the design element that is associated with this situation, and then it has the option of reusing some of the thoughts that it finds in the design. We can view this process as an action of the mind, or as an impersonal energy dynamic in which the charged elements in the design are activated automatically in the presence of their corresponding designs.

bulletDesign fields provide stabilizing points for the accumulation and dispersal of energy. This energy is the residual charge in our designs.
bulletThe guidance that we receive from design fields is imperfect. Our perfect guidance comes from our true self through intuition.
bullet Design fields produce incorrect perceptions and interpretations. We are not perceiving the unique dynamics of this situation. Our perceptions include only some of the dynamics, and we fill in the gaps by generalizing on the basis of thoughts, images, energies, and habits that we created during previous encounters with this design.
bulletDesign fields produce inappropriate responses due to various factors:
bulletOur Incorrect Perception. We are hardly perceiving this unique situation at all. We are perceiving a stereotype that is based on the residual elements of the design field, including the thoughts, imagery, and behavioral habits that we generated during previous encounters. Obviously, if we are not perceiving the unique factors in this situation, we cannot respond to the situation as it is. We have created a closed system, in which we are feeding off of pre-programmed elements and prejudging.
bulletThe residual energy from previous encounters with this design. Design fields contain the energy that was not dispersed during previous situations and it is experienced now, regardless of its appropriateness. If the design field contains the emotional energy of anger that was not expressed during previous encounters with this design, the elements will discharge some of that energy during this encounter, causing us to be angry even though the current factors don't warrant the anger.

Techniques for discovering the contents of our design fields

Residual elements can be detected in the following forms:

bulletOur habitual activities. In any situation, we can be aware of our typical state, including thoughts, energy tones such as emotions and feelings, sensory data such as visual memories or fantasies, and actions. When we are cooking, we can have particular habits that include thoughts of perfectionism, such as everything must be just right, our usual energy tone of love because we are cooking the meal for our beloved family, or repeated fantasies of ourselves as a professional chef. These are the elements of our designs.
bulletIncorrect interpretations and incorrect responses. We may realize that we are unduly angry at someone. Anger could be justified as a response to an immediate threat, but the intensity of our anger suggests that an additional charge is being added by the lingering charged elements of a design.
bulletPsychological disorders. Psychologists deal with our thoughts, emotions, feelings, imagery, and physical habits. As we examine these things, we are discerning the elements of our designs. These elements can be responsible for obsessive thoughts, compulsive behavior, phobias, complexes, stubborn habits, and other dysfunctions. An inferiority complex is based upon inappropriate elements in the design that correspond to our valuation of ourselves. We can correct this by implanting elements that affirm our value.
bulletDreams. In a dream, the characters, settings, objects, and actions are usually symbolic expressions of our design elements. These elements are in the dream because we are trying to resolve the design issues with which they are associated, and we are attempting to discharge the residual energy charge that the elements carry.
bulletPotential-work. As we explore our potential, we discover the design elements that we have repressed, suppressed, or simply haven't recognized yet.
bulletDesign-work. This is a group of techniques by which we willfully change the contents of designs. As we use design-work we learn about the elements that are already there, and the new elements that we are implanting. When we use design-work to improve the quality of our designs, we improve our lives.

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Last modified: April 13, 2008