Black's Daylily Patch

Silver Springs, Florida 34488

Phone : (352) 236-4422

A-B  C-D  E-G  H-J  K-L  M-N  O-P  Q-R  S-T  U-Z




California Sunshine* - $5.00 ( Chesnik '85) 33"x6.5 E-M Re Sev Large Intense Yellow Bloom. HM 90.

Canadian Border Patrol* - $20.00 (J. Salter '95) 28"x6" E-M Re Sev Ivory Cream Blooms with Deep Purple Eye and Dark Ruffled Edge. HM 98, DSA 00.

Caribbean Legend - $15.00 (Kirchhoff 91) 22"x5.5" M Re Fr Ext Ev Double - Yellow Blend.

Caribbean Midnight Vespers* - $15.00 (Talbott '96) 30"x6" E-M Re Ev Deep Dark Purple with a Green Throat.

Caribbean Pink Sunset* - $7.00 (Talbott '93) 30"x6.5" E-M Re Ext. Sev Large Ruffled Pink Blooms with a Green Throat .

Carlee Longman* - $10.00 (Kirchhoff '91) 26" x 5" E-M Re Ext Ev Orange with Red Halo. Vigorous.

Cat's Cradle - $12.00 (Hager '85) 38"x8" E-M Re Ext Ev Spider - Yellow. Very Good Spider. HSA 91, AM 93.

Celestial Peach* - $7.00 (Kirchhoff '88) 24"x5.5" EE Re Ext Ev Peach with Ruffled Gold Edges and Green Throat.

Champagne Royale* -$6.00 (Munson '78) 32"x7" M-L Fr Sev Lavender with Cream Eye.

Chance Encounter* - $24.00 (P. Stamile '94) 25" X 6" E-M Re Ev Lavender Rose Ruffled Blooms with a Green Throat. NiceSOLD OUT

Charlene - $5.00 (Spalding '87) 16"x5.75" E-M Ext Ev Rose Pink Blend. Vigorous.SOLD OUT

Chestnut Mountain* -$15.00 (J. Salter '91) 28"x6" M Re Sev Gold overlaid with Tan (Copper Appearance).

Chevron Spider - $16.00 (Hansen '92) 30"x10" M-L Re Sev Spider. Creamy Peach with Wine Feathered Chevron Shaped Eyezone.      HSA 99.SOLD OUT

Chinese Princess*- $5.00 (Munson '79) 28"x6" E-M Re Fr Ev Pink with Yellow Throat.

Chocolate Splash* - $12.00 (Shooter '96) 32"x5" M Re Dor Oxblood Red with Yellow Throat. Velvet Appearance.

Chris Salter* - $25.00 (J. Salter '94) 26"x6" M Re Sev Lavender with Heavy Ruffling and Deep Gold Picotee Edge. HM 97, AM00.

Cindy's Eye* - $24.00 (J. Salter '95) 30"x6" M Re Sev Ivory with a Large Purple Eye. Very Nice HM 99.

Codie Wedgeworth -$8.00 (Wilson '86) 26"x6" E Re Ext Ev Pink with Yellow Green Throat. Excellent. AM 92. SOLD OUT

Condilla - $5.00 (Grooms '77) 20"x4.5" E-M Dor Double Deep Gold. AM85, IMA 84, LAA 91.

Court Magician* - $7.00 ( Munson '87) 26" x 5" E-M Re Ev Purple with Chalky Lilac Eye. AM 94.

Creative Edge* - $32.00 (P. Stamile '95) 23"x6" M Re Fr Ev Lavender with Purple Eye, Large Purple Picotee and Gold Filagree. HM 98.

Curly Rosy Posey - $14.00 (Hansen '93) 30"x9.5" M Re Ext Ev Noc Spider. Pink with a Rose Eye. Nice. HM 99.

Custard Candy * - $12.00 (P. Stamile '90) 24"x4.25" E-M Re Dor Yellow with Maroon Eye. AM 96, AGA96, SSM 99.

Dallas Lass -$4.00 (Winniford '78) 18"x2.5" E Re Sev Apricot Ruffled Blooms. HM 80.

Dancing Shiva* -$5.00 (Moldovan '74) 22"x5" E Re Ext Dor Pink Blend.       HM 76, AM79.

Darrell* - $5.00 (Durio '81) 26"x7" E-M Re Fr Ev Yellow Blend. HM 89.

Denali* - $ 33.00 (P. Satmle '97) 23" X 8" M-L Re VFr Ev Double - Pink with a Gold Edge.

Designer Jeans* - $8.00 (Sikes '83) 34"x6.5" M Dor Lavender with Darker Lavender Eye. AM 91, LAA 95.

Diva Assoluta* - $7.00 (Morss '86) 26"x6" M Fr Ext Sev Pastel Ivory Cream Pink with a Gold Edge.

Dominic* - $5.00 (Williams '84) 30"x5.5" E-M Re Sev Dark Red. Vigorous. HM 86.

Double Buttercup - $4.00 ( McFarland ' 71) 20"x6" M-L Fr Ext Ev Double - Yellow Tulip like Flowers. HM 77.

Double Grapette - $5.00 (Brown '76) 24"x4.5" E Ext Ev Double - Wine Purple. SOLD OUT

Dragon Lore* - $5.00 ( Peck '73) 23"x6" M Re Ext Dor Dark Red Self. HM 77.




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Black's Daylily Patch

Silver Springs , Florida 34488

Phone: (352) 236-4422
