Black's Daylily Patch

Silver Springs, Florida 34488

Phone : (352) 236-4422

A-B  C-D  E-G  H-J  K-L  M-N  O-P  Q-R  S-T  U-Z




Handsome Ross Carter - $7.00 (Spalding ' 93) 15"x6" E-m Ext Ev Orange with Red Eye. Nice Color Combo.

Happy Hooligan - $14.00 (Talbott '94) 18"x5.5" E-M Re Fr Ev Double - Unique Cinnamon Red Blend. HM 99.

Heat of the Moment* - $55.00 (J. Salter '99) 30" X 6" E-M Re Sev Bright Orange with a Red Eye and a Red and Gold Edge

Holy Spirit - $5.00 (Guidry 79) 20"x6" EE Re Fr Ext Noc Ev Cream Blooms with a Green Throat.SOLD OUT

Hot Ember* - $5.00 (P.Stamile '86) 30"x6" M Re Ev Red Orange. Intense Color. Vigorous. HM 92.

Hunter's Torch* - $9.00 (Kirchhoff ' 90) 31"x6.5" E-M Re Ev Cardinal Red Edged Gold. HM 93.

Ida Red Belk* $7.00 ( Belk '85) 25"x7" E-M Re Fr Noc Dor Red with Red Eye.

Ida's Magic* - $25.00 (Munson '88) 28"x6" E-M Re Ev Yellow, Peach Amber and Lavender Blend with a Ruffled Gold Edge. AM 99, SSM00.

Indian Giver - $9.00 (Ferguson '92) 20"x4.5" E-M Re Sev Purple with Purple Watermark and Lavender Edge. HM 97, AM 00.SOLD OUT

Inner View* - $5.00 ( Morss ' 82) 26"x6.5" E Re Fr Ev Cream with Yellow Halo and Edge. HM 87.

Jacob* - $5.00 (Harris '77) 28"x5.75" M Sev Ext Burgandy Self. Sunfast and Vigorous.

Jason Salter - $6.00 (E. Salter '87) 18"x2.75" Ev Yellow with Raisin Eye Pattern and Green Throat. DFM 93, DSA 94, AM 95, LAA00.

Jay Turman* - $12.00 (Kirchhoff '94) 31"x6" E Re Ext Noc Ev Dark Red Velvet Texture with Yellow Green Throat. HM 98.

Jean Wooten - $5.00 (Kirchhoff ' 76) 28"x5" E-M Re Fr Ev Yellow Self. Reblooms Well. AM 84.

Jedi Brenda Spann - $9.00 (Wedgeworth '91) 24"x6" M Fr Ext Sev Nice Light Pink Blooms. HM 98.

Jerome - $5.00 (Spalding '79) 22"x6.75" E-M Ext Ev Orange with Darker Eye. Vigorous. AM 87.

Jungle Ballet* - $6.00 (Kirchhoff ' 88) 30"x7" E Re Fr Ext Ev Cream with Rose Eye and Yellow Edge.



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Black's Daylily Patch

Silver Springs , Florida 34488

Phone: (352) 236-4422
