Delta Company

41st Infantry Regiment

Delta Company

1st Battalion (Mech.), 41st Infantry Regiment

2nd Armored Division (Forward)

1991 - After the Storm

Earlier Photos
PICS - Pre 1991
PICS - Operation Desert Shield
PICS - Operation Desert - page 1
PICS - Operation Desert - page 3

Photo Submited by:Larry Chaney

Delta Co. Bradleys overrunning a Russian-built Iraqi 152mm artillery base. This photo was taken from the XO's M-113.
Note in the distance all the small figures running around? They're Iraqis surrendering to our dismounts.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Yours truly, David Nichter with captured rifle.
Chinese Type 56 with spike bayonet. Magazine is a Russian 75 rnd drum.
Yes, the smoke in the background is from burning oil wells.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Marucha, Gooden, and Torrez after the ground war, inside Kuwait


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Dennis Schaber, in front of our home for several weeks at Um Qasar.
Notice the lack of the GP Medium tent. Where did those things go?


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
An abandoned Iraqi BMP, complete with painted on flag.
Schaber and Marucha.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Sgt. Dave Nichter with a few Iraqi tank rounds.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
The Business end of an M2 Bradley IFV, with three guys ready to do business.
SSG Gonzalez, Schaber, and Marucha.


Click on image to see larger version. (2MB)
Leaflet dropped on Iraqi troops.
Photo Submited by:Larry Chaney


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Iraqi one Dinar bill.
Photo Submited by:Larry Chaney


3rd Platoon Troops in front of the road sign to Baghdad.

With CVC on Matt Hill, on sign Corey Bollinger off to left of bollinger is Sgt Boone, next to him is Spc Seed next to him Jackson, next to him PFC Jansen, Next PSG Sfc Dimery just behind him is Sgt Ridgeway with M16 next to him crouched down is PFC Ligas (me) below him is PFC (Pee-Wee) Haines holding the flag is Sgt Harris and LT Aube.
Photo Submited by:Todd Ligas


Photo Submited by:Larry Chaney
Delta Company officers in front of the road sign to Baghdad.
From left to right, 2LT Gilbert Chavez, 2LT Larry Chaney (flashing a "V" for victory sign-NOT a peace sign!), 2LT Tony Cho, CPT. Hans Meinhardt, 2LT John Aube.


Photo Submited by:Larry Chaney
Delta Company officers in front of the road sign to Baghdad.
These photos are from CPT. (LTC) Hans Meinhardt during the first day of the invasion into Iraq.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
We three E-5's of third Platoon, ready to leave the sand box behind.
Dave, Kevin, Todd


Photo Submited by:Larry Chaney
Caption from Lt. Chaney. Gen. Schwarzkopf at Walter Reed.
He wrote on Brigg's cast, "To Alan-get this thing off!".
He's holding my red map pen which I still have to this day.



Click image to see larger version. (1.5MB)
Gen. Schwarzkopf Autograph.
Photo Submited by:Larry Chaney


In a recent interview, General Norman Schwartzkopf was asked if he didn't think there was room for forgiveness toward the people who have harbored and abetted the terrorists who perpetrated the 9/11 attacks on America. His answer was classic Schwartzkopf. He said,
"I believe that forgiving them is God's function. Our job is simply to arrange the meeting."


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Created by David J. Nichter.
© Copyright 1999,2000,2001,2003 - David J. Nichter.
Updated: 11 May 2003