
Summon Materia

Do you want to have all the summon materia? Do you want to kill the final Sephiroth easily by using Knights of the Round? Well I can help you find the summon materia your looking for.


For this materia all you have to do is talk to the chocobos at the Chocobo Ranch and they'll do a little dance and then give you the Choco/Mog materia.


Pricilla gives Shiva to you after saving her at Junon.


You find this materia after you have defeated Jenova Birth on the Shinra Ship.


In the Gold Saucer you are in a room waiting to race your chocobo the Ramuh materia is in there. But you only have one chance to get it!


Go to the Mako Reactor in Gongaga and walk up to the reactor and examine it. The Titan materia is in the reator.


The Odin materia is inside the safe in the Shinra Mansion. The code to the safe is Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97.


Go to Wutai and go to the Pagoda. When you get to the top of the Pogoda Yuffies father will give you the Leviathan materia.


In the Temple of the Ancients you have to fight a Red Dragon. After defeating the Dragon you receive the Bahamut Materia.


Go to the Sleeping Forest which is through the cave in Bone Village. You'll see a red ball roll down the branches of the trees. Stand by one of the braches and when you see the materia go past catch it.


You find this in the Great Glacier.You'll have to hurry because if you don't you'll colapse and have to start again. First you have to go to some lakes and touch the water there. You find these lakes west of the landing point if you choose to go right then left when your snowboarding. After this go north towards the red tick on your map. Then you have to try to find your way around that area untill you get to sn area that is quite hilly. You do not want to go back where you started or to a place with a cottage. You'll find some long paths which you have to follow until you reach a cave. Inside this cave is a woman with a cloke. You have to defeat her and then you'll receive the Alexander materia.

Neo Bahamut

You find Neo Bahamut at the begining of the Whirlwind Maze. Keep an eye out for it.


You'll find this materia on the roof of Fort Condor. After saving Fort Condor the egg on top of the fort will hatch and a man will send you to the roof to take a look.


Hades is inside the sunken Gelnika which is found on the sea floor. You'll find it in the cargo bay.

Bahamut ZERO

You need the blue huge materia. To get the blue huge materia you need to type in this code when you're on the rocket O, S, X, X. When you go to Cosmo Canyon put your huge materia in the laboratory and take a close look at the blue materia. You'll receive Bahamut ZERO.


After you have defeated Ultimate Weapon you will be able to enter the Ancient Forest. Go to the hole he caused near Cosmo Canyon and climb up and enter the Ancient Forest. First grab the three insects and place them closer to the pitcher flowers. Then place one of the insects in each of the flowers and jump across them. In the next screen pick up a frog and jump onto the ledge. Put it down near the edge so that it jumps into the pitcher flower. Once you're across pick up the frog and put it in the flower to your left. Stand on the flower and wait untill the frog jumps out. You can now leave the screen. Pick up the insects and place them in the pitcher flowers. You can get to the braches in the background from here. Travel along the branches and you'll reach the Typoon materia.

Knights of the Round

For this you need a gold chocobo. To find out how to get a gold chocobo go to chocobo breeding. The materia is in a cave in the north east corner of your map. It will not be marked on the map but it is there, just wonder around a little untill you find it.