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Fun Flin Flon Facts

Believe it or not Flin Flon is actually a place.
Here's some stuff about the "Marijuana Captial of Canada"

Manitoba's sixth largest city
Located just over 800 kilometres North-Northwest of Manitoba's capital city, Winnipeg.
They got a bombshelter.
A summer trip to Flin Flon is like a trip to paradise.
thats about all of that I can stand. If you want any more find it yourself.


The town was named after Professer Josiah Flintabbatey Flontonatin, a character in "The Sunless City" by J.E. Preston Muddock. Why you ask? Because apparently gold prospectors found a copy of the book in the woods in 1915 while they were looking for gold.

The City of Flin Flon

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