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February 9th, 2005
Yet another year has passed and the page hasn't been updated. But now, QUY IS TAKING OVER!! While Paco is in the frozen hinterland that is Upper Canada he is instrument-less. The duo sits crying underneath a bed somewhere in the C.ville and Olav is teaching the younger, as yet un-named tele how to deal with the harsh realities of the world.
But enough of my nonsensical ramblings. Down to the music - I don't have any...yet. It's coming though. It's funny how the ghetto in the wintertime is such an inspiration for songwriting. Hopefully I'll have something up in the next little while to keep the only other person who visits this site entertained for a couple of minutes.
By the way, Paco recently discovered the raunchy blues stylings of a little band called "The Black Keys" - check them out if you get the chance, they've got some pretty catchy tunes.
January 13th, 2004

During a fit of boredom I have photoshopped 3 FF wallpapers
download them at the bottom of this page



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