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The sick and twisted minds behind Flin Flon Five


With many years of classical piano training under the watchful eye of a master organ player Pacos sense of musical taste was severely altered. After sliding under the strap of the Duo-Sonic these classical teaching, a sick love for LSD influenced psychedelic brit-rock and the allure of feedback helped to escalate the downward spiral and into the realm of anti-music.

Paco uses a twisted blend of diminished and augmented intervals, alternative tunings, extended feedback and white noise harnessed by a plastic ruler and a homemade slide, to make his musical monstrosities a reality.

The allure of three cord rock is strong however, and draws Paco back to the conventional song writing from the depths of anti-music and promises to help round out the sounds of Flin Flon Five.



Though undergoing years of rigorous training in the science of the guitar Quy didn't pick up much. Even so, a valuble knowledge of the pentatonic scale and a few barre chords enables him to take "music" to the next level. With classic rock roots, half-assed technique and a fuzzy idea of the Phrygian mode Quys guitar work is certainly the most "technical" in Fin Flon Five.

Quy is a self proclaimed "crapy guitar player", but once you add the song writing skills learned from a religious MIDI fanatic, his written works are masterpieces shrouded in binary numbers.

Look for great things from Quy in the near future, he might just surprise you


Do these two musical visionaries have somewhere deep down inside what it takes to make it big in the days of "boy bands" and "sex icons"? They don't think so, but mabye somewhere in some distant time you'll see Paco and Quy on the cover of Rolling Stone.