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More Songs and Poems For Your Pleasure

My wife and I met on the bank of a river, Stanislaus River,by name. I wanted to write about our meeting so I tried to put it in this song. Parts of the song (choruses) are repeated with single words changed to reflect the seasons, so don't think i was stuttering! Enjoy!!

We Will Always Be Together, You and I

In the springtime, on the river bank we met,
And we spoke there, words we never will forget.
There we told each other of our fondest dreams
As we lay beneath the moonlight's silvery beams,


Then the rains came down and the thunder crashed and roared
And the lightning flashed across the early sky.
With your little hand in mine and until the end of time
We will always be together, you and I.

In the summer, passion blossomed into love
Like the cooing of the tiny turtledove-
And we reached for dreams and shared each other's fears,
And our happiness was measured with our tears,


And the rain came down and the thunder crashed and roared
And the lightning flashed across the summer sky-
With your little hand in mine and until the end of time
We will always be together, you and I.

In the autumn love was mellowing with time,
Like a bottle of the finest vintage wine,-
And we thought our sips of love would never stop,
And we shared that love and savored every drop;


And the rains came down and the thunder crashed and roared
And the lightning flashed across the autumn sky.-
With your little hand in mine and until the end of time,
We will always be together, you and I.


In the winter all the clouds will roll away,
And the thunder lessens with each passing day,-
And no lightning streaks above the mountain high,
And the moonlight steals across the winter sky,-
And still we are together-
You and I! finis
Written by Jim Alexander on July 9, 1981 Los Angeles, Ca.


Skeeter's Rose


When I was driving truck long line I often went to Los Angeles, Ca., also known as,"Shakey Town," for it's propensity toward earthquakes. On occassion I wound up in a bar, crying the blues. This song came to me while I was sitting in a bar on one of those occassions. I wrote it on a napkin. For non-truckers information, 'sail boat fuel' is air! (an empty trailer)

Lost In Shakey Town

Sittin' in a bar in L A City, wondering why I'm here,
'stead of out on the highway makin' some money
Double clutchin' and swappin' those gears.

I got me a load of that sailboat fuel
And I had to shut 'er down.-
Well I'm a long haul driver with nothing to do
But get lost in Shakey Town.

It's been a month since I've seen my baby,
Guess I'm on the prowl,
Lookin' for a girl to spend some time with,-
Gettin' ready to howl.

But the moon ain't as bright in this big, big city
Without my baby around.
Yeah, I'm a big rig driver with nothing to do
Gettin' lost in Shakey Town.


The nights are forty hours long,
The sun has just gone down;
I'm a lonesome truck driver with nothin' to do
But get lost in Shakey Town!

Yeah, I'm lost in Shakey Town.

Jim Alexander July, 1981 LA, Ca


Long Ago and Far Away


Well Folks, I hope you have enjoyed this little effort. I Will add and change pictures and poems from time to time. Maybe after I learn what I am doing, this site might look like something. Until then, Adios!!

Jims World of Pictures, Poems and Songs

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