Jims World of Pictures, Poems and Songs
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Come Back In To Jims World of Poetry!!

Here is a little ditty I wrote one day when I was feeling weird. I know it will mean something to some of you!!

Daylight mingles with the rising sun,
Day has just begun to cover up my fears,
Gray night-flashes fading one by one,
Glowing embers turning to ashes of my tears.

Hear the quiet of the yesterday
Start another way to push me to the line.
Roaring nothings laughing in my ear,
Telling me to fear what I know is mine.

Hold to now, let go of other days,
Push out all the rays of passions of the past!
Bursting pin-point heavens ever play,
Showing me the way. The breath is here at last!

I wrote this poem when I was in love. Luckily, I got over it in time!

A Daydream Wish

I walk the path, I climb the hill so steep,
In meadows green I lay me down to sleep,
But sleep is gone, I cannot close my eyes.
An angels picture steals across the skies.

You are my love,my wish, my every dream,
My only star whose warm carressing beam
Embraces all of me;You are my life.
I'll dwell in heaven when you are my wife

This is a song. Imagine your Mother and Father, married as children and always true only to each other, right up until the end...
When the Roses Bloom

Mom and Dad grew up together, took turns raising one another,
He was always with her when she needed him.
The springtime sped by swiftly and summer passed too quickly,
Then Autumn came and caused my Mother's eyes to dim.

Daddy knew that Mom's life would be over soon,
And he'd sit and hold her closely underneath the moon,
And he said," If you should leave me, please walk slowly
Through the Winter, for I won't be far behind you,
Just look back and smile and we'll be back together soon."

When the Roses bloom, and the dew is on the Lilacs,
And the wild azaleas cluster in the shadows of my mind,
I will take your hand and hold you, and we'll walk among the flowers,
When Autumn Brings the Apple blossom time... and forever.

When the Roses Bloom...

Feel the Wanderlust of this song. Oddly, it is one of Donnas' favorites. Go Figure...

Somewhere Just Around the Bend

I hear the whistle of a freight train headed for some distant place,
I get an awful itchin' in my bones, a wistful look upon my face,
And if you look for me tomorrow you'll find me in some other town,
So don't depend on me to love you, 'cause you know I won't be around.

So don't you look for me tomorrow, don't put your faith in what can't be,
'Cause when the wind blows and the river flows, I hear those voices calling me.
I never could stay settled down for long, and I'll never even try,
'Cause I have always been a ramblin' man, and I will until I die.

I go where the wind blows, I catch a wayward breeze and ride it to the end.
Like a rippling stream I wander to where the river is wide and deep,
My home is where I spread my blanket when I lay me down to sleep.
I'll never tell you lies and promises, don't be my lover, just be my friend,
For there will always be another life for me, It's Somewhere Just Around the Bend.

Donna and Her Mother... Follow Them
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