This doesn't deserve a title.
Over the last few days the guest book has been hit hard by an oncoming stupid front. Hordes of semi-literate fan-girls under the impression that "kewl" and "^__^" were words and that randomly interspersing the words "arigatou" and "baka" into your posts automatically makes you a connoisseur in Japanese culture descended upon us. Actually, I exaggerate. It was only a few. But then a little bit goes a long way with these types.
So, I figured I'd set a few things to rest. We really don't care that you all like Gundam Wing. Nor do we devote the majority of our time to this site. Just look at the updates, for chrissakes. I don't think I've actually contributed an actual piece of content since Wundam Ging. (But I guess my work in the flames department counts for something.)
Then there's those of you who made the brilliant deduction that WE LOVE DBZ LIKE A MOTHER. I'm not sure why. I enjoy watching DBZ, but just because I like long streams of explosions. Especially ones where you can change the channel, come back ten minutes or ten weeks later, and not miss anything. I like that flexibility. As well as the lack of pretentiousness. For all its faults, it's impossible to call DBZ pretentious with a straight face.
I just mentioned that because some deranged chick started rambling about Dragonball porn and how this proved us wrong. Don't ask why; I'm not sure myself. It's my view that some things are best left unanswered.
Then some charming bastard stepped in to let us know how we so wrong about the names that "it's not even funny," didn't understand anything, and needed to visit his site in order to be re-educated. As though a series about a few dorks flying giant robots is some Bergman classic. I did check out his site, though, to be treated to a long rant on how Gundam Wing was getting raped by the fans. I stumbled through it, eventually finding the part were my sorry ass got debunked.
Duo took his first name from a dead friend, his last name from the Maxwell Church—his entire past is included in his name. “Trowa Barton” is the first name Trowa’s ever had. Quatre is the only son of the “Winner” family, and it is this conflict with his name (and family) that drives him to be a Gundam pilot.
I'm not sure what his point was, considering the fact that the complaint was that the names are sterile, lack any sort of resonance, and can at times be laughable. "Four" is not a good name for a character. Even if he is the scion of the "Four" family and this causes great tension for him.
No, the names didn't come from anywhere profound. No matter what they are said to be taken from, they sound contrived. "Duo Maxwell" conjures up some hack reading a batman comic. He spills some coffee, and bam! There's one name. No matter how much they try, it's not a name that you can pin a lot of complex stuff on.
And face it. If you met someone named Duo, you'd probably assume that his parents were either under the influence when they named him or else they hated children and wanted to make his life as awkward as possible. You can argue that the character instilled the name with meaning in that slipshod and shameless attempt to both fill plot holes and make money known as "Episode Zero," but, quite frankly, you're kidding yourself. It's still nothing more than a number. A series of random keystrokes could have served the purpose just as well. And they still fit the guy's argument.
. (*k$d32# took his first name from a dead friend, his last name from the Coffee Church—his entire past is included in his name. “OIJ( KNr#42” is the first name OIJ(’s ever had. Quatre is the only son of the “)(*KN#JsdnriE” family, and it is this conflict with his name (and family) that drives him to be a Gundam pilot.
The rest of the site was, as far as I could tell, a clumsy attempt to psychoanalyze the characters and search for a complexity that simply isn't there. (Though he does make a valiant effort to somehow fit the sloppily done series, the nonsensical sequel, and the inept, after the fact attempt to rationalize the irrational into some coherant world view. Plus, he knew how to type, which means he's already a cut above the rest.)
At this point someone will probably shout "but the names are random foreign words in DBZ, too." Yes, they are. But since Dragonball Z is just a bunch of malformed aliens beating the crap out of each other, killing supporting characters, reviving them, and killing them again (just to be thorough), I'm inclined to let it slip.
So please, in the future, don't tell us "we don't understand." I understand one thing -- Wing is a lightweight, ill-conceived attempt to profit on a long-running franchise. Don't try and pretend that Wing -- or even Anime, for that matter -- represents the best of Japanese cinema. That'd be Kurusowa. Even the best animation falls far short of real actors. Which makes me wish the Japanese would make more real movies and leave animation to the "beat the crap of random aliens with blasts of energy emanating from your palms" genre.