Admission to the institute is offered in the month of November every year and the classes of the First Semester BE (Industrial Electronics) start by the mid of January. Pakistani nationals having passed their Matric / SSC (Science Group) and Intermediate / HSC / FSC (Pre-Engineering) or equivalent both in First Division and age between 16 years and 20 years on 20th October each year are eligible to apply for admission. Application forms along with the prospectus of the institute can be obtained from the institute between 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on working days on payment of Rs. 500/- in cash or by sending a bank draft/pay order of Rs. 550/- (Rs. 50/- Postal Charges) in the name of "IIEE, PCSIR, Karachi". The admission form and prospectus can also be obtained from designated PCSIR offices in other cities. A candidate has to qualify the admission test. The admission test consists of two sections that is Physics and Mathematics. Sample papers are available for the convenience of the new candidates. There are 40 seats only. Provincial quotas as prescribed by the Federal Government are applied. A brief description is as follows:
EQUIVALENCE CRITERIA OF FOREIGN EXAMINATION For the purpose of determining eligibility to apply for admission, the candidates having passed Cambridge High School Certificate Examination with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics at principle level or the General Certificate of Education (A-Level) with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, the candidate has to obtain equivalence certificate from the registrar of NED University Of Engineering And Technology, prior to submission of the application form. MODE OF APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION
REJECTION OF APPLICATION FORM Applications of the candidates who do not fulfill the eligibility criteria specified in above paragraph shall be rejected. The candidates found guilty of suppression or misrepresentation of material facts at any stage shall be rejected for admission. The Principal of the institute shall be competent to reject any application for admission and to cancel or withdraw admission of any student without assigning any reason. ENTRANCE TEST All the eligible candidates have to appear in the Entrance Test. The date and timing of the Entrance Test is printed on the Admit Card. The course of the test is Physics and Mathematics up to HSC / FSC level. Duration of the test is three hours. The candidates are required to bring with them the Admit Card, pen, pencil, erasure etc. and a scientific calculator on the day of Entrance Test. Programmable calculators are not allowed. The candidates found using any sort of unfair mean, seeking help or helping other candidate shall be disqualified from the test. Borrowing pen, pencil or calculator etc. during the test is not allowed. No candidate, without Admit Card, will be allowed to appear in the Entrance Test. FINAL SELECTION Final selection of candidates will be based only on the merit position obtained by the candidate in the Entrance Test and the authorized provincial quotas. Entrance Test is conducted now only in Karachi. ADMISSION PROCEDURE
EMPLOYMENT/SIMULTANEOUS ENROLMENT IN OTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS The program leading to BE (Industrial Electronics) Degree is a regular full time day program and thus no student admitted in this institute shall be allowed to engage himself/herself in employment or maintain a simultaneous enrolment in other course of study in other educational institution. Violation of above may lead to cancellation of admission.