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-Canadian Adscam Inquiry

Click on the Free Dominion



Free Dominion Now




James Bredin


Free Dominion is a site somewhere in cyber space,

A beacon of light in this dark political place,

Where we openly discuss left wing propaganda,

Kyoto edicts and their other secret agenda.


Sometimes Quebec or Alberta separation,

Or even twelve rich government secret foundations,

Or terrorists arriving and claiming charter rights,

Because they read Trudeau’s Charter with delight.


In a world inundated with their party line,

Multicultural adscam crooks you can’t malign,

Wall to wall editorials by those who sold their souls,

At Free Dominion we can see through the holes.


Keen observers of all these frightful events,

An uphill battle against what adscam represents,

As they righteously claim that they are different now,

They saw the light overnight and changed somehow.


Monday, December 12, 2005

Check the link below


Dictatorial Conditions




James Bredin


Captured by your thoughts of corrupt politicians,

Taxed up to your eyes in contemptuous conditions,

Repetitive propaganda like a hollow ring,

Caught; trapped in circumstances and can’t change a thing.


The Gomery Inquiry showed just how they control,

They should not even be allowed out on parole,

Pompous proud Liberals proclaiming they’re so swell,

While Canada seems like a country going to hell,


As they shove their system and continue their spree,

While Quebec and Referendum Three we’ll all agree,

So they’ll change nothing as if it’s all in disguise,

Overlook corruption, separation, taxed to the eyes.


And now they scream it wasn’t them; it was the other guys,

The bad part of their party that told all those lies,

Because they themselves are good and they wouldn’t fake,

And they’re going to give us a little tax break.


And we believe them as they herd us like sheep,

As we stick to their status quo and they lull to sleep,

No recall, referendums or term limits please,

No flat tax for Canadians as in winter we freeze.


Saturday, November 05, 2005

Canadian Adscam Inquiry

A Canadian Politician at the trough

Thank you, Justice Gomery




James Bredin


Thank you, Justice John Gomery for your report,

Though Chretien is not pleased; says, he’ll see you in court,

You didn’t pull many punches and told it like it was,

Why is that so strange and do I hear applause?


You avoided their political propaganda,

But will Canadians still stay on their agenda?

Will Quebec be sucked in by their sponsorship plan?

Or is equalization enough for their clan?


What next will they do for national unity?

Double equalization at the first opportunity?

Are we just toy soldiers marching to their tune?

Are we moving along towards one of their communes?


What hidden surprises have they got in store?

Did you just scratch the surface and is there a lot more?

Will the right guy come out from under a rock and talk?

How many corrupt politicians will walk?


Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Alfonso Gagliano


Gomery Inquiry Report




James Bredin


Evidence they were in politics up to their eyes,

Sponsorship secrecy, sanctimonious guise,

Complex web of faulty financial transactions,

All connected to Chretien’s office, these factions.


No criteria and the door open for abuse,

With their connections they could use any excuse,

Not responsible for mismanagement,

Suggestion was an order and no argument.


Political hacks allowed to play without rules,

If need be, they could walk away with the crown jewels,

No oversight, control, command of any player,

At least none admitted to while they were there.


Costs, commissions and charges inflated,

Political party power interrelated,

Complex web of financial transactions,

No reluctance or fear of any reactions.


Partisan purposes -- not national unity,

Kickbacks to Liberal Party with impunity,

Hope we can Fix Canada now while it still works

And hope we survive these obnoxious crooks


Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Ex Prime Minister Chretien




Ottawa Adscam Liberals




James Bredin


If you listen to Ottawa propagandists pontificate,

Adscam Liberals telling us that we have reason to celebrate,

None of them have gone to jail for corruption, fraud or crime,

Nothing will change and we’ll eventually forget it in time.


They appoint their friends to all the high places,

And do it boldly and blatantly in front of our faces,

And we’re supposed to celebrate because this is our structure,

Therefore we’re stuck in the status quo of their infrastructure.


Imposed cult of diversity by political appointees,

Bilingualism and multiculturalism so on your knees,

Plus same sex marriages for gays and two tier medical stuff,

From adscam political appointees and have you heard enough?


While ethics and corruption is swept under the carpet for years,

Chosen conclusions and nothing is like what it appears,

While their unquestioned High Court appointees make decisions,

Based on their holy Charter and we all get their legal revisions.


Pompous pronouncements on how they interpret the Charter of Rights,

Dressed up in red gowns looking down from their legal heights,

While the Access Act hides political mortal and venial sins,

Inquiries stopped by bilingual bureaucrat as she grins.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Prime Minister Martin



No Chance to Protest




James Bredin


I want to read the news – not pampered media propaganda,

I don’t want to be in their flock and led by their agenda,

To be led here and there and told where to go and not to think,

As they announce their appointees with a nudge and a wink.


I want to vote for my prime minister but I am forbidden,

I want my MP to represent me and not remain hidden,

Where favoritism and cronyism seem to rule the day,

Where Alberta senators-elect have to just stay far away.


I want someone in Ottawa to care that I’m still alive,

Not dead or numbers in an income tax file trying to survive,

I want referendums and proportional representation,

Not Adscam or secretly stashed numbers in their foundations.


I’d like to vote for a senator, a governor or judge,

And not locked to the status quo in a system no one can budge,

I want someone to say that maybe its time for things to change,

You can now vote for your prime minister and it’s all arranged.


Why do I feel that politicians tend to shrink from being involved?

And every third pedophile prisoner released and absolved?

Why do I feel that Ottawa has no sympathy for the West?

Why do I feel that Canadians are not allowed protest?


Friday, August 12, 2005

Toronto Harbor




The Adscam Illusion




James Bredin


The Adscam same-sex crowd in Ottawa, feel so gay and proud,

They might not call an election like Mr. Dithers vowed,

Thirty days after the Adscam report or did he lie once more?

Will they use the same money envelopes again just to score?


Will the appointed senators or governor general assist?

Will the Adscam be forgotten by then and will they get kissed?

And with bought Belinda on their side they should stay in power,

Or could she switch sides again if one day she’s feeling sour?


Some Liberals think the people in Alberta have no pride?

And they dream National Energy Program to get them on side?

Did they lock up some farmers for selling stuff across the border?

Do they have some anti American mental disorder?


Does their Byzantine bureaucratic empire bulge at the sides?

Without referendums or recall where no one decides,

Liberal socialist groupthink pumped out by propaganda,

As they tax and they spend in their equalization agenda.


But things are great as we are often told in their media,

By their hacks using their socialist encyclopedia,

Adscam didn’t happen; it was all just an illusion,

No need for an election and that’s a forgone conclusion.


Forget it; put all that right-wing stuff completely out of your mind,

And also forget those billions of dollars that no one could find,

Bureaucrats and Liberal politicians wouldn’t tell lies,

And they’ll stay forever and never say their goodbyes.


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Prime Minister Martin



Questions For Adscam Politicians




James Bredin


Why are election dates a surprise and well hidden?

Why is recall not allowed and even forbidden?

Why are we the people so downtrodden and cowed?

Why are national referendums never allowed?


Why does Quebec want to separate or escape?

Can’t be held back by Clarity Act or duct tape,

Even for Trudeau’s imposed Charter or Rights,

Which they refused to sign despite Ottawa’s might.


Would proportional representation change things around?

Is the status quo so sacred and profound?

Who might influence events in our leaderless land?

Where their propaganda says everything is so grand.


Why are we taxed plus GST right up to our ears?

Forbidden to have flat tax despite all our fears,

Why is our justice system so soft on crime?

Why no questions to appointee judges any time?


Why do our pompous politicians travel the globe?

Special-interest adscam trade missions I’m told,

Why does the Charter not allow property rights?

Why enforced multiculturalism from the heights?



Wednesday, January 4, 2006



Remember Shawinigate




James Bredin


Remember Chretien’s motel in Shawinigan?

Ethics, Mounties and they got voted in again,

Do you remember they never needed receipts?

And the missing billion at HRDC had no deceits.


Remember the High Court same-sex decisions?

Liberal majority and no revisions,

No notwithstanding clause but secret foundations,

And they deny proportional representation.


Remember two-tier health care decision that we’ll pay,

But after an election to ensure they’ll stay,

Two-tier and Kyoto Agreement will be enforced,

Money to secret foundations will be endorsed.


Remember they’ve got it made in the way things are,

Their appointees will cover them though it’s bizarre,

Referendums and recall are strictly banned,

They can do what they like and can’t be charged or canned.


Honorable nerds not accountable to voters,

Who themselves seldom vote for these adscam promoters,

Remember people vote for corrupt politicians,

Germany, China Russian historical revisions.


Can anything be changed or are we all going to hell?

Tied to their status quo and not allowed to smell?

Remember they are opposed to any and all change,

No need to think, do anything or rearrange.


They’ll delay the Gomery report till sometime next year,

Do or say anything to pretend they’re sincere,

And those envelopes full of money were quite clever

And without term limits they’re here forever.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Appointed without Questions Supreme Court

The Adscam Liberals and their “new” Canada




James Bredin



What surprises can we expect from Adscam Liberal types?

Why do they seem to hate Americans and the Stars and Stripes?

In their “new” Canada pushed in appointments and agenda,

Pumped out daily in their left-wing socialist propaganda.


These useless politicians do tend to travel an awful lot,

Information hidden in the Access Act in case they get caught,

On the gravy train to everywhere for the rest of their days,

Summer recess first class of course far away, no delays.


Trudeau’s Charter was written so this would be difficult to change,

Seven provinces plus fifty percent of people to arrange,

And then the Adscam Liberals could turn it down with one vote,

They love their Charter without property rights that they promote.


While the prime minister appoints friends to all the top positions,

No one can vote for appointees in despotic conditions,

No one can vote for the prime minister because that’s not allowed,

Add senators, judges and governor generals to that crowd.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005



Liberal lies, rant and rage




James Bredin


I can’t understand all this Liberal rant and rage,

Gimpy politicians whose movements are hard to gauge,

Adscam guys claiming honesty and integrity,

We heard of their quality, corruption and inequity.


Fake Liberal volunteers in a kick-back scheme,

Judge Gomery pointed it out about this team,

Culture of entitlements and Mafia style,

Cash -- no paper trail or computer file for a while.


Pompous political propaganda every day,

Politically correct in what they display,

In almost all the big papers in the land,

Conspiracy in every page at their command.


A country going to rack and ruin right before our eyes,

Soft justice, votes to prisoners, decriminalize,

And open up the gates to allow voters out or in,

What’s that I hear -- the sound of a Liberal violin.


And separatist provinces saying they will go,

Some have oil and others equalization dough,

As we stand alone reading the writing on the wall,

Wondering what is going to happen to us all.


Thursday, December 8, 2005

Liberal Gang



Mysterious Mandarin Ministers




James Bredin


Mysterious mandarins and ministers in Montreal care,

Meeting other Liberal moguls in their favorite lounge lair,

Their wall to wall arrogance while pleasantries are exchanged,

And power, their ultimate aphrodisiac, is arranged.


Their appointees like monarchs will always rule both night and day,

Got where they are without questions on the Liberals’ say,

They’ll decide Kyoto and same-sex stuff like they do a lot,

In this mentally challenged land that god seems to have forgot.


Secrets squirreled away and hidden inside the Access Act,

Money squirreled away too in fourteen foundations intact,

With a phalanx of pompous civil servants guarding the door,

The end always justifies the means and the Liberals score.


And you will love it because their editors wrote it so,

Buy their unity with billions of your equalization dough,

Not allowed to find fault with this conspiracy Adscam crowd,

It is your duty to vote for them and always feel proud.


They always scream how great it was that Trudeau wrote his Charter

Though Quebec didn’t sign on and this was not a disaster,

Their top-down centralized Ottawa system is so great,

No need for provinces and only they may decide to debate.


Saturday, June 04, 2005





With a knife-edge majority




James Bredin


Did you watch the Adscam horror movie; it was a smash,

Envelopes stuffed with cash that were so easy to stash,

National interest meant nothing when weighed in the balance,

Of power, opportunism, ambition and arrogance.


Now they stick to the cherished Liberal Party script and pretend,

That Adscam Inquiry meant nothing and couldn’t offend,

Hypocrisy up to here whether you noticed it or not,

Unequal equalization, same-sex stuff, Kyoto – the lot.


Then they bought Belinda with a high cabinet post,

While they told us the people in Darfur could be toast,

And fellow traveling editors pumped out their propaganda,

Spun events with their wall t o wall Liberal agenda.


And you the invisible are not present when they decide,

How they will tax on tax and spend and travel free worldwide,

You are never in the room when any decisions are made,

Then they trumpet their programs and don’t you dare feel betrayed.


Federalist politicians pay that ransom to Quebec,

Slaves to the separatists with huge equalization check,

Because those they cannot lead; their allegiance they can buy,

Say it’s to save Confederation to justify the lie.


When in reality it is to save the Liberals’ hide,

While recalls, referendums and term limits are denied,

Their knife edge majority and conspiracy desperation,

As they push their power in the name of confederation.


Friday, June 03, 2005

Auditor General Ms Fraser



Is this real or a TV show?




James Bredin


We don’t know where we’re going, when and if Quebec pulls out,

Though pompous politicians pretend they know what it’s all about,

Positioned in a paralyzed place while events pick up the pace,

While status quo Adscam politicians never feel disgrace.


And each politician has a reason for this and for that,

And the Access Act hides every conspiracy and that’s a fact,

Where their ethics, their thefts and their kickbacks go hand in hand,

Buy Belinda with a cabinet post and we’ll all understand.


Envelopes full of cash, corruption, extortion and threats.

No leadership, no ethics, no honesty and no regrets,

And this type of government had been imposed on Quebec,

Can you blame them if they think they had been caught around the neck?


They say we should pay more attention to the United Nations,

Send soldiers to Darfur and maybe help out the Haitians,

And pay no attention to Ottawa or even Quebec,

Bought with billions of equalization ransom if you check.


Liberal editors who long ago sold their sour souls,

Bend events, spin the news like hidden manipulative moles,

Pump and push and align us with their socialist agenda,

Never show us the dark side of their dreadful propaganda.


And we the people are not allowed to look events in the face,

With Adscam-pretend-pious politicians and there’s no disgrace,

Isolated in our waiting room pretending that we know,

When will they change the program in this weird TV show?



Thursday, June 02, 2005

Judge Gomery in charge of Adscam


I Think I’ll Change Sides Too




James Bredin


I was thinking of changing and going to the other side,

Over where the crooks and conspirators and Belinda confide,

Where the Adscam Liberals live and kickbacks were accepted,

Where everything was denied that the Adscam intercepted.


I should maybe get a job as a cabinet member,

Put parliament into recess until at least next December,

By then the public will have over and done with the lot,

Time, just like Shawinigate, where everything was forgot.


They like to feather their nests and cover all their backs,

Large envelopes of cash that leave no paper trails or tracks,

Absolutely nothing for the Auditor General to find,

Hidden in many foundations, out of reach and entwined.


And I’ll be in with the horde that holds positions for life,

No recall even if I’m a crook and there is no strife,

And what I do, or don’t, will be hidden inside the Access Act,

In a labyrinth of laws and regulations and that is fact.


Because despite the Gomery Inquiry digging that dirt,

The Liberals are invincible and nothing can hurt,

As they strut their stuff but with a majority of one,

It’s the status quo forever while referendums they shun.



Monday, May 30, 2005


Liberals Rule




James Bredin


When Liberals dominate the world or a web site; they rule,

Democracy is not their strong point and it’s like you’re in school,

Because their divine right of kings, tells them when and what to do,

As they appoint their special friends without questions or review.


Then visit tin pot despot dictators all over the globe,

While they still keep on trying to close down the Adscam probe,

Shady dealings isolated behind firewall protection,

While government pompous propagandists give us direction.


Appoint senators and judges to all the proper places,

You don’t know the appointees and never saw their faces,

Don’t know whether they have vested interests or special friends,

And you’re not allowed to know or ask about inclination or trends.


Without questions or answers because this is their way,

Is this about justice or honesty or being led astray?

And if they manage to close down Adscam; what can we say?

Would the Adscam Liberals be so bold as to betray?


It’s order in council during parliamentary recess,

For months at a time behind closed doors but I digress,

Their UN Tin pot despot dictator friends would understand,

They too don’t need parliament; they just write a command.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005


They are trying to Close Down Adscam




James Bredin


The Adscam Liberals appear to want everything centralized,

They feel this would be more in their favor and more civilized,

And without recall or elected Senate how could they be wrong?

We should act and walk in unison and sing the same song.


And without referendums we are married to their status quo,

That is except Quebec who also gets equalization dough,

And the occasional referendum to see if they’ll stay,

But we’re forbidden referendums and we always obey.


Though we’re taxed up to the eyes and no one ever acts surprised,

As they give and get our money in kickbacks, we might despise,

And we’re not allowed to question the appointments they make,

To the High Court or the Senate ‘cause they can’t make a mistake.


We practice subservience and it makes us feel so good,

Without questions or democracy that’s little understood,

And without term limits or even set-date elections,

Herded docile sheep waiting for the lions’ selections.


As they point their fingers from behind firewall protection,

Proclaim their perfection and try to avoid an election,

Try to close down Adscam inquiry because of the heat,

As their talking heads protect them and they’re not too discreet.


Sunday, May 22, 2005



The Divine Right of Kings




James Bredin


Declare that the democratic deficit is such a bad thing,

Then visit every tin pot dictator and every ding a ling,

Canadian vote in parliament was a technicality,

Divine right of kings covers that eventuality.


The Adscam revelations show the Liberals are bent,

Money laundering cases full of cash that they sent,

To special friends provided they in turn kicked some of it back,

Though they still deny all this or that they are a crooked pack.


With the divine right of kings there’s no need for an election,

And parliament doesn’t count and they’re the only selection,

Make even Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe look good,

Elections bought with bribes and money they understood.


Hang onto power by the tips of their fingers and toes,

Spend and give our money like water as Niagara Falls flows,

And we thought Chretien was bad and we could never get worse,

What did we do to deserve these lounge Liberals’ curse?


He still wants to send money and soldiers to Sudan,

They don’t want soldiers but send the money as soon as you can,

For more guns and ammunition and a Swiss bank account,

And just like the Liberals no one can check that amount.


And another national unity crisis is on the way,

Pushed and caused by Liberal corruption they say,

They prefer Quebec City to Ottawa they reveal,

From whom they would at least get an honest deal.


Erect a guillotine where they can see it on Parliament Hill,

To remind them that maybe we the people should rule still,

Impeach the last two prime ministers and put them in jail,

Ban their lies and propaganda in every detail.



Sunday, May 15, 2005

Judge Gomery of the Adscam Inquiry


Criminal Conspiracy Curse




James Bredin




Do you really care whether your government is up or down?

Is it a corrupt dictatorship that should not be around?

Moving your money in suitcases, and giving it to their friends,

Many of whom already drive in Mercedes Benz.


Canadian loyalist subjects keep their place in line,

Proudly, politely and patiently, they do it all the time,

While politicians divert money and leave no paper trail,

Their firewalls are in fashion and there’s no cheque in the mail.


And you must understand, they say; this is for your own good,

As they tax and spend and travel the world and you wish you could,

Are we destined to disintegrate because we cannot change?

Stuck deep in their status quo that we cannot rearrange.


What happens when a government is rotten at the top?

Deny suitcases full of money and say that they are not,

While Adscam reveals that taxpayers’ money laundering scheme,

And they pump their propaganda with their friendly media team.


Delay election calls because some Conservatives are sick,

Make sure they’re in hospital and can’t vote and that’s the trick,

While in Quebec they wonder if separation could be worse,

Than this criminal conspiracy and awful Ottawa curse.




Friday, May 13, 2005

Click here for more information on Canadian politics

Mr. Gagliano

Corrupt Political Traditions




James Bredin


Adscam shows our politicians are so deceitful and corrupt,

And only they can decide if or when we may interrupt,

Because without referendums, recall or set-date elections,

We the people don’t have any power or make selections.


Is there a Chretien/Martin firewall in operation?

To keep them out of Adscam hearings and avoid a sensation,

So far we’ve only heard of a slight hearsay connection,

And some seem to fall on their swords for PM’s protection.


It has shown the lifestyle of continuous corruption,

 That permeated the party without government disruption,

And their right to stay in power forever could not be denied,

But will these Adscam hearings help Canadians decide?


Or are we all completely and utterly mentally ill?

Who despite the hearings can’t believe they’re a poison pill,

Corruption on an ongoing vast gargantuan scale,

Completely hidden because they had no paper trail.


As we send our equalization ransom payments in a check,

And it goes straight through Ottawa and then onto Quebec,

Why are we cursed with such rotten pompous politicians?

It’s time that we had one to break with corrupt traditions?


Monday, May 09, 2005

Prime minister Martin


When will they stop Clowning Around?




James Bredin


It’s past time that the provinces told Ottawa where to go,

Quebec may eventually do it but we really don’t know,

Ironic those who get equalization ransom the most,

Could force us to accept bilingualism from coast to coast.


Newfoundland got what they wanted by lowering a few flags,

And Ottawa came running quickly with bulging moneybags,

While docile Ontario gets ripped, picked and kicked about,

And Ottawa struts its stuff at adscam without a doubt.


If separatists win Referendum Three and they just might,

And they stop sending taxes to Ottawa with great delight,

Will Ottawa double the ransom to buy them off once more?

Forget about referendums, ROC or the esprit de corps.


Of course lying McGinty said he wanted some money back,

With Liberals, what do you expect is coming down the track?

Means we are in tax do do deep, right up to our neck,

Ontario pays and doesn’t get an equalization check.


Without referendums, recall or set-dates, we’re trapped for years,
Their appointees will decide what is right or wrong; is that clear?
With Shawinigate status quo system forever nailed down?

As we wait and wait and wait for them to stop clowning around.


Sunday, May 08, 2005


Who Got the Money?




James Bredin


One former Liberal official said he funneled money,

In secretly stuffed envelopes which wasn’t very funny,

Millions moving here and there just like Mafia hoods,

But these were party officials it must be understood.


Large wads of cash were stuffed in envelopes without disgrace,

Thousands here, millions there, completely vanished without a trace,

And no one, they often claimed, knows where the money ended up,

They sometimes say they never fart and they never never burp.


And still trying to protect their political bosses,

Claiming it’s their own fault and they’ll carry all the crosses,

But where the money went is still a monster mystery,

Not down on any paper or in Party history.


It’s about how they bent national unity to their own cause,

More money for elections to stay in power without pause,

Those who speak out could endanger national security,

Should be quiet like most Canadians in obscurity.


Government paralyzed by scandal but doing fine, thank you,

They’ve been doing this for ten years so, for them, it’s nothing new

You remember Shawinigate and the HRDC affair,

They just continue every year on a wing and a prayer.


Saturday, May 07, 2005

Deals for Preferred Provinces from Paul




James Bredin


Liberals lounging in the labyrinth of lies and deceit,

Lurking, looking at, in the near future, probable defeat,

Though they prefer to rule by order in council from afar,

Then deny everything at Adscam which is extremely bizarre.


How dare you call equalization payments a ransom fee,

Regardless, the Quebecois will have Referendum Three,

Canadians should be more polite and docile and meek,

And none of this analysis scrutiny or critique.


If separatists win Referendum Three, what will they do?

No one, absolutely no one, has the slightest clue,

Did the Liberals give you permission to think about this?

Are they still at Adscam trying to avoid an abyss?


Are we compelled to support these corrupt politicians?

Through Adscam conditions and very few of their admissions,

Is it deals with certain provinces but certainly not all,

More equalization for preferred provinces from Paul.


Without referendums, recall or set-dates, we’re trapped for years,

Their appointees will decide what is right or wrong; is that clear?

With Shawinigate status quo system forever nailed down?

As we wait for separatists to stop clowning around?


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Prime minister Paul Martin


What does it take For us to Change?




James Bredin


No proportional representation has been allowed,

By that Ottawa political pompous crowd so proud,

No questions and no answers to or from any appointee,

Media has us so well trained that we concur and agree.


Those headed for High Court or the Senate can’t be asked

Questions or voted in or out so their secrets remain intact,

And Chretien’s notwithstanding clause has never been used,

Regardless of biased decisions imposed and why we’re confused.


They run the country by order in council most of the year,

When parliament is not sitting, but so very sincere,

Tin pot dictators at the UN would certainly understand,

How it’s then hidden in the Access Act at their command.


And equalization will remain in the organization,

They stopped the Adscam but not this Quebec ransom donation,

Politicians do not act; they react only if votes count,

And stash our tax money in a secret foundation account.


A huge bureaucratic bilingual organization rules,

You, you unilingual eunuch so docile and so cool,

No recall, referendums or term limits for you,

As you line up to vote and they never say adieu.



Wednesday, May 04, 2005



Provincial Autonomy is the only way to Go




James Bredin


The wake-up call is now or we’re going into the do do deep,

Rewrite the constitution and then we can go back to sleep,

Revolutionaries act while politicians might react,

More provincial autonomy now and we just might stay intact.


Ottawa doesn’t want to know about the fork in the road,

They want to stick to the status quo in their present abode,

And then spin things this way or that way and the PM is czar,

And don’t call because they’re out of town holidaying afar.


Their propaganda pompously proclaims that nothing is wrong,

And Referendum Three will not be theirs or our swan song,

And we are not like lemmings all leaving for the sea,

They’ll solve our unity problems with more adscam for you and me.


All we have to do is wait and wait and wait for them to react,

Two years, four years, maybe twenty years and that’s a fact,

This unity problem is not real and only in Quebec,

The other provinces are quite and docile if you check.


And the equalization ransom should buy our way out,

Unlike the adscam, this has been accepted without a doubt,

So wait a few more years after Referendum Three,

Ottawa will eventually react, just you wait and wait and see.


And provincial autonomy they say, is not the way to go,

Rich provinces should pay poor provinces a lot more dough,

But we can’t touch the constitution because Mulroney tried,

That plus the GST and his Party went away and died.


Tuesday, May 03, 2005


They Do It Because We Let Them




James Bredin


Do Canadian politicians come from deep down in hell?

As they tax and spend and travel and announce all is well,

And these concerned types call us a nation of minorities,

As they try to impose Kyoto and same-sex stuff as priorities.


Mixed with multiculturalism maneuvered as they preach,

No melting pot for these guys as they each overreach,

And hide their hidden agendas with their vested welfare,

And at the Adscam hearings deny they were even aware.


These Liberals are out now buying votes by the hour,

Using our money to keep themselves in permanent power,

As we watch helplessly – a billion here, a million there,

And no one says it’s crooked – oh we wouldn’t dare.


Blatant Adscam type maneuvers to manipulate money,

In a distant tin pot dictatorship this would seem funny,

As they make deals with the devil and send you out mail,

And none of them, ever, ever, go to jail.


They treat you like a commodity that can be bought,

Then they travel the world and visit every resort,

Spending your money like water at Niagara Falls,

They do it because we let them and they have the balls.


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Judge Gomery should get a Medal




James Bredin


I think Judge Gomery himself should be given a medal,

For not caving in to them or letting them meddle,

For exposing their corruption, bribery, extortion and crimes,

In the face of political pressure many many times.


This should be a wake-up call for us to put things right,

That we have corrupt politicians that are not even bright,

Their status quo shows that our old system is blighted,

And we should change things to keep Canada united.


The Gomery Inquiry should be a permanent thing,

Independent of government or those who want to be king,

For corrupt politicians or Shawinigate-type affairs,

I can almost hear their political media claim, “Who cares?”


To counteract those with certain Chretien-type ambition,

To avoid another future Adscam condition,

A people’s ombudsman to save us from those who are grim,

A provincial appointee – not one appointed by him.


To expose their hidden illegal secrets to us all,

So we can decide who should stay, go to jail or who should fall,

With set-date elections, recall and referendums in place,

Maybe turn things around and not have to endure this disgrace.


Saturday, April 30, 2005


As A Result of the Gomery Inquiry




James Bredin


The Martin-Layton deal with the devil may not hold,

Even if it does for a while, they’re finished, I’m told,

In the meantime they feel the inquiry should be shut down,

It’s costing too much they claim and nothing worth while has been found.


They like parliament in recess because there are no questions,

How they tax, spend and extort merely by using suggestions,

If they make it to summer recess they’ll extend it till next year.

We will get what we deserve but we have nothing to fear.


If you paid your extortionate taxes, you realize by now,

They are taking us to the cleaners because we allow,

They need that money for more of that equalization,

Or stash it in some covert place called a special foundation.


We have no control over what they do with our money,

Heard about corruption and kickbacks that they think is funny,

But how can we change things and make them unemployed?

Before we the people and this country is destroyed.


They deny that faithful members were appointed to the bench,

For volunteering during an election or they spoke French,

Party-member lawyers were not rewarded with those jobs,

These false allegations are just coming from right-wing mobs.


And independent committees made these decisions,

They were all above board so no questions or revisions,

Canadians don’t want changes so we stick in the status quo,

While the Liberals fork out all our pre-election dough.


Friday, April 29, 2005


Like Shawinigate a Few Years Ago




James Bredin


If they make it to summer recess, we will be betrayed,

They’ll stretch recess on past Christmas and they’re made in the shade,

But the handwriting is on the wall in a big rough scrawl,

Are you listening carefully Liberal Prime Minister Paul?


The payoffs and kickbacks in millions of dollars,

Overtime, adding machines, computers and scholars,

Who now try to figure out where the money went,

Did it all go back to them and is the complete Party bent?


As same-sex stuff and Kyoto they are going to impose,

Plus advice from Bono and other UN stuff, God only knows,

Martin’s speech was just a cynical attempt to hang on,

Thirty days after the Gomery report is far too long.


They want foreign aid in cash and in very large amounts,

For food and drugs and guns and in a large Swiss account,

And that’s the reason they want it strictly in cash,

No paper trail for folks who might have a UN stash.


The free fall of their party is a frightening sight,

But honest Canadians find this to be a great delight,

How many seats will they have when they finally hit the floor?

Or could they or would they finally sneak out the back door?


They have a crooked government-paid-for poll to show,

That a mysterious majority of people know,

That this corruption and kickbacks they just didn’t know,

Like Shawinigate shenanigans a few years ago.


Tuesday, April 26, 2005








James Bredin


If equalization can’t buy them, then they just can’t be bought,

The people of Quebec with whom the English often fought,

And though the times and the cards on the table have changed,

And bilingualism, coast to coast has been imposed and arranged.


Still we can see Referendum Three coming down the road,

It’s way off in the distance like some ugly giant toad,

Politicians in a quandary but still traveling the globe,

Or hiding evidence about kickbacks at the Adscam probe.


Because Ottawa can’t see the handwriting on the wall,

Too busy with bland bilingual words of Prime Minister Paul,

Dithering in diversity delivery that we expect,

Can’t touch the Charter because it’s politically correct.


They’re going to tap some expert talent and have a panel,

No one else needed and not on any TV channel,

Oh they’re going to change their ways, they say, and fix it all,

But can’t change the status quo because they’re having a ball.


But if Quebec decides to separate what will they do?

Will they then sit down and maybe take a different view?

Do they have another plan or will they tax and spend some more?

Or buy some more flags and go to Quebec and implore.


But I have the answer and I’ve had it for some time,

Read my Fix Canada stuff and it won’t cost you a dime,

My radical internal operation might put things right,

Not politically correct and not very polite.


As we stand mesmerized hoping for the right cards,

Our politicians brought us here and this we disregard,

But in order to pull this unity stuff, we will have to change,

Heed my Fix Canada and it’s easy to rearrange.


Monday, April 25, 2005


E-mail the guy who wrote it...



Paul: Remember Joe Clark




James Bredin


Paul: Remember Joe Clark during his short stay in power,

He too traveled the world and looked down from the peace tower,

Remember Kim Campbell and if you do, you’re the only one,

Her GST party disappeared and it wasn’t much fun.


You had your chance to change things but you were too busy,

Meeting tin pot dictators and they were all in a tizzy,

You and Joe Clark and Chretien all loved the United Nations,

You were absent half the time because of their invitations.


I hear you want to stiff us with Kyoto and some same-sex stuff,

And it will be taught in the schools to ensure we get enough,

And you want to stick around for at least another year,

To impose this same-sex stuff before the Liberals disappear.


And like your predecessor, you never touched the Charter,

Nor used the notwithstanding clause – no Liberal martyr,

No referendums, recall, term limits or set-date elections,

And Adscam shows us all the Liberal connections.


Saturday, April 23, 2005





The Americans can impeach their Presidents




James Bredin


Of Course you are trying to save Canada from extinction,

Provided you and your Liberals get an extension,

And you continue to rule as with Chretien, you went along,

And now suddenly you tell us, you may have been wrong.


What did you think during the Shawinigate Affair?

His ethics guy and the Mounty on a wing and a prayer,

And that billion dollars at HRDC that went missing?

Do you ever talk about these when you are reminiscing?


And you tell us we should be happy and carefree and gay,

And you’ll implement and stick us with same-sex stuff any day,

Your wishy washy ambiguous ambitious agenda is fine,

Certain newspapers pump our your propaganda all the time,


You said you wanted all the facts to come out,

But we already know enough and we don’t have a doubt,

The Americans can impeach their presidents but not us,

We can’t even vote for our PM but ‘twas ever thus.


We are held captive while politicians discuss election,

No set dates and we can’t discuss the selection,

No referendums, no recall or property rights,

No withstanding clause used to the Liberal delights.


Friday, April 22, 2005



Will we continue to Kowtow?




James Bredin


The Adscam revelations are indeed no big deal,

That’s how the Liberals run things in Quebec, so get real,

Their sense of entitlement that equalization breeds,

Though we’re taxed to the neck that we don’t seem to heed.


They had this scheme of embezzlement extortion and graft,

As part of their Quebec antics and political craft,

Refused to fix the Charter or touch Confederation,

For same-sex stuff and Kyoto and a UN decoration.


Dysfunctional political plunder and veiled blackmail,

Pompously pretending that they will always prevail,

Even the burned out rusty submarine and that sailor’s death,

They delayed while the Chicoutimi rusted at a berth.


We don’t need referendums because only they can decide,

Their corruption and despot detailed status quo will provide,

Though their Liberal dynasty is coming apart at the seams,

They want to stay forever but that’s now in their dreams.


Because no one paid attention to Shawinigate,

No prosecutions or inquiries and now it’s too late,

Can’t debate because the Mounty and ethics guy said “Okay.”

Two guys he appointed and what did we think they would say?


Or the billion that went missing at HRDC,

He explained that it was lost and that was just so easy,

The question is not if we can read the writing on the wall,

But can we fix Canada or can we break the fall?


As we shake our heads and wonder what we should do,

Can’t imprison politicians but what to do in lieu,

Can’t fix Canada because that too they’ve forbidden,

For their status quo reasons that don’t need to be hidden.


Hockey – not realism -- is our favorite sports,

As we listen and read Liberal propaganda reports,

By writers who sold them their souls very long ago,

And pump daily propaganda so we will all kowtow.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005




It’s Canadians Who are to Blame




James Bredin


Never underestimate an arrogant Liberal despot,

Evidence that has turned the Adscam into a hotspot,

They’re going to form a commission to put things right,

Appoint a friendly commissioner in the dark of night.


They say the real enemy is separatists in Quebec,

So they misplaced a few billion but that’s not much if you check,

They have moral duty to govern forever, they claim,

And if something goes wrong they can’t take the blame.


And same-sex stuff and Kyoto is the only way to go,

Maybe teach it in the schools so the kids will all know,

They’ll increase foreign aid to nearly one per cent of GDP,

We’ll feel good about our taxes, this they’ll guarantee.


Chretien refused to touch his Charter or Constitution,

Went for Kyoto instead because of pollution,

And what’s an annual scandal just between friends?

That’s the way Ottawa runs with these Liberal trends.


How could you come to think that they are to blame?

Corruption and status quo held us together just the same,

And disgraced politicians might not mean that much,

It’s Canadians who are to blame for being out of touch.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Liberal Prime Minister Martin


Wait till the Outcome of the Adscam Probe




James Bredin


Paul: I heard your partisan taped speech on TV tonight,

I felt sorry for you personally, you were so contrite,

You said you weren’t vigilant enough with the public trust,

And the people now look at the Liberals with disgust.


I thought I saw a Canadian history flash point go by,

That you were a politician on TV trying to deny,

You were pleading for more time and a delayed election,

Because you denied any Adscam connection.


You want us to hold off till after the Gomery report,

You want us all to line up and give you our support,

But you’ve been there a year and nothing much has even changed,

It’s more of the same and nothing has been rearranged.


No questions were allowed to any of your appointees,

To the Senate or the Supreme Court to any degrees,

About their prejudice or perhaps their blatant bias,

We were led to believe that they were above board and pious.


And referendums and recall, you would never permit,

Though you may vote in next Quebec referendum you’ll admit,

But we couldn’t even vote for you to be prime minister,

Another Liberal Party thing that maybe sinister.


While Quebec has Referendums to their delight,

We have equalization and no Charter property rights,

No set-date elections, recall or constitutional change,

Stuck in your status quo that we can never rearrange.


You were finance minister and followed in Chretien’s track,

Where did you think the money went as it went out and came back?

And like Chretien you visited half the countries on the globe,

And you want us to wait till the outcome of the Adscam probe.


Thursday, April 21, 2005


We Need an Army to protect us from Them




James Bredin


If we need an army, it should be to protect us from them,

Our entrenched for life politicians we cannot condemn,

Because they made the proper appointments for their protection,

Where no free votes are allowed, term limits or rejection.


And our army should limit them to their second term,

Though power the ultimate aphrodisiac they affirm,

And all their appointees should be questioned at length,

About vested interests, connections and where the money went.


Serious series of sponsorship scandals and arrears,

Inquiries into ethics for the last eleven years,

Secret silent contracts from the correct connection,

And returned to the party to bankroll an election.


Large loopholes allow lecherous lounge lizards to win,

And after the election they are seldom seen again,

They think and talk and walk in lock step with the party leader,

Or go back to their old job as a meter reader.


As we listen to the voice of the instant translator,

And the crooked system revealed by their manipulator,

And then denied by this sanctimonious lot,

They say it’s all old history and it should be forgot.


Unfortunately we’re trapped in status quo management,

No changes allowed in their muzzled mismanagement,

We only have to wait for the next incident of shame,

We need the army and changes to avoid more of the same.


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Anny McLelland



The Only Reason We Should Have an Army




James Bredin


Is party-line propaganda more or less the same?

They want us to believe their lies though they never take the blame,

You are just a sheep in a flock that is being piously led,

Down the road to the slaughter house where they said you’ll be fed.


Hounded, helpless observers in their artificial action,

Steady propaganda slogans and we’re trained by this faction,

And the army should impose two-term restrictions,

And prosecute politicians to ensure convictions.


But unfortunately they are the ones, who make the rules,

Cover themselves by their appointments and we are the fools,

Impose Kyoto, International Court and same-sex stuff,

Tax and spend and travel the world and it’s never enough.


Canadians have been tormented by tyrants far too long,

Political manipulating thieves who sing the same song,

Push their propaganda and disagree that they are thieves,

At the Adscam Inquiry they continue to deceive.


But the evidence tends to scream that they should be in jail,

And not just one or two but the whole bunch without bail,

And without the Auditor General we would still be lost,

Wondering about the national debt and why and what it cost.


As we wait with baited breath as the inquiry plows on,

And wonder about those millions that disappeared though they yawn,

In the guise of good intentions but only for Quebec,

And they’ll have referendum three soon if you’ll bother to check.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Auditor General Ms Fraser


How Serious Is the Adscam Inquiry?




James Bredin


They searched around until they found a very good reason,

To steal from the treasury and not be charged with treason,

Said it was Sponsorship Plan because of Referendum Two,

Envelopes stuffed with money for this plundering crew.


Great country as you can tell but with politicians from hell,

Who pillage the treasury in a way no one can tell,

You remember Jean Chretien and his little golf ball stunt,

Such arrogant self confidence and he did it out front.


This sponsorship program was in keeping with the season,

To show the flag in Quebec they said was their reason,

That plus equalization should keep Quebec quiet,

Plus federal bilingualism should reduce any riot.


But now that they’ve been caught with both hands in the cookie jar,

Helping themselves to taxpayers’ money from near and from far,

As the stench of their corruption permeates their ranks,

Without firewall protection and they never said thanks.


As the Quebecois now look at their federal politicians,

And they ponder their future with these same conditions,

As separatists urge them on and say it’s time for a change,

We need Referendum Three so we can rearrange.


As some politicians search frantically for a reason,

Close adscam and no election until another season,

But the hockey has been delayed and people are confused,

Is this serious stuff or should we be amused?



Saturday, April 09, 2005


Envelopes Stuffed with Thousand Dollar Bills




James Bredin


Was it unmarked envelops stuffed with thousand dollar bills?

Worthy of the mafia money laundering skills,

We’re so lucky because we still don’t know who was at fault,

As revealed at the Adscam Inquiry by Jean Brault.


Because this Adscam information is still coming out,

As we wait with baited breath but no one has a doubt,

Just how many of the Chretien clan were involved?

Will this adscam sovereignty mystery ever be solved?


Because the Adscam is where public opinion counts,

They discussed huge numbers of varying amounts,

Our taxpayers’ money manipulated here and there,

And all this went on and we were not aware.


Was it about the Red Book or the ethics they preached?

And did you know that prime ministers cannot be impeached?

And you cannot vote for your prime minister,

And he decides to walk or stay or to administer.


He picks the judges and the senators that you can’t question,

About their hidden vested interests and this is not repression,

But this information like the Adscam stuff is unknown,

Will they try to close it down or will they postpone?


Friday, April 08, 2005



We Deserve the Politicians We Get




James Bredin


We deserved the Liberal politicians that we got,

And now we see the light and they may finally get caught,

At the adscam hearings -- how they manipulated money,

Though still declaring ethics and honesty – not funny.


The arrogance of these Liberals was hard to behold,

We used to have a soul which they sold out for our gold,

Our taxpayers’ money manipulated back to their accounts,

Millions missing and no one knows the exact amounts.


Their self confidence and delusions of grandeur so great,

Stuck in their status quo without referendums or debate.

Their list of scandals came like water under a bridge,

Or food gone rotten after a month in an old fridge,


And although I’m not a prophet I’ll make a prediction,

That none of them will go to jail or get a conviction,

We’ll have an election and a Quebec referendum,

To change things around and get out of this conundrum.


You’ll read about this in the papers as time goes by,

You can then think back and say, who was that poet guy?

Who could read the hidden handwriting on the wall,

At a time when the Liberals still pretended to walk tall.


As their Red Book and stained ethics came home to roost,

And we realized that we were the voters they seduced,

And still they hardly notice as they travel here and there,

And each and everyone acts like he/she’s a millionaire.


Thursday, April 07, 2005


Unilingual Scream in Bilingual Dream




James Bredin


They rarely rearrange the equalization ransom,

That has kept them in office and looking quite handsome,

Mere mindless minions of minority government need,

More members to manipulate the status quo they feed.


For the soon-to-be election that’s coming their way,

Red Book Adscam politicians that tend to betray but stay,

As they tax and spend and travel the greater globe,

Deny everything at the Gomery Inquiry probe.


 And their followers remind me of born-again types,

Who seem to hate the Americans and the stars and stripes,

In love with a status quo system that cannot be changed,

The Charter or equalization never rearranged.


Canadians are told daily what to think and believe,

This left-wing propaganda that tends to lie and deceive,

Appointed judges and senators and cabinet guys,

That can’t be asked questions so never a surprise.


Trained to be docile and never never speak out loud,

Canadians ask permission to see if they’re allowed,

Complete political apathy and no bilingual scream,

Unilingual flock caught in adscam dictatorship dream.


Saturday, April 02, 2005

Liberals want an Election Now





James Bredin


The Liberals right now want to keep the Adscam closed,

So the public can’t find out what has been exposed,

Something terrible has been mentioned behind closed doors,

Stuff that could put the Liberals down in all fours.


Their ability to automatically get voted in,

Could be interrupted with the revelation of this sin,

They’re having secret meeting discussing this and that,

Getting ready for the upcoming election combat.


But if they could keep it closed before the sins are revealed,

They might still pull it off with all their sins still concealed,

Stuck in the Gomery inquiry behind that closed door,

They can claim there’s nothing wrong just like they did before.


So they need an election now rather than later,

But don’t want to trigger it like some dictator,

Even though the PM is not chosen by society,

They pretend piety propriety – not notoriety.


Now is the time that the Conservatives should say,

We’re taxed to the eyes and we just don’t want to pay,

We should elect those who will cut taxes in half,

Not like some Red Book that caused Liberals to laugh.


Friday, April 01, 2005




Adscam Sponsorship House of Cards




James Bredin


Secretive sponsorship shenanigans slush fund scare,

No connection to Shawinigan shenanigans affair,

They wouldn’t lie about this because they’ve changed,

Have we had a frontal lobotomy or are we deranged?


They’ve milked us placid taxpayers for so many years,

Then they gave it to their friends and got it back without fears,

No documentation, paper trail or confirmation,

And that’s not counting what they stuffed in furtive foundations.


They scream that the Gomery inquiry should shut down,

It wasn’t them they say; it was the other guys down town,

Their politics will have to continue just as they are,

Keep donations coming in dollars euros or dinars.


And nothing in Ottawa is ever allowed to change,

Can’t admit that there’s a problem and can’t rearrange,

Because Canada is perfect or didn’t you know?

Because powerful politicians still say it’s so.


Can’t elect a prime minister or question a judge,

Can’t elect a senator or even begrudge,

Can’t recall a politician or have set election dates,

Can’t have referendums or ground level debates.


And proportional representation will not be allowed,

It has been denied by all our politicians they vowed,

Bilingualism pounded in whether you like it or not,

Except in French unilingual Quebec, I forgot.


And if Quebec decides to separate they’ll fix that too,

Clarity Act and $equalization will pull us through,

Like the adscam sponsorship ransom house of cards

If it folds, they’ll up the ransom and send out best regards.


Saturday, March 26, 2005

Adscam, Gomery, Sponsorship Inquiry




James Bredin


Funneled funds to their Francophonie friends in Quebec,

Adscam, sponsorship, Gomery inquiry if you check,

Liberal corruption seeped deep into organization,

Plus furtive funds stashed steep still in secret foundations.


“Canadian values,” they said in their propaganda,

Pay attention to Darfur, Somalia and Uganda,

Overlook scandal, patronage, theft and corruption,

But don’t do, think, say or vote that might cause disruption.


Sneaky secret slush funds slid here and there, everywhere,

To their friends under the table with a wing and a prayer,

No invoices or contracts; it was just word of mouth,

Because they could trust each other not to blabbermouth.


Therefore there was no documentation or paper trail,

Investigators were and are still blind, using Braille,

And democracy had no input when thieves were at large,

It was a one-party state where they were in charge.


Confrontational issues were easily solved,

Their abortion or same-sex issues just evolved,

Because it’s in the Charter and don’t disturb the status quo,

Equalization too in the Charter or didn’t you know.


Complacent lazy dithering corrupt politicians,

Think referendums would interfere with their conditions,

And after a while they start to believe their own lies,

While they say they’re not the same as those adscam guys.


Friday, March 25, 2005


Must We Be Kept in the Dark?




James Bredin


Wrapped it in the flag even though it was all in vain,

Way to pay for a Liberal election campaign,

And then you say, you saved the country several times,

Who will be left holding the bag for these adscam crimes?


The Liberal list of scandals goes on and on and on,

From Somalia to Shawinigan – and all withdrawn,

From HRDC to Krever to the gun registry mess,

And at the sponsorship scandal they seldom confess.


And adscam will trigger not just an election,

It will put Quebec referendum three into selection,

And once again we’ll be observers looking on,

Denied referendums in what could be our swan song.


What Quebec referendum number two, didn’t do,

The Gomery Inquiry will do it all in lieu,

What adscam ransom and equalization couldn’t buy,

The domino effect on their house of cards might make them cry.


It doesn’t take a prophet to foresee oncoming events,

Stuck in unilingual status quo awaiting supplements,

Will we ever be allowed to vote for our prime minister?

Must we be kept in the dark on these proceedings sinister?


Wednesday, April 06, 2005


This Multi Headed Monster




James Bredin


Adscam in Montreal uncovered tons of waste,

Where long ago government ethics had been replaced,

Scandals, double, triple billing and dipping the norm,

They used companies to channel money to perform.


Here and there and back again in the Liberal plot,

To surely deprive taxpayers of an awful lot,

Millions or billions because no one yet knows the score,

Left wing defend them and will you listen to them roar.


It’s as though nothing unusual or strange happened here,

This is how they operate so there’s nothing to fear,

They could teach the drug dealers a thing or two,

Money laundering millions like a mafia crew.


No need to get excited about this because they’ve changed,

Chretien for Martin at a convention they arranged,

And they had an election and got their majority,

I heard they’re staying for life on good authority.


This multi headed monster was involved in Quebec,

Don’t ask, don’t look, don’t see and don’t dare check,

Saving Canada was the euphemism they all used,

Adscam plus equalization in case you’re confused.


Wednesday, March 23, 2005



Liberal Lies Forever Flowing




James Bredin


They paid our tax money to Liberal friends in Quebec,

And then got it back in donations but what the heck,

Millions of our dollars going here and going there,

Said it was to stop separation because they care.


From Italy to Shawinigan and then back,

Money laundering Liberal scheme to cover their track,

And no one knew because it was so well hidden,

Access to Liberal stuff was strictly forbidden.


Then to isolate themselves when the shit hit the fan,

As Sheila Fraser opened up the rotten Adscam can,

Admitted their part in the false paper trail,

But that’s not illegal so no need for bail.


They just don’t know where our taxpayer money went,

It just up and disappeared where ever it was sent,

It’s a monster mystery and the Liberals can’t say,

They want the inquiry shut down and everyone go ‘way.


And our money in their foundations leaves us in the lurch,

Can’t be audited, counted, seen or even touched,

Money laundering hole that would make Mafia look proud,

Don’t mention this because it can’t be said out loud.


They pick their cronies too in case they need a friend,

Senate, High Court, to follow their Liberal trend,

On a quid pro quo basis and no questions asked,

How long can this go on and how long can it last?


If a Quebec referendum comes back at fifty plus,

And his Clarity Act turns out to be a wuss,

And without referendums, this is where we’re going,

Amid all those Liberal lies forever flowing.


Sunday, March 20, 2005


Can You Hear the Prison Gates Clang?




James Bredin



Can you hear the prison gates clang?

Not a chance for this political gang,

Forget your Adscam premonitions,

Not for these corrupt politicians.


They’ll soon announce that it’s a bore,

Like Somalia and Krever before,

And expensive too because of the costs,

Close it down now because they’ve heard lots.


They’re immune to doing time in jail,

Their appointees would certainly prevail,

They own the status quo, didn’t you know?

Appointees on a quid pro quo.


Forget those many missing millions,

Mismanagement among those civilians,

Though some money did go into foundations,

But that secret and no more allegations.


This is close to discussing religion,

Like a conversation with a pigeon,

They are programmed to never change,

So don’t even think that this is strange.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005





After Adscam




James Bredin


The next step after Adscam is Referendum Three,

Only for Quebec but forbidden for you and me,

Chretien’s Clarity Act to be used but who could have guessed?

And for the third time, Confederation put to the test.


Equalization ransom not equal even in name,

Vote buying manufacturing machine like Adscam game,

Mostly for some but again not for you or for me,

While Ontario pays and is taxed to the eyes, you’ll agree.


Pushed by pompous propaganda as if we’re all dense,

On people constantly programmed though it makes no sense,

Believe unbelievable corruption as a rule of thumb,

And the status quo and Adscam accepted by the numb.


No referendums and no recall or term limit rights,

They allow rogue refugees in by day and by night

As they scream same-sex, gun laws and the Charter of Rights,

While four dead Mounties are given the last rites,


Political corruption removed from reality,

Pompous international socialist mentality,

Because they’re liked so much at the United Nations,

Where no one questions their secretly funded foundations.




Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Former Prime Minister Chretien



Slush Adscam funds in Foundations




James Bredin


Slush funds of the Adscam gang stashed in foundations,

Secret stuff beyond auditors’ examinations,

Money to manage minority left wing causes,

Then collect votes like Ottawa Santa Clauses.


And you didn’t know because no one told you so,

Kyoto propaganda never mentioned that dough,

And the Adscam guys deny they ever told a lie,

And those conspiracies they both deny and defy.


And a scandal is not a scandal if it’s hidden,

With same-sex stuff where knowledge is forbidden,

Inside the no-Access Act and isn’t that strange?

No referendums or recall and nothing rearranged.


Your local MP represents them – not you,

And they never said that there’s something askew,

He/she/it only represents his/her/it’s party,

You occasionally see them quite hale and hearty.


And God forbid you should need his/her/it’s assistance,

Go to his/her/it’s office and meet some resistance,

Can’t influence cabinet or ask a judge a question,

Are we all mentally ill or is this just an impression.


Saturday, February 19, 2005



Trained Not To Be Adscam Ashamed




James Bredin


Why do Adscam politicians always make me ashamed?

As they daily deny corruption and these crooks are not blamed,

And behave as if they had been saints on a mission,

Going to save Canada but cull the $commission.


As a bevy of spontaneous translators talk,

Any number of pious pompous politicians squawk,

And we wonder where we’re going and where we’ve been,

Can I hear someone in the distance playing a violin?


Equalization where some provinces get a deal,

But Ontario can’t squeal or even appeal,

Adscam vote buying machine plus ransom for Quebec,

Most prime ministers come from there if you care to check.


Adscam guys make a deal with the devil to stay in power,

Give us the dirty end of the stick as we all cower,

And they manipulate the media and they too agree,

Promote same-sex stuff to conceal what we can see.


They were unaware this mismanagement had gone on,

Or that maybe $millions of dollars that had been withdrawn,

Without referendums or recall, nothing will change,

And don’t dare denounce them or even say that it’s strange.


Unfortunately slippery socialists have control,

Despise the Americans and hope they’re on a roll,

Bilingual types who pretend that they’re all elite,

Just bow your head and accept their conceit and deceit.


Monday, March 14, 2005

Was Chretien that Bad?



James Bredin


Was Chretien such a tax-and-spend curse?

Hard to believe that Martin might be worse,

Seems Mr. Dithers dislikes American friends,

While Liberals force feed us socialist trends.


On continuous junkets around the globe,

Shady names get dropped at the Adscam probe,

And where o where is our great opposition?

As we’re ground down slowly into submission.


Can’t even suggest that they’re on the take,

They roar they’re right and never made a mistake,

No proportional representation in their swamp,

No referendums or recall with their pomp.


Have Canadians gone mentally ill?

Such screams about sovereignty sound so shrill,

Millions of dollars sent to friends in Quebec,

Most of it missing when Adscam went to check.


Quebec referendum crisis ransom paid,

Stick to the status quo and shady stuff will fade,

Tell them about same-sex stuff and go away,

Referendums are forbidden so please obey.


Claim it was all for unity to stop them there,

Now we’re off to the Caribbean somewhere,

 And unity you see covers every sin,

Are we okay or should we take it with a grin?



Thursday, March 03, 2005


Click here for information on bilingualism



Adscam Tip of the Iceberg




James Bredin


What do you mean the Adscam guys will walk free?

They’re all in it up to their necks as far as we can see

Tell me something nice about these Adscam guys

Are they telling the truth and none of it is lies?


And each and everyone claims he didn’t know

Someone must have known something though

Why don’t they just admit, the ransom was paid

But now it seems, even the separatists feet betrayed


 Everything is fine they say, just get back to work

Stop getting worked up because no one is going berserk

Ottawa politicians are not going to change a thing

It doesn’t matter if you scream and holler or sing


Referendums and recall have all been forbidden

And all that stuff in the Access Act will remain hidden

Bilingualism in and proportional representation out

Appointed judges can’t be questioned so there is no doubt


Senators appointed till they die or seventy five

Check now and then to make sure they’re all alive

And all those rogue refugees will keep coming in

And who’s going to stop them and where and when?


Without term limits politicians can stay for life

Pretend that they’re great and there isn’t any strife

Don’t even dream about constitutional change

Mulroney and Clark tried that -- very strange


Tuesday, March 01, 2005





Canadian Status Quo Stuff




James Bredin



They’d like Adscam Inquiry under the rug soon,

At least by sometime tomorrow afternoon,

They have things to do and places to go overseas,

So go check the same-sex stuff would you please.


Quebec adscam ransom was always on time,

So Ottawa politicians felt they should feel fine,

Plus equalization billions sent that way,

So what if some of it got squirreled away?


These people in Quebec should therefore behave,

Referendums could send Canada to the grave,

Canadians can’t change the Charter or Constitution,

And Quebec can’t have a referendum revolution.


Billions stashed in foundations for minority voters,

To make sure it gets to the proper promoters,

The Auditor General can’t investigate their books,

So she can never claim that they might be crooks.


Canadians should obey and show status-quo support,

Bilingualism, Kyoto and International Court,

With UN supervision nothing should ever fail,

And Canadian politicians just can’t go to jail.


They’ve done a survey on everything big and small,

And your extortionate taxes paid for it all,

They formed a committee to impose every move,

And created a commission so they can all approve.


They have commissioners and judges all over the place,

And more appointees waiting in line just in case,

With no proportional representation they’re still in,

Because nobody really knows what goes on within.


Saturday, February 19, 2005




This is the time and temperature
in Toronto right now.



Canadian Status Quo Stuff




James Bredin



They’d like Adscam Inquiry under the rug soon,

At least by sometime tomorrow afternoon,

They have things to do and places to go overseas,

So go check the same-sex stuff would you please.


Quebec adscam ransom was always on time,

So Ottawa politicians felt they should feel fine,

Plus equalization billions sent that way,

So what if some of it got squirreled away?


These people in Quebec should therefore behave,

Referendums could send Canada to the grave,

Canadians can’t change the Charter or Constitution,

And Quebec can’t have a referendum revolution.


Billions stashed in foundations for minority votes,

 Which millions in the proper places promotes,

The Auditor General can’t investigate their books,

So she can never claim that they might be crooks.


Canadians should obey and show status-quo support,

Bilingualism, Kyoto and International Court,

With UN supervision nothing should ever fail,

And Canadian politicians just can’t go to jail.


They’ve done a survey on everything big and small,

And your extortionate taxes paid for it all,

They formed a committee to impose every move,

And created a commission so their judges approve.


They have commissioners and judges all over the place,

And more appointees waiting in line just in case,

With no proportional representation they’ll stay,

And promote same-sex stuff for those who are gay.


Saturday, February 19, 2005

Fierce but Friendly Foundations




James Bredin



Friendly funded foundations maybe as many as twelve,

Where swell people of the twilight zone are allowed to delve,

 Political maneuvers made in the dark of night,

Get and pay for the vote but do it all out of sight.


Everything is above board if you happen to belong,

But if you don’t, it’s too bad and you are probably wrong,

These friendly foundations always have funds for their friends,

And it pays to be aware of their political trends.


And it’s all legal because they said it was so,

Passed some regulations and they did it long ago,

The Adscam guys have known about this for years,

As they manipulated the system or so it appears.


Our silence on this issue has always been their friend,

While they quietly travel the world, steal, tax and spend,

And even now that it’s revealed you don’t know what to do,

Because you vote by their remote and always on cue.


Referendums and call backs might slow them down,

Or you could jump up and down and behave like a clown,

You’re just a constituent and merely an observer,

On a very leaky boat without a life preserver.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Click here for more vital information



Adscam additions




James Bredin


Those who made millions say it was not their fault,

They got carried away with themselves and couldn’t call halt,

The Quebec referendum caused this awful Adscam plight,

And now this is how these patriots tried to put things right.


That’s why the Adscam millions all came their way,

To advertise to those separatists that they should stay,

This was a catastrophe – much worse than it sounds,

They needed millions to try and stop these clowns.


They should be made heroes and given medals of Honor,

Instead of being pointed out and called goons or goner,

It was the Ottawa oligarchy that caused the pain,

Obliging consultants with so many contracts like rain.


Because equalization in Quebec didn’t work,

Money can’t buy loyalty they often said with a smirk?

And the referendum came within one percent,

Of putting Ottawa into deep cement.


Ottawa could of course change the constitution,

But provinces would want more power as a solution,

Can’t have that and the Clarity Act will put them to sleep,

The status quo is so easy not to mention, it’s cheap.


And those sovereignists better not rock the boat,

Bilingual friends in Ottawa will put them on remote,

Those Quebec unilinguals better stay the course,

Because there’s not a chance they’re getting a divorce.


Because the Trudeau/Chretien Charter is not gone,

Though no property rights and Quebec didn’t sign on,

Though Adscam may show the problems we should all agree,

A people’s constitution would be better to see.


Wednesday, March 02, 2005




Our Squirmy Politicians




James Bredin


Our squirmy politicians still don’t get it yet,

We resented sending Quebec that Adscam ransom check,

To keep Francophonie subservient with a slush fund,

Left the Auditor General so incredibly stunned.


We don’t care as elitist bilinguals scream it’s repaired,

Nod their heads, look around to see if someone really cared,

We’re the unilinguals somewhere in the hinterland,

Don’t care if your Adscam evidence was that grand.


As they switch jobs and claim no one is responsible,

As we shake our heads and wonder who is accountable,

And unlike the US, we can’t impeach a prime minister,

Can’t vote for him either which should seem sinister.


They want the Adscam inquiry completely closed down,

Like the Somalia, the Krever and the APEC meltdown,

As they still send out their equalization payments,

As their voters and friends still line up as claimants.


They have much more important issues to be carried,

Help those gay guys who vote and want to get married,

And the UN and Kyoto at the top of their list,

Junket the world in case there’s a place that they missed.


As their Charter of Rights they constantly promote,

And quietly give pedophile convicts in jail the vote,

And let them out early on the faint-hope clause,

Their convenient lenient system with its flaws.


Sunday, March 06, 2005




Four Dead Mounties




James Bredin



The Adscam and the deaths should show, we need a change,

Which our goody-two-shoe rulers are loath to arrange,

Let murderers out early with the faint-hope clause,

They’re so soft on crime and our laws full of flaws.


This attitude allowed a mad man with weapons cache,

Four dead Mounties is a disgraceful display,

These are our leaders, who gave criminals in jail the vote,

And now we have four dead guys who wore the red coat.


Pompous politicians on junkets overseas,

Buy votes with Adscam and same-sex and sleaze,

Four dead Mounties in the middle of the morning,

And the whole country into bereavement and mourning.


“This status quo,” they say, “will have stay in place.”

“Though four dead Mounties is a terrible disgrace.”

Our politicians can never see a reason to change,

Referendums or recalls they will never arrange.


Monday, March 07, 2005


Click here with your good comments.


Canadian House of Commons where politicians refuse to answer questions or take responsibility and the TV camera is not allowed to span the empty seats.