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More About Myung J. Yi
Myung J. Yi was born during the Korean Conflict and raised in a rural town in Korea until the age of 16. Hoping to be an educated Christian farmer who could help less educated peasants, he studied animal husbandry at Kon-Kook University and Rural Community Development at Seoul University.
Kyungbokkung Palace
Seoul, KoreaHe also served in the Korean Army as a commissioned officer for about three years. He taught English at a high school until he immigrated to Kansas City, Missouri in 1983. After working for his brother for a short period of time in America, he began his "professional student life" just to learn about his newly found favorite subjects. He studied History, Economics, and Philosophy at the University of Missouri-Kansas City for six years until he decided to have a full-time job at the US General Services Administration in 1990.
His current responsibility at the federal agency's Kansas City office is conducting marketing related research and studies.
Passion for learning
This passion for learning did not evaporate at the time he decided to have a full-time job. He has continued to take classes in areas such as mathematics, computer sciences, and biological sciences in the evenings. From the fall of 1998 he began to pursue an evening MBA degree at the University of Kansas.
Thanks to God's amazing grace, he accepted the Lord as his personal Savior at the age of 15. He sings in the choir at a Korean church, where he also works as the editor for the church newsletter. He serves the Korean community in Kansas City area as Budget Officer of the Korean Institute.
He has been happily married to Diane, an American-born Christian artist, since June 1997.
P.S. Korean History Trivia:
Korea was a kingdom called Chosun until 1910. The monarchy also was called Yi Dynasty because it was ruled by Yis, since it was founded by Yis in the late 14th Century.
There are many Yis in Korea. Some of them are descendants of the kings. I, Myung Jai Yi, am a descendant of the kingdom's first king Taejong. Of course, all the succeeding kings were his descendants also.
As a result, I have a tiny bit of royal blood in my body. So when I told kids my name was Pyeha, about 1% of the statement was true. Ha, ha, ha! But my only pride in my whole life is the fact that I am one of God's precious children. Hallelujah!
...Myung J. Yi
Jai has his own web site! http://eagle.cc.ukans.edu/~myung/
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ESL Ministry Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church 1801 Lacassie Avenue Walnut Creek
California 94596
Joanne Rae Meads jrmeads@worldnet.att.net
Updated September 1, 1999