About Our Club
Effective April 1, 2003 our meeting place was changed to Fellowship Hall, Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 749 Bluff Street. Park in the rear and enter the commons door. Elevator to the basement or walk.
Our Kiwanis club meets every Tuesday at 9:00 A.M. All meetings begin on time followed by a brief opening program and followed by very timely and informative meetings. Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month following the regular meeting.
Visitors are welcomed at any time, whether guests or just interested citizens.
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Club Dues and Fees
Beloit Stateline Golden K, as a member of the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District and Kiwanis International are goverened by the bylaws of these two groups. To process a new member, they are required to pay a $20 (twenty dollar) initiation fee, $15 (fifteen dollars)going to International and $5 (five dollars) to the district. After the initiation fee, each member is required to pay dues. Once again, these are set by the District and International offices. Beloit Stateline Golden K charges only the ammount assigned. The current year's dues are $80 (eighty dollars) per year, payable semi-annually, or yearly, depending on the member's preference. Administrative costs for club operation are dependent on a voluntary donation each meeting into the Administrative Pail along with Happy Dollars contributed by members for "Happy Moments." Ken Clowes, Club Treasurer | |
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Current Officers
Pres-Larry Durben Pres-elect-Doug Schultz Vice Pres-Bob Seidel Sec-Richard Baller Trea-Ken Clowes
Jim Grathwohl-04
Dan Jocz-04 Arnie Lee-05 Fran Fruzenl-05 Wally Forbes-06 Bo Holub-06 LaVerne Christensen-Past Pres. Arnie Lee-Advisor to Pres.