Club Secretary's Report R. Baller Approved as submitted.
Club Treasurer's Report: K. Clowes. Approved as submitted.
Reports from Committees
A. New members ( W. Forbes); Hugo and Mary Henry were inducted as new members. Additional folders and pins will be ordered by secretary for new members.
B. Fund Raising: ( A. Lee) A check for $118 for candy machines has been received.
C. Donor program ( F. Fruzen) Colldege students filled out donor cards March 23
D. Pancake breakfast ( D.
Schultz) Other clubs will be asked to help.
E. Sponsored Youth ( A. Lee) Aldrich Builders Club and Robinson K KIds will be classified as "Inactive" rather than having charters revoked. Inquiries to be made to parochial board by Fran about possibilities at Brother Dutton. Closure of Terrific Kids program at Hackett to be made.
President's Report (Larry Durben) Nothing additonal at this time.
VI. Old Business.
A. None at this time.
VII. New Business.
A. None at this time
Division, District and International Business.
A. Arnie and Marcia Lee will be our delegates at the International Convention in St. Louis on June 25-29.
IX. Adjournment.
Richard Baller, Secretary