Rsd A Patient's Perspective: 

My site is about how RSD has affected me.

I hope to help others with info

  about what it is and what it does to us. 

I think education is the best weapon. 


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Hello all, 


March 2, 2009: It's been a while since I updated this site. I corrected the Braintalk link and will be working on the site to help others connect with the sites they need for information or for moral support. Rsd brings folks together and togetherness is tremendous in making a persons day better. So bear with me and maybe I'll get this site ready to help anyone that might need a place to go for info, support and best of all new friends who truly understand what the pain of RSD is and does. Thanks:D

Take care and until next time.

RSD is now considered a dibilitating condition and those with it eligible to receive Social Security disability. There has been article in Time magazine and on the major news programs highlighting the world of chronic pain and how those who suffer deal with it all. The press is great as it will help many people who have RSD and may not know it. That is the part the press must enlighten. If people could see an article or a news story about RSD they might realize they should get checked. There is new medicine out there too.

One of the biggest problems affecting patients is the abuse of painkillers. People who abuse painkillers sometimes end up killing themselves. Their drug of choice is potent and because it is prescribed many of them feel it is safe. But the fact is, many people have died by taking overdoses or by mixing drugs and alcohol. Although they may not realize it the first high they got will never be repeated, and it is very elusive. Painkiller abuse is a hard to overcome and in the long run it is as bad as heroin or cocaine. Abusers hinder the prescribing of meds because of strict pain med scrutiny and people with severe pain are under treated. Doctors are under much pressure to follow stiff DEA guidelines when prescribing. I think it is terrible when suffering people are told there is help but they cannot access it because there are laws preventing their relief. I understand that laws are needed, but when people are truly in severe pain, laws mean nothing. Watch your local media and if you see a worthwhile case tell others you know and write to the lawmakers in your community. People should never have to suffer because of another's poor choice or habit. That is my soapbox topic of the year.   


Take care and may peaceful painfree winds fill your sails as you journey on the sea of life. Sincerely,

Kathy aka/ Kwipinky in the fan fiction writing circuit.

I have met many new writers because of my fanfiction writing too. They are nice people and have helped me very much. 

I also would like to recommend everyone check out Eric Phillips RSD information (click here http://www.rsdinfo.com)  site. It has tremendous amount of information that covers just about any question one might have about rsd. Check it out.

There is a new chat forum on the net. Check it out, you can chat with others and it can help you find out about procedures, medication, and treatments. Or just chat with folks who know about RSD and its results. Check it out! 

Click this link to go there: Brain Talk Forum






Send mail to kwp75@aol.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2000 Rsd A Patient's Perspective
Last modified: May 31, 2002