May 27, 2013
The Joyous Cosmology
Now Playing: Justice label mix-CDR
Review by Patrick Lundborg It is a pleasure to observe the continuing interest in Psychedelia around the world, the latest sign of which is a new edition of one of the early classics, Alan Watts' The Joyous Cosmology. Originally published in 1962 this has been out of print for decades, while the interest in Watts shows no signs of declining; on the contrary. During the 2000s, Watts has become probably the second most sampled voice heard on psychedelic ambient and downbeat electronica tracks (after the omnipresent Terence McKenna). Watts' thoughts, and the Joyous Cosmology in particular, was also a primary source text for my recent book Psychedelia, as will be shown below. Prior to that, a bit of background on the great man. With a mind both open and agile, Alan Watts (1915-1973) examined a wide range of esoteric traditions. The fruits of his studies he passed on to curious Westerners in a variety of formats, beginning with radio shows in California, but also through books, lectures and recordings. The latter produced the now-legendary 1962 LP This Is IT which today is considered a vital prototype for the eruption of psychedelic pop culture in the mid-'60s. At the time Watts' interest in psychedelic drugs was at its peak, and he diligently experimented with the major hallucinogens and observed his reactions. This period of mind expansion was documented in The Joyous Cosmology, a slender volume which stands as Watts' most important work today, and a given inclusion in a library of psychedelic source texts. The Joyous Cosmology resembles Huxley's The Doors Of Perception to some degree, and the classic work of Watts' fellow British ex-patriate may have served as inspiration for his ruminations. While comparisons aren't entirely meaningful, one might observe that Watts' conclusions are just as useful as Aldous Huxley's, perhaps even more useful from the perspective of a modern reader. Watts contemplated the psychedelic state for a longer and more variable time than his colleague, allowing him to formulate viewpoints that are less anecdotal and less private. At the same time, Watts' intelligent and slightly trickerish personality is much in evidence throughout the book, and his substantial training in the spiritual traditions of the East clearly allowed him to accept the often ambiguous and contradictory flow of psychedelic cognition. If at certain turns the LSD experience seems to reveal itself as meaningless, then so be it; so, too, does the Buddhist path at some points in that journey. Watts' conclusions on the psychedelic state and the workings of the mind are valuable, but he is equally able to drill down into the here and now of a trip through Innerspace. His detailed recollection of listening to classical music on LSD is one of the very best replications of the strange state of confusion and euphoria, and melancholy and brilliance, and numerous other moods that one experiences during the trip. It works as an excellent chapter for non-acidheads to find out what it's like to be on LSD, and it also proves that psychedelic trips can be described in words, despite some people's claims. The Joyouos Cosmology was a significant source text for me when developing the psychedelic philosophy described in my book Psychedelia--An Ancient Culture, A Modern Way Of Life (2012). Watts' readiness to discuss the hallucinogen trip as a spiritual experience in itself, rather than as a metaphor or gateway into something else, offers a useful model in general terms, but there was also a direct, specific influence. What Watts ultimately found in his LSD and psilocybin trips was the notion that life could be approached as purposeless play. As I point out in Psychedelia this phrase comes from John Cage, but Watts appropriated it for his own purposes. What he seems to mean is that the quest into the essence of psychedelic ideation does not produce a distinct answer about existence in the traditional Western scientific sense; it is more like a cat chasing its own tail. Yet there is great joy and stimulation in the psychedelic activities, and Watts finds in this a satisfactory result of the series of trips he took. It could be described as a Taoist-like position, and falls well in line with Watts' overall spiritual orientation. The phrase 'purposeless play' also works as a bridge across traditions otherwise far apart. As discussed in Psychedelia, the way Watts phrases his conclusion is reminiscent of ideas presented by the German phenomenologist Eugen Fink, who in the notion of 'play' found an acceptable representation of a metaphysical conundrum otherwise out of reach for the human reasoning mind. When engaged in 'play' we are able to come closer to the actual nature of the world than through any other activity, according to Fink. Further aspects on the matter are discussed in my book, to which I refer for a complete explication of this psychedelic philosophy (or psychedelic phenomenology). Suffice it to say that Watts' book provided me with one of the key pieces when putting together the large psychedelic puzzle presented in Psychedelia. Most appropriately, I was engaged in a discussion about Alan Watts and this very book just the other day, when being interviewed for an upcoming podcast about psychedelic culture. Alan Watts and The Joyous Cosmology have always been held in high regard among psychedelicists, yet one might argue that its full potential as a canonical work hasn't yet been properly realized. To this end, this new edition from New World Library appears perfectly on cue, beautifully designed and given an updated context in a new introduction by noted psychedelic researcher Daniel Pinchbeck. The original foreword by Tim Leary & Dick Alpert, written when the two were unknown researchers at Harvard Psych, is retained and shows the reader how much, and how little, psychedelic culture has changed in 50 years.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 23:46 MEST
Updated: May 28, 2013 20:27 MEST
May 14, 2013
Let's Have A Luau
Now Playing: Paul Page
I finally found some spare time to go through and file the stacks of books, records and paraphernalia I've assembled over the past year. One thing that I've only given a cursory look before is this rather wonderful songbook featuring the late, great Paul Page. There is a paragraph or so in the Psychedelia book devoted to Page, who was one of the most persistent and unswerving visionaries in the field of Exotica. Although he couldn't really sing he wrote plenty of songs paying tribute to the Polynesian islands and the Pacific Ocean, and recorded many of them for his self-released albums, using top-notch Hawaiian session men for backing. Page elegantly solved the problem of his non-vocal ability by adopting a half-spoken, half-sung style much like Eden Ahbez, who may in fact have inspired him. Paul Page has become a cult name among Exotica aficionados today, and rightly so. While no drugs except maybe Coconut Rum were involved, an album such as The Reef Is Calling transports the listener to a beatiful, joyous, inviting place, just like Eden's Island, and like much of the best psychedelia.
Paul Page is also discussed at some length in the Exotica 'Special Feature' in the Acid Archives Second Edition.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 21:59 MEST
Updated: May 14, 2013 22:03 MEST
May 1, 2013
Psychedelia on the air
Now Playing: Bolder Damn
After connecting with noted writer/researcher Erik Davis a couple of months back, Erik invited me to appear on his recurring radio show on PRN, The Expanding Mind. Together with his co-host we spent an hour discussing the psychedelic experience and psychedelic culture based on topics raised in my book. I am not too experienced with live Q & A situations but I think it came out fairly well. You can hear the whole thing here: http://prn.fm/2013/04/21/expanding-mind-modern-psychedelia-042113/#axzz2S4fubZnk As I mentioned to Erik, some of his writings from the early 2000s had inspired me, since he managed too understand the field of psychedelic research while still analyzing it objectively, a much-needed and surprisingly rare position. Many of you reading this probably already know who Erik is, if not I urge you to check some of his writings out.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 23:16 MEST
April 30, 2013
The real Woodstock nation
Now Playing: Ricky Miller "Meet Ricky Miller"
These were going round back in 1983 -- look familiar?
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 21:38 MEST
April 17, 2013
Dear Albert
It was 70 years ago today Albert Hofmann taught the world to play
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 23:28 MEST
April 15, 2013
Interview with Shindig magazine
Now Playing: Ishq "Orchid"
The hip faces at Shindig! magazine are launching a snazzy web presence which, among other things, includes a long interview with yours truly, waxing irresponsibly on dangerous and illegal substances. Thanks to Jeff Penczak who not only read my Psychedelia book (see review at Ptolemaic), but took the time to contemplate and raise a number of highly valid questions within its domains. Here's Jeff & me: http://www.shindig-magazine.com/Patrick-Lundborg.html
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 22:12 MEST
Updated: April 15, 2013 22:38 MEST
April 5, 2013
The A-Z index
Now Playing: http://www.psyradio.org/
Seems the time is right for another round with the A-Z index for the Psychedelia book. As indicated in the book (contents page) we decided to put the index online rather than having to expand the already sizable tome with another 32 pages. This is the more eco-friendly solution! Here's the index as it looks today, from Aaronson to Zukav: http://www.lysergia.com/Psychedelia/AZindex_Psychedelia_PatrickLundborg.pdf The new version is considerably expanded vs the earlier one. You can either use the PDF as a digital file stored online/tablet PC/smartphone, or you can print a hardcopy and insert it into your copy of the Psychedelia book. I feel that this post does not conform well to the ideals of Purposeless Play. Perhaps this image can offer some compensation:
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 00:01 MEST
April 2, 2013
MOJO working
Now Playing: The 49 Minute Technicolor Dream (Bam Caruso)
Inside my Easter Egg was a special surprise gift in the form of a rather friendly review of Psychedelia in the mighty Mojo magazine. I didn't see this coming but maybe I should have, in view of their helpful support for the self-published and obscure Acid Archives book long ago.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 19:12 MEST
Updated: April 2, 2013 21:19 MEST
March 31, 2013
Easter Everywhere !
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 00:42 MEST
March 28, 2013
Exhibition of drug-influenced art
Sous influences, arts plastiques et psychotropes 15 février - 19 mai 2013A French connection tipped me off about this rather sizable exhibition of art created under the influence of drugs, including plenty of psychedelics. I won't make it there but secured a copy of the catalog which displays a large number of very interesting works from famous and less famous artists of the past 150 years (the catalog is in French). The venue is "The Red House" in Paris:
la maison rouge 10 boulevard de la bastille 75012 paris france http://lamaisonrouge.org/spip.php?article911&date=venir Featured artistes: Adel Abdessemed ( 1971 ) , Pablo Amaringo ( 1943-2009) , Antonin Artaud ( 1876- 1948) , Art Orienté Objet ( 1991 ) , Jean-Baptiste Audat ( 1950) , Aurèle ( 1963) , Martine Balata & René Jullien (1947 et 1947), Edson Barrus (1961), Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960- 1988), Charles Baudelaire (1821 - 1867), Hans Bellmer (1902- 1975), Bruno Botella (1976), Lilian Bourgeat (1970), Tania Brassesco & Lazlo Passi-Norberto (1986 and 1984), Jean-Louis Brau (1930- 1985), Nathalie Brevet_Hughes Rochette (1976 and 1975), Mathieu Briand (1972), David Brognon & Stéphanie Rollin (1978 et 1980), Jiri Černický (1966), les Frères Chapuisat (1972 et 1976), Jean-Philippe Charbonnier (1921 -2004), Jean-Martin Charcot (1825- 1893), Larry Clark (1943), Lucien Clergue (1934), Jean Cocteau (1889- 1963), François Curlet (1967), Luc Delahaye (1962), Hélène Delprat (1957), Jeroen de Rijke & Willem De Rooij (1969 et 1970-2006), Hervé Di Rosa (1959), Léo Dohmen (1929- 1999), Jean Dupuy (1925), Miguel Egaña (1952), Erró (1932), Esther Ferrer (1937), Robert Filliou (1926- 1987), Henri Foucault (1954), Michel François (1956), Alberto Garcia-Alix (1956), Nan Goldin (1953), Raymond Hains (1926-2005), Gary Hill (1951), Damien Hirst (1965), Carsten Höller (1961), Irvin Penn (1917-2009), les Iconoblastes, Mati Klarwein (1932-2002), David Kramer (1963), Yayoi Kusama (1929), Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux (1950), Joris Lacoste (1973), Isabelle Le Minh (1965), Jean- Jacques Lebel (1936), Pierre Leguillon (1969), Claude Lévêque (1953), Guy Limone (1958), EliLotar (1905- 1969), Robert Malaval (1937- 1980), Alberto Martini (1876- 1954), Batan Matta (1943- 1976) , Philippe Mayaux (1961), Fiorenza Menini (1970), Henri Michaux (1899- 1984), Takashi Murakami (1963), Youssef Nabil (1972), Helio OIticica (1937- 1980), Nam June Paik (1932-2006), Frédéric Pardo (1944-2005), Antoine Perpère (1949), Francis Picabia (1879- 1953), Gabriel Pomerand (1926- 1972), Daniel Pommereulle (1937-2003), Frédéric Post (1975-), Markus Raetz (1941), Arnulf Rainer (1929), Martial Raysse (1936), Eugène Richards (1944), Gianfranco Rosi , Ben Russell (1976), Bernard Saby (1925-1975), Bryan Lewis Saunders (1969), Jeanne Susplugas (1974), Fred Tomaselli (1956), herman de vries (1931), Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz (1885- 1939), Pierre Leguillon (1969), Tony Bouilhet
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 21:35 MEST
Updated: March 28, 2013 21:44 MEST
March 19, 2013
Brotherhood Of The Screaming Abyss
Now Playing: Velvet Underground "Who Loves The Sun"
As I mentioned in the earlier post about Terence McKenna and his legacy, Terence's brother Dennis has written a book about their shared past, titled "Brotherhood Of The Screaming Abyss" (2012). I'm going to lame out in terms of doing a formal review, there are plenty of such at amazon.com anyway. While checking out the amazon feedback, be sure to read the few negative or lukewarm comments, as they bring up a couple of vital points one needs to know before diving into the book. http://www.amazon.com/Brotherhood-screaming-abyss-Dennis-McKenna/dp/0878396365/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1363650673&sr=1-1&keywords=brotherhood+of+the+screaming+abyss Subtitled "My Life With Terence McKenna" the book gives the impression of being the story of their shared experiences over the decades, the hallucinogenic aspects in particular. The initial marketing suggested that the book would reveal lots about Terence and the experiment at La Chorrera that wasn't previously known, which certainly had me interested enough to drop $100 in the Kickstarter offering plate. Having read the book, I think both marketing and subtitle are misleading; it's basically a book about Dennis McKenna, with some chapters about his brother. It is by no means a biography of Terence McKenna, and its value for someone writing such a biography is surprisingly limited. We never get inside Terence's head, in fact we barely come close enough to look into his eyes, and despite a number of previously undocumented details, the book reads like someone trying to describe an old childhood friend who they fell out of touch with long ago. The bulk of the book, however, does not deal with Terence at all, but rather with the McKenna family, including uncles and grandgrand parents, and with Dennis academic career. It's not sufficient to be interested in Terence McKenna to get some milage out of this book--you need to be interested in Dennis McKenna. Due to his lifelong involvement with psychedelic plants, I am personally interested in Dennis McKenna, but I think the vast majority of prospective readers have this book on their radar screen because of the Terence factor, and this difference is why I feel unfit to review it properly. I will say this though; Dennis trip report from an ayahuasca session in Brazil is one of the best and commendably detailed I have read in quite some time. And it's interesting to note that he remains ambivalent about the La Chorrera experience, dismissing it as "nonsense" at one point, yet clearly unable to let go of the old experiment and its ideas.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 01:53 MEST
Updated: March 19, 2013 01:55 MEST
March 14, 2013
Terrascope review
Now Playing: Rick Saucedo LP
Terrascope on-line, the digital mutation of the renowned psychedelic publication Ptolemaic Terrascope, recently published the longest and most detailed review of Psychedelia so far. Kudos to reviewer Jeff Penczak for his commitment to the task, which led to an excellent understanding of several vital aspects to the book. "...by addressing almost every walk of life, Lundborg has in effect created The New Psychedelic Bible... an early candidate for Book of The Year, one which I will return to often to feed my head, re-energise my mind, and rejuvenate my consciousness." Right on! Here's the whole Terrascope trip.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 23:07 MEST
March 12, 2013
"Psychedelia" reviewed at Psypress
Now Playing: Donovan "Jersey Thursday"
The fine Psypress website has been going for several years now, and I recall promoting it back in my Eternal Now daze. It's been expanded with several contributors and a professional look, while the contents feature a mix of academia and lysergic anarchy that I enjoy. An illuminated review of the Psychedelia book appeared in late February, courtesy Henrik Dahl. Check it out! "...an impressive and highly enjoyable contribution to the expanding field of psychedelic literature."
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 23:25 MEST
March 4, 2013
McKenna reconsidered
Now Playing: Terence McKenna "Tryptamine Consciousness" (1982)
A dozen years after his untimely death, our perception of Terence McKenna is still up in the air, still very much in a formative stage. Very little has changed in the way Terence is revered (frequently) and criticized (rarely). His person and work are treated as though he was still alive, an impression no doubt strengthened by how hundreds of his hypnotic lectures are broadcast around the globe 24 hours every day. In addition, no new figure-head has emerged within the field to extend, update or replace St Terence's gospel. For reasons like these, the psychedelic underground has clung to the McKenna that he himself designed and presented, with very little in terms of clarification or questioning. When Terence's brother Dennis in 2011 announced via Kickstarter that he was embarking on a book project that would tell the "actual" story of his life with Terence, including unknown details about the La Chorrera experiment, the excitement was obvious. Many people including myself contributed to the funding of Dennis' writing project, which reached fruition via the book Brotherhood Of The Screaming Abyss published in late 2012--amusingly, very close in time to Terence's famously prophesized 'end of history'. Prior to this, updates leaked out from the ongoing project, most notably via an Esalen Institute event that was also podcast at the Psychedelic Salon in July 2012. The fallout from the sharing of this book excerpt and the related conclusions drawn by presenter Bruce Damer were more dramatic than those involved may have expected. Many psychedelicists popped up to comment on the information revealed, some notably hurt or even incredulous. While this response may not have been the main reason, the most crucial paragraph was ultimately removed from Dennis McKenna's finished book. In other words, this information can only be gathered from the Esalen event and the subsequent debate. Even this podcast was temporarily removed from the internet, but it is now available again, presumably without any editing of 'sensitive' passages. So what, precisely, caused this brouhaha? Here is what Dennis McKenna wrote and later removed from his book manuscript: "Terence's pivotal existential crisis came abruptly. Sometime in '88 or '89. Everything that happened after that event was fallout. I don't know exactly when it happened and I don't know exactly what happened. I am piecing it together from what Kat has told me and she has volunteered few details and I am reluctant to probe. It happened when they were living for a time on the Big Island and it was a mushroom trip they shared that was absolutely terrifying for Terence. It was terrifying because, for some reason, the mushroom turned on him. The gentle, wise, humorous mushroom spirit that he had come to know and trust as an ally and teacher ripped back the facade to reveal an abyss of utter existential despair. Terence kept saying, so Kat told me, that it was, "a lack of all meaning, a lack of all meaning." And this induced panic in Terence and probably, I speculate, a feeling that he was going mad. He couldn't deal with it. Kat's efforts to reassure him were fruitless. After that experience, he never again took mushrooms and he took other psychedelics such as DMT and Ayahuasca only on rare occasions and with great reluctance."
Those well familiar with Terence McKenna's career will appreciate the loaded nature of this revelation. In case one fully does not realize the implications of it, Esalen speaker Bruce Damer goes to some length to high-light how Terence's terrifying shroom trip affects the impression of his last decade. What has upset and troubled many Terence fans is the realization that while the man travelled around the world advocating the use of 'heroic dose' psilocybin trips for crowds of thousands, he himself had been scared so badly by a mushroom trip that he gave up shrooms altogether. And this double book-keeping went on for 10 years. Privately Terence would question the value of his teachings and his role, but in public there is no notable shift whatsoever in his message before the terrifying trip in the late '80s, and after it. A person with a critical mindset could draw strongly negative conclusions from this, and even through the most benign lense, it is a troubling revelation. But there is another aspect to this recent information that I personally find more troubling than the masquerade that has caused Terence fans to feel confused or betrayed. From a few additional comments made at the Esalen gathering, it appears that the theme of Terence's dramatic bad trip dealt with his emotional involvement with other people, a private conundrum which brother Dennis in his book traces back to an event involving their father in Terence's childhood. While charming and extrovert in his role as a bardic performer, Terence apparently strove to avoid any deeper private relationships, and the mushroom 'spirit' (or his own subconscious) presumably took him to task for this unfulfilled aspect of his life. This would be a fairly typical admonition towards self-improvement to receive under psychedelics, and any experienced psychedelicist--and this would certainly include Mr McKenna--knows that there's nothing to do but roll with the punches when you're getting roughed up for your shortcomings as a human being. Yet it seems that Terence could not accept or handle this one, and instead he did the classic beginners mistake of rejecting the warning message. Rejection, denial or other defensive responses will unfailingly trigger the negative spiral of a bad trip, at the end of which one may find an existential abyss like the one described above. The crucial point of this scenario isn't that Terence had a bad trip, but that he couldn't handle the criticism that Innerspace levelled at him. Such a reaction is not something you would expect to find in a person with 25+ years of heavy psychedelic trips behind him. The psychodynamic cleansing of inner wardrobes and private skeletons is something you tend to deal with at the beginning of the psychedelic career, not towards the end. The question being raised, and this is what troubles me, is whether Terence McKenna had gone through all his psychedelic adventures without ever actually facing an inner confrontation of personality, defenses and hang-ups that is crucial to further spiritual growth on the path of the trip. Is it even possible to chew down 5 grams of dried Cubensis for two decades and never having to pass the rough crash course in self-improvement referred to as 'Gnothi Seauton [Know Thyself] 101' in the Psychedelia book? Terence McKenna repeatedly rejected LSD due to what he called its 'abrasively psychoanalytic' nature. I never quite understood what he meant, but the new information from brother Dennis & co suggests that what Terence referred to was not some intrinsic flaw in LSD, but rather that the acid kept bringing him to doors that he was not interested in opening. To whatever degree these things can be generalized, it seems that LSD per se offers a structured progression in which the psycho-dynamic baggage must be dealt with in order to reach further heights, or else it will be a meaningless experience of funny colors, emotional stalemate, or even a bad trip. The beloved Psilocybin and DMT however, while they insist on self-improvement just as strongly, will still offer plenty for the mind to work with, even if the door to Gnothi Seauton 101 remains closed. The Mushroom Voice ('the Logos') and the various entities will still be there and happy to impart wisdom and dialogue which has no bearing on the inner emotional imbalances of the tripper: even without cleansing there will be a show. And Terence, the self-confessed 'vision freak', was all about the impersonal presentations in Innerspace, from the sight of gigantic spaceships to conversations with little elfs about the future of language. Is it possible that someone, a person of a brilliant mind, could spend 25 years in the farther reaches of Innerspace and never once face the forceful demands on inner cleansing and self-improvement? If this was the case with Terence McKenna, and it does seem to match the new insights that have emerged, then a plate loaded with food for thought has just been served. Not just concerning the man himself and the nature of his personality, but also about the long-term relationship between psychedelicists and Innerspace, the supposed aquisition of wisdom from these experiences, and the possible need for a more directed or explicit model for beginning acidheads. It is vital to go through Gnothi Seauton 101, the earlier the better, and the longer you try to evade it, the harsher it will ultimately become. As Terence McKenna seems to have learned the hard way.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 17:13 CET
Updated: March 4, 2013 21:21 CET
March 3, 2013
Magic mushroom advise
Now Playing: Trees "Garden Of Jane Delawney"
This subject recently came up elsewhere and reminded me of something that was scheduled for inclusion in the Psychedelia book, but dropped in the final editing. It addresses a familiar problem that anyone home-growing mushrooms will face; which is the wildly uneven ratios of psilocybin and psilocyn in different 'flushes' (harvests). Not only that, but even within one flush there will be large differences in how potent the individual shroom specimens are. This inserts an unwanted element of hazard into the sacred mushroom culture. You simply cannot be sure what the right dosage is, and once you've made the decision and chewed the little devils down, there is little in the way of turning back. However, there is a way to handle this dilemma which is particularly fitting for those handling larger volumes of psilocybian matter. As follows... To work around the dosage problem that is inevitably there with mushrooms, do as follows; first cut and grind the entire stash into a pile of tiny, crumb-size pieces, and mix and turn the pile over thoroughly. Using appropriate household tools, you then stuff these ‘mushroom crumbs’ into clear plastic capsules, preferrably 00 size. Make sure that each capsule is jam-packed with shroom. You now have a number of psilocybin capsules of (statistically) identical strength. To determine what that strength is, you eat one of the capsules, i e: you take a trip. Prepare yourself carefully for the experience, as always. Take note of the effects during the trip, i e; how stoned am I? After coming down, you should be able to judge whether you need 1, 2 or 3 capsules to get the high you desire, and the dosage will be the same each time. The larger batches you use, the more advantage you will have of this method. The capsules are also convenient for long-time storage in the freezer.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 22:35 CET
Updated: March 3, 2013 22:36 CET
February 27, 2013
Four star review
Now Playing: "Saucerful Of Secrets" mono mix
The enthusiastic reviews keep pouring in, not least so from England where Psychedelia has always been a popular underground activity. Record Collector magazine delivered a well-written comment with a nice Monty Python undertone to it. Thanks chaps. And now...
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 21:55 CET
February 24, 2013
Shindig magazine review
Now Playing: Derby della Madonnina
Thanks to Shindig magazine and Richard Allen in particular for the positive review of the Psychedelia book in the latest issue (February 2013). A "Golden Bough" for acidheads is much better than any of the PR lines I've come up with.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 20:38 CET
February 20, 2013
Support from a legend
Now Playing: "Drive, He Said"
Veteran researcher and psychedelic role model Ralph Metzner gives the Psychedelia book a powerful push in his newsletter, which goes out to many hallucinogenic big-wigs around the world. Thanks Ralph!
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 00:12 CET
February 10, 2013
Psychedelia matters! (new Pop Matters review)
Now Playing: Byrds "Eight Miles High"
The hip website 'Pop Matters' delivered a long, serious and very useful review of the Psychedelia book, rating it as 'damn good' while making several sharp observations. "... a solid resource on what’s been too often left for silly flights of fancy or sophomoric pronouncements an ephemeral topic. Lundborg, as a diligent tour guide through psychedelia in theory and practice, keeps moving forward in time and space. But like his swirling subject, he cannot help pursuing byways, tracking trains of thought, and wandering off on rewarding detours..." Much appreciated. Read John L Murphy's entire review here.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 17:33 CET
January 24, 2013
New York radio and Jungle television
Now Playing: Midwest vs Canada '60s garage comp
A radio station in upstate New York have begun reading the entire Psychedelia book over the air, in 10-minute instalments each week! One of the more unusual and thrilling forms of feedback we have received so far. Earlier this month saw a brief mention of the book (+photo) in The Wire, who hopefully will come back with a complete review later on. While waiting for that, I took the time to scan and re-format an old brochure on ayahusaca preparation which I picked up several years ago. It's professionally produced and obviously knowledgable, and has served me well. I shortened it a bit, but all the vital data needed to cook your own 'spirit elixir' is there. You can spot some of my handwritten comments, I left these in for a personal touch. I had intended to included this recipe in the Psychedelia book, but the text was simply too long to fit into a footnote, so here it is instead. Turn on the stove, stir up the brew and kick back with what Jeremy Narby calls 'jungle television'.
Posted by Patrick at Lysergia
at 00:35 CET
Updated: January 28, 2013 23:01 CET
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