Well these pages are my attempt at getting the entire show up here, so here goes... (I was trying to add some stage directions but I honestly can't remember what was happening all of the time on stage... so, if you run across a part you think should have anything please let me know)
Okay, I'm in the process of actually getting this part of the site completed, (it's almost done, but I will hopefully be adding more of the stuff cut from the show Pre-Broadway) so here's what you need to know in order to understand everything.:
Also, I've broken each act up into several pages because loading the whole page with pictures and all was annoyingly (umm... that is probably not a word, but you know what I mean) long to load. So each page picks up where the last one left off (duh!!) and if you are just looking for specific lines just go to the song that comes before it and you will find them. Does all of this make sense? I hope so!!!