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Mirage's Australian Aviation Outlook

Flight Lieutenant Bruce Horace ANDERSON 260770

Squadrons: 24 Sqn, 75 Sqn

Date of Birth: 24th October 1916
Birthplace: Sydney NSW
Occupation: Bank Clerk
Enlistment Date: 4th May 1940
Place of Enlistment: Mascot NSW

06 Jan 42 -Intercepted nine Kawanishi "Emily" flying boat bombing Vunakanau at 12,000ft. Anderson succeeded in engaging one of the flying boats. He made a climbing rear attack and closed to within 300 yards. In a determined though vain pursuit he fired all his ammunition without apparent damage to the aircraft, which returned his fire from the dorsal gun. Cloud cover for the enemy and failing light prevented any combat from the other three Wirrawys scrambled. Though unsuccessful, Anderson had achieved the distinction of being the first fighter pilot to engage in air to air combat with a Japanese aircraft in the South-West Pacific. 20 Jan 42 - Taking off to intercept a raid on Rabaul his engine failed and he crash landed, this prevented him from being massacred when the squadron tried to defend Rabual against Japanese fighters. Mar 42 - Posted to 75 Sqn from 24 Sqn as a Flight Lieutenant. 22 Mar 42 - Flying Kittyhawk A29-16 strafe bombers parked at Lae. Aircraft is noted as lagging behind and crashes six miles south west of  Lae. Anderson is killed in action.

Seek & Strike - David J Wilson
Aircrew Losses Part 5 - 1942 - WB Yeats
Australian War Memorial - Nominal Roll

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