
Origin Of the Mullet

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Types of Mullets

There are many different types of mullets, almost to many to name her is a list of just a couple different mullets.


The Fe-Mullet-This one I don't really understand. I mean why do females get there own mullet. This mullet is characterized by a female having short hair on top and long hair in back. This is a rather common hair cut among middle(40-50) aged women.


The MulletKid- This has to be the worst one bay far. This a blatant display of neglect to the child. In this mullet a child is cruelly given the long in the business in the front party in the back look. In my opinion judicial action should be taken in these instances. No child deserves that kind of punishment. I mean if OJ can get of scotch free then this poor child should be too.


The Skullet- This mullet is usually on older(55+) men who are sporting the chrome dome on top. The mullet is generally characterized by no hair on top and long usually grey hair.


The Camaro Cut- This one was popular back in the seventies when muscle cars were the big thing. It was dubbed this by the "cool kids" kids who drove around in the Camaro and had the "cool" haircut at the time. (now aren't you glad the pacer and the dart never got really popular like that)


The Midget-Mullet- This by far has to be the funniest looking mullets on God's green earth. Who ever would have thought it would be so great to see a "little person" walking around the street with a mullet. It's cool enough to see a midget but a midget with a mullet. That is just awesome. (This would be one exception were I would approve of a mullet)


The Business in the Front; Party in the Back Mullet- is another popular style of mullet. It is most common with the eighties hair band/groupie kind of guy. This is also one of the most untamed style of mullet. It usually has many many snarls in the back from a lack of grooming. While very common its not the most preferable to see.


The Afro-Mullet- Its extremely groomed. Who ever has one is sure to take very good care of there hair. This is the mullet set aside of only the "Chosen Ones". Its curly and almost smoothing looking. There are no sharp edges to be found on this mullet. It is groomed to perfection. It also is a little more disguised then most other mullets. The top is set longer so that they can gain a few more inches in height when its in position. The back is also longer then most mullets because it is usually curly and brought together into a rounded bottom.


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