Topic: Misc.
Congratulations to Bill and Alice on their marriage this weekend. I was privileged to be present to witness their union and tooks some pictures of the occasion. The ceremony took place in a church near Chicester and I was seated near the back with the other gambling scene reprobates. The Camel asked for a price on Alice promising to 'obey'. Action Dave said it was 10 to 1 but declined to lay me anything (he should work for Stan James). Neil said Alice was definitely an obeyer, "except when she's smashing up his Pokerstars account".
In the event, Alice did not offer to obey, but both parties did declare that 'all that I have is yours', so expect lots of FPP transfers in the years to come.
The reception took place in a marquee near Alice's family home. Everyone agreed that Bill's speech had been extremely funny, but hardly anyone could remember much of it. The same applied to Alex who had a hard act to follow after Bill's speech.
Everyone was their usual selves, except for Action Dave, who insists that his action days are behind him. This makes it all the more sad that he got stuck between two single ladies, while I sat next to Neil and Chris Huxtable.
Great weather, great company and a great day. I wish the newlyweds all the happiness in the world.
_ DY
at 11:11 PM BST