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Tuesday, 13 January 2004
Mood:  chatty
Sorry about the lackluster posts, but I really haven't been doing much. Also, the headlines have calmed down a little so I have less new material. I even tried checking the blogs of my friends and family to see if I wanted to comment on anything that anyone had said. However, almost no one had updated their blogs. Those two that had updated them didn't have anything I could comment about.

Today I went to Zales and got the engagement ring I'll be offering my girlfriend. We've been together for 2.25 years and, thankfully, her family loves me. She has nearly every quality I'd want in a wife so I thank God for bringing her into my life when he did. I can't wait until I give it to her, but I have to wait the week left until we see each other again. Even then I have to wait until the perfect time to do it. I can't tell you my plans yet because she reads my blog too, but I'll tell you what I did as soon as I do it.

Goodnight...maybe more tomorrow

Posted by Eric at 2:20 AM EST
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Madonna...look what you've done!
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "Like a Virgin" - Madonna
Topic: News
Well, I was watching the news and apparently here's what has happened as a result of Madonna and Britney's kiss.

These two girls in HS (unless I heard wrong and it's middle school) got inspired by the kiss. They decided that they'd do it in the cafeteria and charge guys $5 to watch each kiss. The school wasn't impressed and decided to expel the girls.

On the one hand I applaud the girls for being enterprenuers. They knew that a lot of people would pay money for it and it doesn't cost anything. On the other hand, I find it disturbing that the girls were prostituting themselves in this manner. This leads me to believe that they don't hold their bodies or sexuality in high regards at all.

Posted by Eric at 1:10 AM EST
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Monday, 12 January 2004
Artwork of the Day
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: "Money" - Pink Floyd
Topic: Artwork

New York As God Sees It
?2003 Eric Mesa @ drop the bomb productions

Enjoy, and for more artwork click on my Binary World link on the left there

A little about this piece: This is the view from the Empire State building. It was shot with a Kodak 2.2 megapixel 3600DX camera. Editing done with Adobe Photoshop 7.0

Posted by Eric at 1:38 AM EST
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Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: "Tangerine Speedo" - Caviar
It's funny that the way we view nudity is affected by the context of the nudity. As one of my instructors used to say, "it's not nudity if it's in National Geographic."

The funny thing is that we see things this way. Let's take, for example a Playboy centerfold. Playboy has a pretty good reputation for having classy photos. Still, it's not quite as classy as having a nude statue or painting in your house. For example, if your religious leader were to walk into your house you would most likely be ashamed if you had a centerfold framed up in the living room, but would feel insulted if they criticized you for having a naked painting or stature in your house.

What's the difference? I think that the only difference is the intention of the person who is purveying the nudity. While a painting and a porno picture may have the exact same content in the artwork, there aren't a lot of people that engage in self-satisfaction over a painting. I think that's the biggest difference.

Of course, I'm not talking about pornography that is truly lewd; things that magazines like Hustler are known for. Those are debasing to women and the human body in general.

However, if you have a picture whose purpose is to glorify and draw attention to the body that God created for us, then I don't see anything wrong with it. Our bodies are beautiful and something that we should be very proud of. If you happen to be affected by the picture or artwork then that's ok. The human body is a magnificent thing and should indeed inspire us in many ways.

Posted by Eric at 1:30 AM EST
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A new day
Mood:  happy
Sorry about my meager posts last night and the content of those posts. I was dealing with some important stuff last night and also I had to wake up early to go to church today and shave because I hadn't shaved in seven days since I don't have to go anywhere during the week where it matters whether I've shaved or not.

Last night's situation is solved and everything is great. A post or two should follow. It's goin to be a mild night because I'm trying to get myself back into getting to bed early so that I won't be so out of whack for when the school year starts up again. So things will be winding down a little. However, compared to some of my friend's blogs, I realized that you guys are pretty lucky if you happen to like to read my blog daily. A lot of people that I know only do it once a week or once every 3 days.

Posted by Eric at 1:18 AM EST
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Sunday, 11 January 2004
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Site Info
This is post number 200!!! Wow, can you believe it? 200 posts!!! I'm not going to do another review like I did at around 100, but just want to say that I've really enjoyed this blog so far. I really love the opportunity that you readers give me to write and get my thoughts out there and knowing that others are reading them. It really helps me to not only formulate my thoughts by writing them down, but to refine them since I know that others will actually be reading them.

Well, 200 posts over....approximately 71 days. That comes out to an average of 2.8 or 3 posts per day. That's not bad. It means that you can usually come here and enjoy at least 20 minutes and maybe even an hour each day of my writing and thoughts. Hehe, that makes me quite happy.

I can't wait for 300!

So, quick reminder - the first day was 2 Nov so go back there if you haven't read everything. I recommend that if you find yourself insanely bored for a few hours to go back to the beginning and read through again. And this time provide comments! q;o) Because I love comments.

Ok, the next post will be a Bible one unless there's nothing to write about in the particular passage. If I don't do that, then that's it for today (most likely) and I'll see you tomorrow.

Posted by Eric at 3:24 AM EST
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check your email!!!
Mood:  sad
What do you do when you've poured your heart out in an email and want to make sure that the recipient reads it? If you have a blog that you know that they check, you tell them in that blog to check their emails so that they can know how you feel. So everyone else ignore what's next.

So, it's 2:21am Sunday morning and I just sent you an email. You know who you are for we just had a discussion that facillitated the need for the email. It took me half an hour to get everything out of my head onto that electronic ether so that I could get it to you. Please take the time to read it and take a peak into my mind. Just in case there was some hiccup in the email system I'll also be forwarding a copy to your school email.

Posted by Eric at 1:58 AM EST
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just a quick post
Mood:  sad
I just wanted to get something in rather quick. I'm going to be busy most of the day tomorrow so I won't be able to make a post. Still, I didn't want to have another day without a post. If I get a chance I'll write more later.

Posted by Eric at 1:26 AM EST
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Saturday, 10 January 2004
Search Words, just one more time....
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Site Info
I don't plan to do this all the time, but the words people used to get here ballooned compared to yesterday and I'm not quite sure why. So here they are:

The Following had one person each
28. hindman - I don't even remember writing this word....
27. earl - is this from when I wrote about National Security?
26. girls - I'm not sure I want to know what they were looking for when my site came up...
25. improvements - hmm....does this demonstrate how useless meta crawlers can be?
24. streaking - whoever followed this here was probably dissapointed...also, I wrote about this quite a long time ago
23. get - hmm...useless word to search if you ask me
22. pictures - good wiht my artwork
21. clearly - someone would search this word? They must have been doing like my and typing random words...
20. 4
19. with - another silly word to search
18. camel - probably from a bit of scripture
17. cause
16. city
15. mooning - another thing I wrote about a long time ago
14. sitcom
13. death - probably due to my Star Wars post
12. seen
11. face
10. rid - strange word to be searching...
9. home
8. sim
7. neighbor's - this is from the one about my mom
6. toe - when did I write this word?!?
5. this

The Following had two people each
4. cannons
3. parabolas - obviously 3 and 4 are related
2. the

This one had 3 people
1. of - OF?!?! they search the word OF? and the fact that it led 3 people here is kinda ridiculous

Well, no matter how you got here, I'm glad you came and hope you come back often! I have a post nearly every day!! (It's been every day except one since I went on vacation)

Posted by Eric at 4:27 AM EST
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Artwork of the Day
Mood:  happy
Topic: Artwork

?2003 Eric Mesa @ drop the bomb productions

Enjoy, and for more artwork click on my Binary World link on the left there

A little about this piece: This picture is of a Hockey Game at Cornell University. It was shot with a Kodak 2.2 megapixel 3600DX camera. No editing was done except maybe some cropping

Posted by Eric at 4:05 AM EST
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